Okay, I'm giving you guys four chapters in including this one today.

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Y/n's pov

The rest of the wedding was fine, and eventually, Christopher came to pick me up, but no without being harassed by Bunny and Azalea. This is why, now, Christopher and I are on our way to the cafe as both Bunny and Azalea insisted that they got a proper introduction.

"I'm sorry that you had to get forced into meeting my crazy friends," I say once he parks the car. "I thought after them seeing you yesterday, they'd be fine."

"Hey, don't worry about it, you've met my friends, it only makes sense that I meet yours too," he smiles. "Plus, it gives us some time to relax before we go back to Japan. Since we have to go back early."

"Yeah," I nod my head. "So it's kinda like a date?"

"No, I plan on taking you out just the two of us for our first official date," he says. "Even though I've taken you on many dates, you just never seemed to get the memo."

"Oh..." I pause. "Let's just forget how completely stupid I was."

"Stupid, far from it, but maybe clueless would be a better word," he laughs. "Now let's head in and see your friends."

"Sounds like a good idea," I say getting out of the car. "Just try to forget anything outlandish that Bunny says, and anything I say under the influence. The influences being Bunny and Azalea."

"Oh I can't wait," he laughs.


"What are your intentions with our Y/n?" Azalea asks as we both sit down. "Drugs, sex, money, a housewife?"

"You buy us milkshakes from this overpriced cafe and you can keep her," Bunny says.

"I heard that," Marigold says. "I wish you still worked here so I could fire you."

"I'll buy you milkshakes and lunch," Christopher says. "So it's a deal?"

"Sold," Bunny says smacking the table. "To the buff guy on Y/n's left."

"You guys can't sell me," I say. "What the hell."

"Well Bunny just did," Azalea says. "So Chris, I'll have a strawberry milkshake with extra whip cream and a cheese and spinach omelette."

"I'll have a vanilla milkshake with a shot of vodka, oh and a club sandwich with extra cheese hold the mayo," Bunny says. "Marigold, you got all that?"

"Elizabeth, that's your job," Marigold says, so she's got another underpaid minor employee... nice.

"And just like that, I'm sold off," I shake my head. "The disrespect, and for some food."

"Oh Bird, don't worry," he says. "I'll buy you some lunch too."

"Haha, very funny," I say. "But don't think that this auction thing means I'm gonna do any dishes at home, chores are for chumps."

"Yes, of course," he laughs. "No chores, I've got it just like always."

"This is so damm wholesome," Bunny says. "Makes me almost forget that just an hour ago I was getting pound-"

"Okay Bunny, just because I had to hear the story, doesn't mean they have to," Azalea says. "So leave it for another time. Plus, poor little Y/n hasn't gotten any d-"

"Oh my god, look food," I say as Elizabeth sets some plates on the table. "Thank you, Elizabeth, keep coming over here when you hear an awkward conversation and I'll leave a good tip."

She nods her head before running back off to the kitchen.

"So, you two met at the work thing, was it love at first sight?" Azalea asks. "Hmm? How was the job thing?"

"My mom set up the interview thing for me because she wanted me to get a good job," Christopher says. "And I wasn't too interested in the job, but apparently I was good enough to make it through the first few stages. And the last one, I guess I just entertained Bird long enough."

"What? The job is fun," I say. "Why weren't you interested in the job in the first place?"

"Because following around a girl all the time didn't seem so fun, so I was gonna ask out this girl I met at the interview waiting room, I talked to her the whole time. And I thought she was the prettiest girl there, Ashley" he says. "But then I ended up getting the job."

"What? What girl?" I ask.

"It's you Bird," he laughs again. "I talked to you the whole time, and the only reason I took the job was that I liked you."

Okay, I'm dumb.

"Oh my god, it was love at first sight," Bunny gushes. "That's so damm cute, and let me guess... Y/n didn't realize your feelings until you explicitly told her, and even then she was stupid."

"More or less," he nods his head.

Yeah, I'm really dumb.

"Hey, I acknowledged that this man over here was hot as fuck from the very beginning," I say. "I mean come on, look at him. And then this one girl, Amelia had the fattest crush on him and I was ready to beat a bitch up."

"Sounds fun," Azalea says. "Now, Christopher, tell us how many times you took her out and told her things like a confession."

"We'll be here for a while," I mutter.

And so he went on, basically telling everything we've ever done together. And it was quite sweet actually.

After that, we went back to the hotel since we had a flight the next day, he helped me finish up one last assignment I had to hand in then I was out like a light. Boom, dead.

Blah blah blah, nothing really important. I didn't get harassed at the airport the next day, so there is no need to worry. I showered did whatever, and then boom fast forward to us back at the apartment after a lovely few days back in Japan.

Get your popcorn.


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