I was writing this last night, but I fell asleep while I was doing so

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Y/n's pov

"Hi, Christopher," I say, not bothering to turn to look at him. "How was jersey?"

"Good, boring," he says. "Happy birthday."

"That was yesterday," I say. "It's past midnight, it's not my birthday."

"Well it's yesterday somewhere on the earth," he laughs. "Did you have fun at your party? You don't seem like you drank much."

"I didn't feel like drinking, poor you, I guess," I say. "I know how to use my brain for once in my life."

"You can use your brain, you're very smart," he says. "What's that supposed to mean anyway?"

"It means you can stop trying to let your hand go up my dress," I say shoving his hand away. "And you can stop treating me like I'm stupid too, because like you said, I'm smart."

"I'm sorry I missed your birthday," he says. "I'm really sorry, Bird. Can't you forgive me for that?"

"Yeah, maybe I could forgive you for missing my birthday, but you basically ignored me for a whole week," I say. "You never called me, not once, is it really that hard to just call and say hello?"

"I'm sorry, Bird, I really am," he says. "Let me make it up to you, please. How can I make it up to you."

"I told you not to touch me," I say moving to the edge of my side of the bed, still not looking at him. "Having sex with me is not going to make anything up to me, I do not want you to touch me, at all."

"Bird, I'm sorry," he says again. "I really am, tell me please, what can I do to make it better?"

"Why do you lie to me?" I question.

"Bird, I-," he starts, but I cut him off.

"Why do you lie to me, Christopher?" I ask again. "What did I do?"

"I'm sorry," he says. "I really am, I didn't mean to."

"You didn't mean to go to Florida and stay with your high school girlfriend?" I question. "That just sort of happened right? You acidenrenly got on the wrong plan and went to a different state, because that's totally believable."

"Who told you that?" he asks.

"No one told me that, I found out all on my own," I say. "I knew the whole damm time and every time you lied straight to me."

"I was going to tell you, honest I was," he says placing his hand on my shoulder. "Bird, I'm sorry."

"I told you not to touch me," I say sitting up, finally looking at him. "It's not helping, why the hell was you with your high school girlfriend for a whole week? Why did you lie to me, Christopher?"

"I didn't know what else to tell you, Bird," he says. "I'm sorry."

"You're just sorry that you got caught," I shake my head. "You weren't going to say anything about this, you were just going to come home and act like everything was all good. Act like you didn't just leave me sitting here wondering what I could've done to possibly upset you."

"It's not like I did anything with her," he says. "She's just a friend, kinda, not even a friend anymore, she's an acquaintance. Nothing happened between us."

"I don't care, because even if you did do something there's no way I could possibly even think about leaving you," I say. "And it doesn't matter whether you did or didn't do anything with her, you lied to me."

"I said that I'm sorry about lying," he says. "I just didn't want you to... I don't even know what I was thinking."

"You can tell me these things Christopher," I say. "I tell you everything even when it's hard, you preach about honesty and all this shit but then pull this. You ignore all my texts, I text you all the time letting you know what's up and I get nothing. Hell, I even told you that I was talking to Kei, not that you needed to know."

"See, you still talk to your ex," he says. "Can't we talk about with in the morning?"

"Yeah, and you wanna know what Kei was telling me to do?" I question. "He was talking about how you wouldn't do anything, and that I should never even think about breaking up with you. I doubt that your ex was sitting next to you the whole time telling you to go back to your stupid girlfriend."

"I don't think you're stupid," he says.

"Well, you sure did treat me like I was," I shake my head. "I'll be back in the morning, or sometimes, I don't know."

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"Oh I'm going to Jersey, don't worry, it's gonna be really boring so you shouldn't come with me," I say in a mocking tone as I get off the bed, grabbing a sweatshirt to pull over my head.

"Please Bird, come on," he says. "Don't leave."

"I'm going to Azalea's and Yamaguchi's place, Kei is probably there," I say. "Not that you deserve to know any of that."

"Please Bird, don't go," he says wrapping his arms around me from behind. "I'm sorry, what could I do to make it up to you?"

"Why did you need to see her?" I ask. "So sudden."

"I can't tell you that," he says. "But just trust me, you have nothing to worry about it."

"Let go of me, now," I say. "I can't stand you right now."

"Please Bird," he says. "What can I do to make it up to you? I'll do anything, please."

"Well the only two things I've asked of you, are things you aren't doing," I say. "So what now Christopher?"

"Look, I didn't do anything with her, I would never do anything with any other girl," he says. "I love you, only you, trust me, please."

"You can stop talking to me like you think I'm going to break up with you," I say.

"What? I didn't think you were going to break up with me," he says. "We can work through it."

"Not if you're not going, to be honest with me," I mutter.

"I'll tell you, eventually," he says. "Just trust me on this one, please Bird."

"I trusted you when you said you were going to Jersey," I say. "And all I asked you for was for two things Christopher."

"Please," he says.

"I wanted to know why you needed to see your ex, and I asked you not to touch me," I say shoving him away. "So why can't you just listen to me? Were not doing anything, I'm not stupid enough to have sex with you right now."

"I don't want to have sex right now," he says.

"You did when you got in here," I say grabbing my car keys. "I don't want to talk to you anymore tonight, because I know what's gonna happen."

"What?" he asks.

"If I stay here with you I know we're gonna do something, and I don't want to," I say. "So for now, I'm going. My friend told me it's really not good for me to get really stressed, not healthy."

"For what?" he asks following me to the door.

"If you following me out, I'm breaking up with you," I say. "And I really don't want that for the two of us."

"I don't want that for us either," he says. "Please."

"I wasn't talking about me and you," I say.

"Then who Y/n?" he asks.

"Me and our baby."

Predictions again guys. Also, my internet is being really slow so I know there is a lot of spelling mistakes.


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