Time to speed run this story

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Y/n's pov

A week later, I got to hold them, well it was more them just laying on my chest but I didn't mind, not one bit.

"Look at them," I say. "So cute."

I must admit, I have been hogging them from Christopher, but he's being patient waiting for me to give them up.

"Okay, you can hold Youta right now, I still want to hold Ichiro," I say.

"Okay, okay," he says sitting beside me so the nurse can carefully move Youta from me to him. "He's so small."

"Wow," Kasumi says sticking out her finer to poke Youta. "He's not ugly."

Thanks, Kasumi. I'm sure that means a lot to Youta.

"Mom, when can you and the babies come home?" she asks. "And dad, I want to go home with you guys."

"I get to come home next week, so your dad will come with me," I say. "I'm not sure when the twins can come home. They'll come home eventually."

"Eventually isn't fast enough," Kasumi groans. "I don't want to wait so long for them, they have a perfectly nice room at home. They would be happier at home with their toys."

"We need to wait until the doctor gives us the go-ahead," Christopher says. "We want them to be nice and healthy before we take them home."

"S-word-ling is gonna love them too," Kasumi says. "I know she will."

"Mhm," I nod my head. "Okay, I guess Christopher, you can hold Ichiro too."

"Finally," he says. "I want to hold both of my boys."

"They really are small," Kei says walking into the room. "But they're bigger than they were last week."

"Yeah, they are getting bigger aren't they?" I smile. "I love them."

"Anyway, you're brothers busy tonight, so it's alright if I take her for the night, right?" Kei asks. "Kasumi, I mean."

"Yeah of course," I say. "That's fine, Kasumi, be good or he'll sell you."

"He won't," she says. "Dad will beat him up."

"I won't," Christopher says. "So be good."

"You hear that mister, as soon as my dad gets his stupid babies he doesn't want me anymore," Kasumi shakes her head. "I hate those boys."

"Kasumi, don't say that," Kei says. "now you have to servants in the making, cherish them."

"Exactly," Christopher agrees. "Lisen to him, and I love you."

"Yes, let's let our little daughter permission to turn out boys into her own personal servants," I say. "Very good idea, lovely really."

"Just out here helping," Kei says. "Alway wishing for the best."

"If you're always wishing for the best then I know my grade two times tables," I say. "Anyway, Kasumi be good please."

"Yeah, yeah," she says. "I'll be good, do not worry about me, I'll live."

"Glad to hear it," I say. "Thanks again Kei."

"Don't mention it," he shrugs. "Get some rest, and cute kids by the way. They really look like you."

"Hmm, I guess they kinda do," I say looking at the twins again.

"Bye mom, bye dad," Kasumi says. "I'll see you soon."

"Bye-bye," I smile.

I did terrible on my math final, time to drink.


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