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Y/n's pov

"This is the restaurant we're going to?" I ask, getting out of the car.

"What's wrong with this one?" he asks. "You don't like it? We can go somewhere else if you want."

"No, this one fine," I say. "It's good."

"Are you sure?" he asks. "You seem... uneasy, are you feeling okay Y/n?"

"Y/n?" I ask. "It's not that serious, no need to whip out my name."

"We can go somewhere else," he says. "Or just go home."

"It's fine," I smile grabbing his hand. "I'm hungry anyway, lets go in."

"We don't have to," he says. "You look pale, we can go somewhere else."

"No no, you made a reservation here," I say. "Let's go."

"Alright, Bird," he says giving my hand a squeeze.

The last time I was here I ended up running through a field to Sendai park a few hours later.


The restaurant is nice, and the food is good, but the atmosphere is nothing of the sort. But even though I'm on edge, I'm still being a good girlfriend and talking to my dear boyfriend as if nothing's wrong. I even convinced him to get a drink to distract him.

"Come on Christopher, you don't need to look at me like that," I say.

"I feel bad since you can't have a drink yet," he says. "And now you'll have to drive home."

"Don't feel bad, by the time November rolls around my birthday will have past and I'll be old enough to legally have a drink," I smile. "Plus, this gives me a good excuse to try out driving."

"Alright," he nods his head.

"I love you," I smile. "A lot."

"I love you too," he smiles back."Do you want some of the shrimp off of my plate?"

Yes, of course, I do.

"Nah," I shake my head. "You eat it."

"Here," he says poking one with his first before bringing it up to my lips. "Come on Bird, you've been eyeballing it."

"I have not," I say. "I just want to make sure you eat all your food."

"I know you like it," he says nudging against my lips. "Sharking is caring."

"Fine," I say before quickly eating it. "But now since you've given me one I think you have to give me a few more so it's not lonely."

"You're quite the girl," he laughs shaking his head to himself. "My girl."

"Stop flirting with me," I laugh. "I have a boyfriend."

Overall, I think the date went pretty well, even though I felt like I was completely drained by the time we got back to the car. I mean come on, anyone after basically being kidnapped that is now driving in the same area is gonna be on the verge of a panic attack. Well if you're me, that is.

Also, I was really stupid to think that Christopher wouldn't know anything, he knows me more than I know myself, I'm really stupid.



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