hot damm

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Y/n's pov

"Wedding time," I say as Christopher pulls up to the building. "I'll see you later, right?"

"No Bird, I'm going to leave you stranded here all alone, and you're going to have to hitchhike back to the hotel," he laughs. "Of course I'm going to pick you up, don't perry your pretty head."

"I have a boyfriend you know," I say. "And he's pretty strong, you wouldn't want to get beat up would you?"

"Haha, so funny," he says. "And what did he do to score a catch like yourself?"

"He waited three-ish years," I laugh. "He's patient, kind, funny, and really good-looking as a bonus."

"Sounds pretty mediocre," he says. "Well if you ask me."

"Not you dragging yourself," I say. "Anyway, I should probably get going before I'm late or something."

"You've got time," he says glancing at his watch. "Don't worry, your friends aren't calling you non-stop, I think you're safe."

"Yeah you're right," I say. "I've got a few minutes."

"Yeah, a few minutes," he says lacing his fingers in my hair.

And when I tell you I almost bit this man's tongue, not even a minute into the kiss. I really could've bit this man's tongue off.

"No fucking way," my head whips around to look at Bunny's, Azaleas and Oikawa's face all smushed together looking in through the window tapping.

"Get it Y/n," Azalea says.

"Oh, looks like she's stepping up," Oikawa says. "I wonder if Ushiwaka knows."

"I'll see you late," I say forcing open the door and closing it behind myself. "You guys saw nothing."

"Bye Christopher!" Azalea yells as he drives away,

"I saw him shoving his tongue down your throat," Bunny says. "So when did that happen?"

"More importantly, why is Toru here?" I ask. "Aren't you supposed to be in Argentina?"

"Funny enough, I was sent an invite of my own also," he says. "I was just told to bring some booze from Argentina, and my spot was secured."

"Oh my god Tanaka," I laugh. "It was him right?"

"As much as he doesn't like me, it was him," I say. "Everything is better in Argentina."

"Even the women?" I ask.

"Sometimes you forget who I am," he laughs. "Now back to the topic at hand, when did you and Mr. Buff guy from your Instagram become official?"

"His name isn't Mr. Buff," I say. "His name is Christopher."

"Irrelevant," Azalea says. "Why didn't you call and tell us that you two are dating now?"

"Because it just happened last night," I say. "And I don't want the whole world knowing, I just made up with Wakatoshi a couple of months ago. I don't want him to find out until I tell him."

"Who cares what he thinks," Bunny says. "Hot people date hot people,"

"Shh," I shush them. "Don't make this a big deal."

"It is a big deal, you've finally gotten into another relationship," Bunny says. "So go suck a dick."

"Bunny stop," I say.

"Is he part of the big dick crew?" she asks.

"Bunny calm down," Azalea says. "You can't assume they did stuff already."

"Look at her face," Oikawa says. "They did stuff, saucy saucy."

"Guys I'd prefer not to talk about my private life," I say.

"So what happened?" Bunny asks.

"Condoms were taken at customs," I grumble. "And we didn't have our cards to buy anymore, that's all I'm saying."

"Oh I bet you just want to be railed right now," Bunny says. "Don't you?"

"Okay, we're not talking about this right now," I say. "I watch to watch the wedding."

"Fine," Azalea says.

"Okay, let's go," I say.

I have to sort out this story from the other smh.


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