I need to make it known that my toenail is still gone...

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...and there are no signs of it growing back. Also, read my other fics.
Y/n's pov

"There's a fire," I hear someone says rather loudly.

"What the fuck," I practically yell jumping up from the couch.

"What's happening?" Christopher asks sitting up as well.

"Surprise, there is no fire," Wakatoshi says. "I just wanted you to wake up."

"What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" I ask. "And how did you get in here?"

"Looks like Christopher is a terrible bodyguard if he can't hear intruders who happen to use keys," he says. "I could've disposed of you both."

"Burglars don't use keys," I say. "And you can't just walk into people's apartments, I don't want people who don't live here roaming around."

"Christopher roams around here," he says. "He doesn't live here."

"You look like my mom," I say. "Go home please."

"Hey, you also look like mom," he says.

"I'm adopted you, idiot," I say. "I don't look like her, do I look pale to you?"

"So why exactly did you show up here?" Christopher asks.

"Sleeping on the couch makes your neck sore, Y/n," he says.

"Are you here to kill us or something?" I ask. "Because if that's the case, we'll do it ourselves thank you."

"I came here to invite you out for lunch before I go back to Japan," he says.

"We're not getting lunch with you," I say flopping back on the couch.

"I never said that I was inciting Christopher," he says.

"Well, are you?" I ask.

"Obviously," he says looking confused. "Why wouldn't I?"

"What the hell," I say. "How many times were you dropped?"

"Never," he says.

"Why exactly do you want to go out to lunch?" Christopher asks.

"I don't like you, and Y/n is my sister who I love in a brotherly way, so I will buy lunch," he says.

"How many times do you need to remind me that you don't like me?" Christopher asks.

"I never said that I didn't like you, I said that I don't like you," he says. "It's different."

"Wakatoshi, you're starting to sound like me," I say. "And I don't even understand me, so you can't talk like that."

"I don't like him in the way that an older brother doesn't like their sister's boyfriend," he says. "But I like him in the way a person like another person, I dislike him because it is my civil duty to do so."

"I'll deport you," I say. "I will, I'll call ice right now."

"I'll deport you," he says. "I'll call ice on you, and then we'll both get deported."

"Call ice on my and I'll marry Christopher in two seconds to get myself a green card," I say. "He has dual citizenship, beat that."

"No one is getting deported," Christopher says. "So what time is lunch?"

Aw yes, the peacekeeper.

"In two hours," he says. "Well, two hours ten minutes ago, so one hour and one hour and fifty minutes."

"Okay we have like an hour and a half to get ready," I say. "Since we're gonna have to drive there."

"We should hop in the shower then," Christopher suggests. "Yeah?"

"Don't worry Wakatoshi, I'll put on my swimsuit," I say.

"The thought that both of you shower together didn't even cross my mind until you said that," he says. "He is going to give you athletes food."

"You are walking athlete's foot," I say. "You look like my foot."

"I'll see you later," he says. "Goodbye now."

"Bye Ushijima," Christopher says.

"You should just call me Wakatoshi, much better," he says before taking his leave.

"That's basically approval," I say.

Ur mom.


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