I got Tokyo express because tempura yams are so good

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Y/n's pov

Graduation day mother fucker, also time to tell my dear mother about my relationship.

"Hi mom," I say walking over to the group which consisted of Wakatoshi, Tendo, and William. "And everybody."

"Y/n, you should have left your pet at home," Wakatoshi says.

"I will throw rocks through your window you dumb whore," I say. "I will hurt you, maybe Tendo should've left his pet back in Japan."

"I don't like your boyfriend," he says.

"Yeah but you don't need to call him my pet," I say. "I'm taking away your internet."

"Oh thank god you two are dating," my mom says. "I was starting to think that I would have to force Christopher to confess to you. I mean you're almost twenty, you can't be all alone with a man who just stares at you and loves you, how clueless could you be?"

Says you with William, go off I guess.

"Hey, it's not y fault," I say grabbing onto Christopher's arm. "Anyone who thinks I'm worth waiting for is worth my time."

"Okay, we see you Y/n," Tendo says. "But now we really should get to the ceremony before we miss it."

"Good idea, Mr. Tendo," William nods his head.

"Please, Tendo or Satori is just fine with me," he smiles. "Same with Y/n and Wakatoshi, Satori is fine after all these years."

"Calling you Satori feels like I'm committing a crime," I say.

"Agreed," Wakatoshi says.

"What about when you marry him Wakatoshi?" I ask. "You still gonna call him Tendo?"

"What about when you marry Christopher are you still going to call Satori Tendo?" he asks.

"You're literally the dumbest person I know," I say. "Genuinely, you are really stupid."

"We're gonna be late," Christopher says grabbing my hand. "Come on."

"Ew, do not touch my sister in front of me," Wakatoshi says. "Get a room as the kids say these days."

"You get a room, I'm not doing anything," I say. "I'll post your location on my story so all your American fangirls can harass you."

"Please refrain from doing such a thing," he says.

"Diner on Waktoshi tonight," I say. "He'll pay for it all."

"I can't pay," he says.

"Says the professional volleyball player," I scoff. "You're paying hoe, I know you've got money."

"Okay children," My mom says. "We are going to be late, come along."


"That was very underwhelming if I say so myself," I say as we start taking our seats at the table, in a restaurant. "There's too much hype around graduating."

"Nonsense, the ceremony is by far the most exciting part," my mom says. "Isn't that right William?"

I think my mom drank something during the ceremony, or before.

"That was by far one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life," Wakatoshi says. "I've never been so close to so many squealing girls before, and I was fairly confused."

"That's why you need to practice your English," I say.

"I do not need no English," he says.

"You've been hanging out with Kageyama," I say. "Kinda vile."

"You've been hanging out with Christopher," he says. "And that's kinda vile."

"And what about it?" I ask. "You want him to break up with me?"

"If he breaks up with you I'll break his nose," he says.

"Then why must you drag me?" Christopher asks.

"It's entertaining," he says. "What other reason do I have."

"You should respect your elders, Wakatoshi," I say.

"Oh sibling feuds, how I love them," Tendo says.

"They bicker so much," my mom says. "Too much."

"Christopher is not my elder," he says.

I really love sibling banter.

"Yes, he is, hers more than a year older than you," I say. "He was already walking by the time you were a slobbering newborn. Also, did you do something new with your hair? It looks shinier."

"I woke up the other day with my hair slathered in chocolate," he says. "I'm assuming that is the reason for the shine."

"It was an accident," Tendo says. "I swear."

"What a colourful bunch of people," William says.

"I can't handle them," my mom says. "That's why I'm so happy they have their own person to bother."

"Are you so happy that you have the honour of being the person I bother?" I ask Christopher.

"Just thrilled," he smiles.

I think this story is gonna be maybe max thirty chapters because this is just for people who want Y/n to be with Christopher.


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