Troll moment

202 21 11

Y/n's pov

I am so happy we didn't play all those stupid baby shower games, I actually might have shot myself. Instead, we played basic guessing games, guess the babies' gender and weights. It's actually pretty fun, and I really like seeing everyone.

But of course, Kasumi needs to be extra dramatic.

"Everyone, shh," she says, for the eight-time within the past ten minutes. "I'm doing math."

"Kasumi, you're not even doing anything," I say looking at the paper. "You drew a dog, a flower and a knife. What are you doing?"

"I am doing math," she says. "Math, math is what I am doing to figure how much pounds my siblings will be."

"Okay, then," I say. "How much will they weigh?"

"Uh, one two three," she says counting her drawings. "Three pounds each."

"Babies are bigger than that," Christopher says. "Okay?"

"I want cake," she says. "Math is hard."

"I agree," Bokuto says. "It's not important anyway."

"Don't tell her that," Bunny says. "She's gonna end up dumb, like you."

"She's going to end up dumb like all of you," Marigold says. "Except for other adults."

"We are all adults here," Azalea says.

"Yeah, I already have a kid," I say. "We're adults."

"I meant me, Hoshiko and Nora," she says. "The rest of you don't matter."

"Wow," Atsumu says.

"I'll have you sold off," Marigold says.

"She will," Bunny chimes in. "I know she has the facilities for that, she'll do it."

"Okay, okay," Atsumu says. "Don't sell me."

"Mom, can I have cake now?" Kasumi asks. "Please?"

"Yeah sure, Christopher, can you get her some cake?" I ask.

"Already on it," he says. "Do you want some?"

"Nah," I shake my head. "I'm good right now."

"Wow, what husband material," Victoria says sitting down beside me. "You've scored big."

"Mhm," I nod my head.

"I can hear you," Mateo says. "I can be husband material too, just saying."

"Go and talk to your buddy," Victoria says. "I'm talking to Y/n."

"Okay Y/n, I need to know," Bunny says making her way over to our slowly forming circle of girls. "How long did it take you to get pregnant?"

"What the hell," I say. "Why couldn't you ask that another day?"

"I wanna know too," Azalea says coming over to us. "Tell me."

"I was on birth control y'know," I say. "So that shit is a fucking lie."

"It works for me," Bunny laughs. "Loser."

"So details," Victoria says. "I want to know too."

"What? No, I'm not giving out all my life details," I say. "Imagine it."

"Oh come on, if you don't tell us now, I'll be able to force it out of Mateo later," she says. "Please, I want to know how you got pregnant."

No sense of privacy here.

"Does Christopher tell Mateo all that kinda stuff?" I ask. "Like, everything?"

"Probably," Victoria shrugs. "I've just never had a motive to pressure anything out of him."

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