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Y/n's pov

So I guess we're just packing this cafe full for this baby shower. Like everyone, my mom, Nora, and all of Christopher's friends flew in. Jesus.

"Oh my god Y/n, it is so nice to see you," Nora says pulling me in for a hug. "I've missed you, I should come here to Japan more often."

"You really should," I smile. "I missed you too, make sure to come back when the babies are born."

"Of course, of course," she says. "Now I shouldn't hog you too long, there's a whole line of people wanting to see you."

"Y/n!" Victoria practically yelled. "Hey girl, how have you been?"

"Well, very pregnant, and engaged," I say. "You."

"That makes the both of us," she laughs holding up her hand. "Well, not pregnant, but engaged."

"No way," I say grabbing her hand. "Mateo really took his time with that one."

"He sure did," she laughs. "Also, I've been trying to learn some Japanese so I'll try my best out here."

"No worries," I say. "Half the people here know English, you'll manage."

"Woah Y/n, so this is your hot friend?" Bunny asks coming to my side. "Not tryna hit or anything, just admiring her beauty."

"This is victoria," I say. "Victoria, the is Bunny, she owns a bar so you should hit it up sometime during your visit."

"Will so," she laughs.

"Oh there's Azalea," I say motioning her over. "My other friend, who is a girl."

"Nice to meet you," Azalea smiles. "I've heard tons about you."

"I hope it made me seem cooler than I am," she laughs.

"Okay I'll leave you two to get acquainted more, I should go and see Christopher, Mateo and all of them," I say. "See you guys later."

Feels like a meet and greet I swear.

"Hi, Mateo, Luca, Nick, long time no see," I say.

"Wow," Mateo says grabbing my hand. "Victoria's really going to be bugging me now that she's seen this ring. Damm Chrissy did you really have to be so wild."

"Holy shit," Nick says taking his turn at the ring. "The first ring was... damm... but this, holy shit."

"I'll give you five watches for that," Luca says. "Right now, I've got some in my coat."

"Luca, you're gonna need at least like ten rolexs for that ring," Mateo laughs.

"What?" I question looking over at Christopher. "How much was this thing."

"Relax Bird," he laughs. "I'm just joking, don't worry about it. Besides, I like buying you things."

"Ha ha," I say. "Don't worry about it, I don't like that phrase."

"The price is not important," he says. "Okay?"

"Yeah yeah," I say looking at it again.

I would actually hurt someone for this ring, not lying.

"So two babies huh?" Nick asks. "Have fun with that."

"Hey hey hey Y/n!" Oh Bokuto, nice of you to join the party.

"Holy shit, is every guy here going to be bigger than me?" Nick asks. "I'm a personal trainer, what the hell."

"What did he say?" Bokuto asks.

Yeah, Bokuto really sucks ass at English.

"He says that you have big muscles," I say. "He's jealous."

"Tell him no need to be jealous, people have bigger muscle than me," he says. "Just like your fiancee Chris over here."

"Kou says that there are people with bigger muscles so don't be jealous of him," I shrug. "Like Christopher."

"That settles it, I'm working out for the next three weeks twenty-four-seven," he says. "I have to."

"You do that," I say. "Now, I best be off.

I have to see the rest of the gang.

"Wow, you're huge," Kenma says. "You sure there's only two in there?"

"Who invited you?" I ask. "I'll hurt you."

"Come on Kenma, be nice," Kuroo says. "She's fine."

"I'm kidding," he says. "She's not even that big."

"Y/n, nice to see you," Akaashi says. "How've you been."

"Sick, and stressed," I nod my head. "But pretty good, you?"

"I've been good too, just work and stuff," he says.

Hmm, a regular adult.

"Hi Y/n," Oikawa says bouncing over. "Did you miss me? I flew all the back here just for your baby shower, you should feel very happy now."

"He has a match," Sakusa says from his corner. "In Tokyo tomorrow."

"I still would've come," he says. "I'll spill my foreign germs on you."

"Stay away Oikawa, Ushijima coming over her, you might want to hide," Sakusa says. "Run."

Then he ran, though it wasn't even Ushijima.

"Hey Y/n," Atsumu says.

"Ew, die," I say. "I don't like you, who brought you?"

"I just wanted to come and say hi," he says. "And I brought food."

"I do not want your food," I say. "Go home, we're not friends."

"I brought you one of each off the yet-to-be-released Onigiri from my brother's shop," he says holding out a box. "Since pregnant people love food."

"I can't eat-," I start.

"No raw fish," he says. "All cooked, or vegetables, enjoy."

"Okay, maybe you can stay," I say. "I guess."

"Score," he says.

Guys, there will be a sad/scary part coming up but don't worry.


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