Untitled Part 24

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Y/n's pov

Y'know, just your normal couple, doing normal couple things, because we are a lovely normal couple.

"What's got you so excited?" Christopher asks glancing over at me.

"Nothing," I smile. "I'm fine, are you fine?"

"I'm just fine," he laughs. "But if you keep everything all built up, you're going to burst."

Guys, we are at the grocery store. I repeat we are at the grocery store. Buying groceries, stupid decorations to make our place, even more, our place, it's perfect. My life is going perfectly.

"I'm just really happy to be at the grocery store," I say still smiling. "Really really happy."

"If I knew you'd get so excited over this, maybe I would've brought you here more often," he says grabbing a box of cereal. "Now what?"

"You know what cereal I like," I say grabbing another box. "Wow."

"And you know what cereal I like," I say. "Wow."

"I know I'm the best, you don't need to look at me with complete awe," I say. "But on another note, I love you, Christopher. And I also love it when you do that."

"Do what?" he asks, resuming our little shopping trip.

"I don't know," I shrug. "Everything, just everything you do. You're perfect."

"Hardly," he says.

"Don't say that, because then your follow-up is going to be that I'm perfect. So let's just agree that the both of us are perfect for each other," I say. "And we should get a bathmat."

"So you don't slip and fall in the shower?" he asks.

"Nah, you can just catch me if I slip in the shower," I say. "But I want it to be a little more comfortable in case I sentence you to the bathtub again."

"I thought you just said that we are perfect for each other?" he asks. "I'm not going to do anything ever again to warrant another night in the bathtub."

"Mhm," I nod my head. "But I need it to comfortable for me when I crawl in there with you again because I regret being stupid. Or maybe you might sentence me to the bathtub, there's no telling."

"What could you possibly do to warrant a night in the bathtub?" he asks.

"I don't know, maybe I say something rude to you," I say. "Or I'm being a bitch that day."

"It's fine, saying rude things is just part of you, I don't take them to heart. And, I don't mind how you act, I'd never sentence you to the bathtub," he laughs. "Plus, if I ever tried to get you to spend a night in the bathtub, you'd call your brother, and I really don't want to deal with him. Also, I'd feel terrible if you slept in the bathtub. And, you'd never get in there anyway, I'd rather just chose to spend the night in the tub."

"Oh, so you chose now?" I ask. "You chose to sleep in the tub?"

"Yes, yes, I do," he says. "I chose to go to the tub. You'd let me into the bed anyway."

"No, I chose when you go to the tub, I chose when you go to the bed," I say. "I get to pick, you piss me off then you can go to the tub."

"You can think that all you want," he says.

"Then maybe we should buy some better towels so it's more comfortable when you sleep in the tub tonight," I say. "How's that sound?"

"I'm just joking, you call the shots," he says. "I'll sleep in the bed when you say I can, and in the tub when I have to."

"Moving on, what should we have for supper?" I ask. "I can actually cook decent food, so if you want I can play chef. Though, you might end up with something really basic."

"Maybe some other night Bird," he says.

"Are you sure? Because I can make a pretty mean pot of rice," I say. "Oh, I can make you stir fry, I'd make you your favourite, tacos, but I need to perfect them."

"Tomorrow," he says.

"Really that scared of my cooking?" I ask. "I promise I won't make it radioactive or something."

"Actually, I made reservations for us to go out for diner tonight," he says. "So restaurant tonight, and home-cooked meal tomorrow."

"Date night," I smile. "Is this going to be our first date?"

"No, I've asked you on many dates before but I suppose you didn't take them as such," he says. "Really, I found it hard deciding if you were uninterested, interested, or just very oblivious. But now I know, that my Bird is just clueless about simple things like that, not that I mind."

"Like when?" I ask. "Whats dates?"

"I asked you to go to the movies, we held hands the whole time," he says. "Another time, we went to the park to feed ducks grapes and I even asked all the questions one should ask on a first date. Another time, it was valentines day, we went out to diner and I bought you flowers."

"Oh..." I pause. "I thought we only did those things because we weren't seeing anyone and didn't want to spend all our time doing nothing."

"Well now I can spend all my time doing something else," he smiles.

"Did you just refer to me as a thing?" I ask. "Because I might have to send you to the tub."

"Never in a million years," he laughs. "You're a person, my favourite person at that."

"Yes, flattery, that will always win," I say.

"I already won," he says.

"Won what?" he asks.

"Looking right at it," he smiles.

I want everything to stay just like this.

Yeah Y/n, I bet the readers do too. But we don't always get what we want now, do we? I'm just saying going back to the states isn't going to be a good thing for them.


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