Deez nuts

280 23 19

Y/n's pov

Boom bam, skip, going on the plans aren't that fun, but what is fun is moving into a new apartment. So here we are, skipping some shit. Were in Japan being baddies as per usual.

"Now this is what you call an apartment," I say taking a seat on the counter. "Why did you get such a nice place for us?"

"I figured that you'd like it," he says setting his bag on the counter. "But we need to order furniture, as of right now there's a mattress in our room and a package of hangers for some of your clothes."

"I sense a trip to Ikea in our near future," I smile. "So how many bedrooms are there?"

"There's three, so you can have friends over and not have them on the couch, nice kitchen so I can cook you anything you want," he smiles. "It's a big place, I'm glad you like it."

"I love it," I say. "Our first apartment, I love it."

"Well I'm glad you love it, and I love you," he says loosely wrapping his arm around me.

"I love you too Christopher," I say. "And I'm glad to be back in Japan with you."

"I could care less where we are together," he says.

"That's kinda cheesy, you don't care where we are unless we're together?" I laugh. "Are we in a movie or something?"

"What kind of movie?" he asks.

"I can think of a few," I smirk.

"Gotta be more specific than that," he laughs leaning closer to kiss me. "Bird."

*knock knock*

"It's probably a neighbour coming to say hi," I mumble kissing him back.

*knock knock*

"Were busy, please come back later!" Christopher called out, pulling away briefly.

"It's Shirabu, put on some clothes and open your door," he says knocking again. "Hurry up."

"Go back to med school," I say pulling Christopher closer. "And we have clothes on, were unpacking asshat."

"Who's that?" Christopher asks. "A guy?"

So apparently Shirabu doesn't know how to respect boundaries, considering he just walked into the place like it was his.

"Yeah, totally looks like you two are unpacking," he says. "And don't worry big guy, I don't want your girlfriend."

"Shirabu, we're busy," I say, still having yet to turn around to look at him. "Go away."

"I brought you a housewarming gift," I could practically hear the eye roll. "Then you two can go back to sucking faces, though I'm pretty sure Ushijima's planning on coming by later so might not want to get oo naked."

"Just leave the gift on the ground or something," I groan resting my head on Christopher's chest. "You're interrupting."

"Oh come on Bird, I thought you liked presents," Christopher laughed.

"Your pet names sicken me," he says. "So do you want your housewarming gift or not?"

"What is it?" I ask, still not looking over at him.

"You tell me," he scoffs.



Don't worry guys, I would never forget about Shit-ling. Also, the details in both paths are different. So this apartment is not the same as Soji in the other story.


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