Pov the babies are sick

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Y/n's pov

We finally got to bring the twins home when they were a month old, they are basically the size of normal healthy newborns. They're so cute, and I love them so much.

"Bird, how long are you planning to just stare at them while they sleep?" Christopher asks, coming up behind me.

"I'm making sure that they're okay, and I'm bored," I say. "There's not much I can do right now, I want to go back to work."

"You are supposed to rest a little more," he says. "Just relax a bit, thee tins are perfectly fine."

"I know," I say. "I've just never had a small baby to take care of."

"Do not forget about me," Kasumi says coming over to us. "I am the first kid, the girl, the best, a princess. Those two are just my subordinates."

"Well obviously," I laugh. "I can already picture it, the moment they can walk and understand basic words they'll be off serving you."

"As they should," she says. "I outrank then on every single level, height, intelligence, beauty, the list goes on."

"Of course you do," Christopher laughs picking her up.

"Now, I've been meaning to ask another question," Kasumi says. "Is mom still pregnant?"

"Are you calling me fat?" I question. "I'm not fat, Christopher am I really that fat?"

"You are not fat," he says. "Kasumi's not calling you fat, don't worry."

"Well I'm not calling her skinny," she says.

"I will feed you to the twins," I threaten. "Then they'll grow big and strong and never ever know about their big sister."

"Oh yeah, well I'll feed you to the twins first then they'll grow small and scrawny like you. They will never ever know about their mom because... because you'll be eaten."

"No one is eating anyone, there is no way the twins could eat Bird," Christopher says.

"Wow, so now you're calling my mom too fat to be able to be eaten?" Kasumi asks. "What kind of guy are you? You're mean, she's gonna cry."

"He's not calling me fat..." I pause. "Are you?"

"No, I am not calling anyone here fat," Christopher says. "Kasumi, don't say things like that, do you want to have to spend the night in the bathtub with me?"

"I'm just joking," she says. "Oh my god, the twins are waking up!"

"They were not," I say. "Not until you yelled like that."

"Looks like you better feed them, they're crying now," she says. "They need food water and a pee pad."

"They are not dogs," I say picking up Youta. "They use diapers, speaking of diapers, please go grab two Kasumi."

"Rodger that soon to be housewife," she says before running off.

"I am not going to be a housewife," I say.

"I can't wait for you to be my wife though," Christopher says.

"Can't wait for you to be my househusband," I laugh.

"I love you," he smiles.

"I love you too," I say.

"More than you think, Bird," he says.

"Look at you, getting all sappy and such," I say. "What sparked this?"

"Nothing," he shrugs. "You're just an amazing mother, and I love you. And I want to marry you."

"Well you can wait," I say. "Wait until I look less homeless."

"I don't think you look homeless at all, I think you're beautiful," he says. "How long do I have to wait to marry you?"

"Don't know," I shrug. "I don't want to look beautiful or glowing, I want to be hot. Right now I'm looking like a mom, I need to look like a milf."

"Fine," he says leaning down to kiss me.

"Guys, I don't need any more siblings," Kasumi says. "Kissing makes babies."

"Your mom bite her lip, I was making sure it was okay," he says pulling away. "Don't worry about it, Bee."

"So what, if someone else bites their lip you're gonna do that?" Kasumi asks. "Because you're either going to catch a case of mom's hands. I know what kissing is Bozzo."

This kid man.

"I can kiss her," Christopher says. "And we're not having any more babies, so no need to worry."

"I want a boyfriend," Kasumi says. "Right now."

"No boyfriends yet," I say. "You're too young."

"No, you're too young," she says walking over to hand over the diapers. "I'm just right."

"Yes, of course," Christopher laughs. "You're just right."

"Ah, Christopher," I say handing him Youta. "You're son's crying."

"So he's my son when he's crying?" he asks.

"Yep," I say picking up Ichiro so I can change him. "And this one's mine because he's not crying."

"I think Youta picks up after you," he laughs. "The crying I mean."

"Yeah, well maybe he'll become a murderer to after I kill you," I say. "I'll do it."

"Woah now Bird, I'm just messing with you," he laughs. "I love you."

"All she has to do is tell uncle Waka that you called her ugly and you'll be a dead man," Kasumi says. "Or maybe mom will shoot you."

"Why am I the one dying?" he questions. "And your mom is not going to kill me."

"I don't know, my old mom shot my dad, history might repeat," she shrugs.

"Okay and I think it's time for a nap," I say.

"Boo," she shakes her head.

You may have noticed that I have been unpublishing my stories, pay no mind.


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