Chapter 1

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It has been a long day, and I have been training all day with nat. Yeah, she had beaten me a lot today, so my body is sore. But I got her down on the ground sometimes, but she still won the fight. I can never beat her. I have been close but never successful. Nat is one of my best friends, and I can't forget Wanda. They are always there for me, and I'm always there for them. I get along with all the Avengers except one person. 

Yeah, you guessed right, it is Steve Fucking Rogers. We trained in the same place and had always competed against each other and had many fights about who was best. Yeah, I have kicked his American ass. He can't admit that he had lost against a girl or rather against me. I got to be an Avenger a few months after he got to be one. I didn't really care that he got to be here before I got, but apparently, it is a big deal for him to be here first and rub it in my face every time we have to train together. 

The thing is that he hates me, and I don't know why. I have never done anything to him that could make him hate me the way he does. Yeah, I have beaten him in many fights, but that doesn't give him an excuse to hate me. Well, I wouldn't say that I hate him. I don't like how he treats me. 

He treats me like I am this child who shouldn't be an Avenger like him, just because I don't have any powers like him. I only have my fighting skills, and I was the second-best in my class. Guess who was number one... ding ding, it was Rogers. But like it's not fair, he has the serum in him, so I shouldn't be compared to him. 


"Yeah, Nat, you can come in" I was laughing. She always says it instead of knocking on the door. That is one of the things she does that I like about her. She always tries to stand out and doesn't care about others' opinions. And also the fact that she has a fantastic fashion style, she always helps me shop for clothes. Because in her perspective, I don't have a sense of style. 

"How are you feeling after our fight?" she looked worried. She should be. She really got me good this time. Well, I also said to her she shouldn't hold back, so she didn't. "I'm really sore, but I will be fine. What about you?" She laughed when she saw all the bruises she had given me. "I'm good" she paused for a second. "I really got you this time. I'm really sorry about that. But hey, now you know you need to step up your A-game."

"Hahaha... yeah, you're right, and it is okay. I told you not to hold back, and you didn't, and I'm happy about it". 

~~~~~~~~a little time skip brought to you by me singing a song~~~~~~~~

"Hey, wanna go get Wanda and then head out for some shopping?" I gave her the look. yeah, the look I always give her when she asks me stupid questions like that. "Is that even a question I need to answer?" I took my shoes and my jacket on and walked over to the door. "Girl, Are you coming?" She laughed, and we walked down to the living room to see if Wanda was there. To our luck, she was. 

"Come on, Wanda, we are going shopping," Nat and I said that in sync. It was funny we couldn't stop laughing because it wasn't rehearsed. "One second, I just need to get my shoes on." 

"Where are you girls going?"

I could identify that voice everywhere, and it was Steve. I really do not have the patience for him asking these kinds of questions today. No, I'm not pathetic. It is just that he asks us these questions every single time we are heading out. It would have been fine if it was a few times, but it is EVERY single damn time. Like it is none of his damn business. 

"We are on our way out to have some fun, but you don't know what that is," I said with a hateful voice. "Cut it, Y/N, I wasn't talking to you. So Nat, where are u going?". Wow, how mature he is, god damn how mad he makes me. "What Y/N said, I'm not going to repeat it." Nat looked at him with an annoyed look in her eyes. Good damn, I'm glad that she is on my site. 

We left the building knowing he was pissed at me, not the other girls, only me. Nat and Wanda can say something mean to him, and he doesn't care, but when I do, it is almost like world war three. 

Steves pov 

"Capsicle, come to the meeting room now," I heard Tony shout. What did he want? I really wasn't in the mood for him being sassy or trying to annoy me. I really don't like Y/N, she is always in the way on the missions, and she doesn't have anything special about her. Like we could have a much better team if she wasn't on it. 

I walked over to Tony to see what he wanted from me. When I finally came to the meeting room, he had his serious face on. I knew what this meant. He was about to give me a lecture about something I don't care about. 

"Good, you are finally here. Now we can talk." We sat down on the chairs. "So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" I looked at him with one of my serious faces, and I really didn't have time for this. I was supposed to be training right now.

"We need to talk about your behavior towards Y/N because it is unprofessional." Just what I needed a lecture about how to treat others. "God, Tony, it is professional. It makes her less soft, even though she isn't meant to be an Avenger". Yeah, I said it, but it is the truth, and I don't care about his opinion. "This is what I mean, you don't respect her, and trust me, I have seen you two on the missions...".

"And where do you want to go with this?" I interrupted him. He is really just wasting my and his time on this dumb stuff. "First, let's get this straight, never interrupt me again" he paused. "Second of all, Fury and I have agreed that because you two have been making our missions more dangerous by fighting each other instead of the enemies and almost got us killed on some of the miss...". 

"Okay, Tony, I get it. Where are you going with this," I said, annoyed. 

"So to get back to the point, Fury and I have agreed that both you and Y/N are suspended from future missions UNTIL you and Y/N have put all this childish stuff behind. Do you understand, or do I need to repeat myself?" I could really feel the hate in his voice. Yeah, I knew it was stupid that we were fighting each other instead of the enemies, but she is just so annoying, and I can't take her. 

"Yeah, I understand," I said with an irritated voice. "And take it easy Y/N know about it too, and she also understands," he said before he stood up from the chair and walked out of the room. 


A/N - The authors note

1273 words, god damn, that is a lot. I hope you guys like it.

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