Should I make Y/n and Christopher move to the states?

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Y/n's pov

It's hectic in here, like for real, it's crazy. It's packed full of people who all want to see the babies, I mean I can't blame them. Though, I've got no clue where the twins are right now.

"Mom, is it true that the first time you saw me you said that I was an ugly baby?" Kasumi asks hugging my leg.

"Yes, yes that is true," I say. "Because you were."

"Wow, I'm gonna tell dad to divorce you," she says. "I was not an ugly baby, Youta and Ichiro are ugly babies, they're underbaked."

"They are not ugly, they're actually some of the few cute babies I've seen," I say.

"Youta and Ichiro are getting the most attention," she says. "Who am I supposed to get my attention from?"

"Go find Kou, he's too afraid to hold small babies," I say. "You're the perfect size, also, do you know who's holding the twins now?"

"Grandma Nora has Ichiro and dad has Youta," she says.

"That gremlin," I say. "Okay, you go off now I'm gonna steal Youta from your dad now."

"Have fun with that," she says before running off.

Then I went off to find the culprits.

"Oh Bird, I was just looking for you," Christopher smiles. "My mom's been dying to visit with you."

"I was looking for you too," I say.

"Lemme guess, you want Youta?" He laughs. "Two months and you're already picking favourites."

"I am not picking favourites," I say gently taking Youta into my arms. "I love Kasumi and the twins."

"I'm just joking," he says. "Now come see my mom, she's totally enchanted with Ichiro."

I hate any babies that aren't mine, they all deserve to get a diaper rash.

"Hi Nora," I smile. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," she says. "So, how has Christopher been treating you? He better not be leaving you with all the dirty diapers."

"Don't worry, he deals with all the dirty laundry, literally," I say. "He's great, really."

"Just remember that I can be here anytime if you need some alone time with Christopher," she says.

"Mom," Christopher shakes his head. "Please."

"What?" she asks. "I'm just saying, I love the kids."

"Well we'll be sure to come and visit you in the states," I say. "I love it there."

"The boys look so much like you," Nora says. "So cute."

Yes, it's short, yes this story will be choppy because I just want to get it over with.


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