This is a baby born at 29ish weeks

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Y/n's pov

"They're so small," I whisper. "Ah, look, his grabbing my finger, Christopher look. Do you think he likes me? This is Ichiro, you think he likes me?"

"Of course he likes you, he loves you, they both do," he says rubbing my shoulders.

They are both so small lying in their separate incubators, I hope they feel okay. With the feeding tube and everything they need. I want to take them home and hold them, kiss them and be with them, obviously, I didn't want to have to spend more time in the hospital with them, but I'll do whatever to keep them healthy, I love them more than I thought I would have.

"And Youta," I say moving my hand so I could gently touch his cheek. "He's even smaller, three pounds... wow. I've eaten sandwiches bigger than him. Not that I'm going to eat him, I'm just saying, don't worry."

"I am not worried that you're going to eat our babies," he laughs lightly. "You do not need to assure me of that."

"Just making sure," I say. "So they're identical right?"

"They are," he nods his head. "And don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to tell them apart."

"I can only tell them apart right now because of their sizes, it might get harder," I say. "What if I can't."

"You will," he says.

"Did Kasumi see them yet?" I ask.

"Oh she did," he smiles. "Touched Ichiro's foot the lightest she could before pulling her arm out of the incubator so quick. She almost screamed, she thought she'd hurt them."

"Well, I'm glad that she knows to be careful," I laugh. "Aw, our little babies, born March twenty-third. I love them."

"I love them too," I say. "I can't wait to hold them, I want to hold them so bad, like so bad. But I don't want to hurt them."

"Soon, we'll be able to hold them soon," he says. "Doctor said in two weeks or so, but he told me not to tell you that since you'd get excited."

"Two weeks," I smile. "I get to hold the babies in two weeks, ugh, I can't wait to hold them. They're so small, and cute, and I don't care if they cry because I love them either way."

"What happened to them being little assholes?" he asks.

"Oh, I'll change my mind when they wake up crying in the middle of the night," I ask. "But for now, they can be my sweet little boys who could do no wrong.

Um lol, I forgot about Kasumi's birthday in the time skip, she's four now. Also, this chapter was longer but ima add it in the next one.


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