Welcome to the Christopher path

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This is the Christopher path, it takes off from the last chapter in the Tsuki part. From here on the stories do not collide and they follow their own separate storyline. And the cover was done by the lovely spicysuzy

"I said that I could love you," he had finally said it, said what he's been wanting to say for years.

And it was something that she's known deep down, she wasn't all that clueless. He's told her that he liked her, but love and like are twin completely different feelings.

"Well not that I could," he shifted beside her, running his hand through his hair that hadn't been tied up as he had just woken up not too long ago. "I do love you."

"Christopher I-," she started but ultimately couldn't find the words, maybe it'd be best if he just said everything he wanted to.

"I've loved you for a long time, and I told myself that I didn't need you to feel the same as me or even acknowledge the feelings I have, but I do," I paused turning to look at her, he wasn't one to be nervous but right now he had his hands held together to prevent the trembling. "I need you to tell me exactly how you feel, no sugar coating, please just tell me as it is. Even if you don't return them I promise I won't leave you, be harsh to me."

"I... I can't," she said pushing her hair out of her face. "You know Christopher... it's hard."

"I know it's hard and I'm trying to make it easy," he sighed pulling her into a hug, she really didn't want to have to deal with this now, but it wasn't fair to him. "Just say something please."

"I want to be with you Christopher," she said closing her eyes. "But..."

He sighed resting his head on hers, there was always a 'but', and he didn't know if it was something he wanted to hear. But it was probably something he needed to.

"I get it," he smiled weakly running his hand over her hair.

"No, I don't mean that," she said pulling away and standing up. "I-I want to be with you, I'm going to be with you, I am with you, Christopher. But I can't tell you that I love you even though I do because I haven't in so long and I need to resolve something before I can give you all my attention, wait no... I love you Christopher but I'm really stupid and I am not good at being a girlfriend it's hard and... and can I please stop talking before I destroy things with you?"

He looked shocked, he didn't expect her to say any of the things she just did.

"That was unexpected," he laughed. "I mean that's what I was hoping for but damm."

"Well, what did you think I was gonna say?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest. "I made you wait long enough, and I don't want to wait anymore. And I want to go and watch a movie. Right now. In your room. Like right now. Please."

"Like right now?" He asked. "Like watch a movie? Back in my room? Are you sure Bird?"

"Yes I am," she said. "Now come on."

I thought this was gonna be connected to the next chapter that's why I wrote it this way. Anyway, don't mind me.


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