Third-person because Y/n's head is empty, I don't like writing in third person

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Christopher was panicking, Tsukishima was panicking, the people who had come to her baby shower were highly confused as Christopher did not mention anything before grabbing his keys and leaving abruptly. Once he had gotten to the corner store, Tsukishima took his keys to drive so Christopher could sit in the back with Y/n.

"Bird, how do you feel?" he asked, practically squeezing her hand. "Bird, please talk to me."

"They aren't coming yet, they can't," she said staring out the window watching as they sped past cars. "Two months."

"No, I think they might be coming today, early," he was trying his best to stay calm for her sake. "Okay, today, early okay?"

"Don't say that," Y/n pushed his hands away from herself. "These babies are healthy they are not coming no, they are supposed to come at the end of May, not now."

"Sometimes things change," he said trying to assure himself that everything would be alright. "It's okay."

"Don't tell me that it's okay when it hurts," she muttered tears brimming her eyes. "It's too soon Christopher, the babies, they can't come now."

"You hurt, tell me how bad," his hand found her again. "Please Bird."

"I didn't do anything wrong," she sobbed. "I took care of them, why me? I waited seven months, just to not have my boys."

"No no," he shook his head. "Don't talk like that, they're healthy, don't talk like that. Everything is going to be alright."

"Do not tell me it's going to be okay when you do not know it's going to be okay," she felt frustrated and scared. "Nobody knows how things will go, don't tell it's going to be okay Christopher."

"What can I do right now?" he asked. "Please, Bird."

"Kei, do you have gum?" she asked. "I want gum."

"Yeah yeah, here," he pretty much threw his bag at Christopher's head, who did not mind. He was more concerned with his wife to be, and his unborn babies.

It really did hurt, it felt as if she was being kicked right in the gut. She felt sick and tired, she wanted to sleep, really bad.

"I feel really sick," she muttered. "Can we pull over?"

"No, we're not pulling over, if you puke I'll clean the car. Tsukishima, do not pull over," he said.

"I'm obviously not going to pull over, we're almost at the hospital," Tsukishima glanced back to see the pale Y/n.

The rest of the car ride was a blur for her, as was the actual process of getting into the hospital. Christopher was freaking out, even more so when the doctor informed him that Y/n had to get surgery.

"You need to stop and calm down," Kei said gripping Christopher's shoulders outside of Y/n's hospital room. "You freaking out is not helping Y/n, It's going to stress her out more."

"But it's too soon," he said shaking his head. "The babies are coming too soon way too soon."

"Look, what's most important right now is Y/n, she needs you right now, and whatever happens she's going to need you," Kei said. "So you are going to go with her and hold her hand the whole time, wipe her tears because she's going to cry. Go now."

"Okay okay," he nodded his head, shaking his arms to try and clear his mind. "I've got this, I've got her."

I probably won't update until late tonight, I'm going out with my friends again.


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