Chapter 11

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"I truly think that he does," She said, but I didn't believe her. I was about to open my mouth when she interrupted me. "I know you don't believe me, but you didn't see how he looked at you," She said, which made me blush a little. Even though she said that he likes me, I still had a feeling that he hated me. "So what did you want?" I asked her because I wanted to know why she came into my room.

"Oh, yeah. Tony wanted to through a party but only if it was okay with you."

A party he really wanted to throw a party. I can't blame him. It is a long time since we had a party, so why not. I already have the perfect dress, so I am ready. "It is fine with me," I answered her. She looked at me like I was supposed to have said no. "Are you sure?" I nodded. Like, who doesn't like a party? "Okay, it will be at 8 pm so in three hours. okay?" I nodded once more.

She then left to find Tony and say that I was okay with it. When she left, I began feeling a little stressed with the time. "Fuck" I said to myself because I only have three hours to get ready for the party.

The first thing I did, which took an hour, was a bath, where I shaved my legs to have the dress on that I had thought about. After that, I needed to put my new body lotion on me, which took ten minutes. Then I needed to find my dress in my closet. I opened my closet and took a long white dress out. I put it on, and on the top, it was tight and showed my curves, while it was loose from my hips and down. The dress was also ripped on the side, and it went from my upper thigh to the end of my feed.

After a little while, I had my dress on, and my hair was dry, so now I only needed to do my hair and make-up

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After a little while, I had my dress on, and my hair was dry, so now I only needed to do my hair and make-up. I sat down at my desk where I have all my make-up and my mirror. I had been trying to do my make-up for an hour now, but nothing looked good on me, so I kept removing it over and over aging.

"Hey, are you ready? The party is in 30 minutes," I heard someone say at my door. I turned my head to see who it was. It was Nat in a beautiful black and tight dress that looked amazing on her. "Nope, I can't get my make-up to work, and I still need to do my hair," I said, sounding a little stressed. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., get Wanda in her plzz and fast." "Of course, agent Romanoff," F.R.I.D.A.Y. answered, and just like that, Wanda was in my room.

"What is the problem?" She asked. Nat pointed at me to show that I wasn't ready yet. They then looked at each other and nodded in sync. They then moved towards me with smirks on their faces which scared me a little. Nat began doing my make-up while Wanda did my hair. They told me to sit still and not move a muscle. So I did what they said.

"And done!" Wanda said proudly. I stood up and looked in my body mirror. My hair was beautiful. My hair was half down and half up. The part that was down was curled with a curling iron, and the part that was up was made into a flower, and it looked gorgeous. "Thank you, girls. You really saved me here." They smiled and then hugged me. "Come, let us go to the others." I nodded to show Nat that I wanted to go. We left my room and headed to the party.

We took the elevator up because the party was 2 floors above us. In the elevator, we talked about guys and where we got our dresses. I told them that I bought mine in Forever 21, which was a perfect place to shop. When we walked out of the elevator, I felt like everyone was looking at us. I wasn't wrong.

"Look who is looking at you," I heard Nat whisper into my ear. I looked at her, and she was smirking. I then chose to look the way she was looking, and I began blushing immediately. It was Steve. I wanted to turn around and go back to my room and eat pop tarts, but I knew that Wanda and Nat would stop me.

We walked over to the bar so I could get myself some alcohol.

God, how I have missed the taste of it.

"One whisky, please," I asked the bartender.

Wanda and Nat looked at me like they had never seen me drink whisky before. "What?" I asked nicely. "You just seem happy." "That's because I am, and nothing or no one is going to change it," I said with confidence until I heard a voice behind me. "Don't jinx it," A deep male voice said. "I don't believe in that," I said while turning around to see who it was.


"I am just telling you," he said after I turned around. "Well, thank you, Steve," I answered, slightly nervous. "We will leave you two alone," Wanda whispered in my ear before they left me alone with Steve. "No, girls, stay," I said a little too loud, but they kept moving away from us. I then turned my head around, so I was facing Steve. I felt nervous like if I had never met him before and it was the first time, I would be talking with him, but it wasn't.

"You hate me that much," he said with a smirk on his lips. "No, I don't hate you," I whispered, hoping he didn't hear it. I knew he hated me, so what was the point of all this. I looked down at the floor after I had taken a sip of my whisky. "Then we have something in common." My head sprang up. I wasn't prepared for that answer. "W-what?" I stuttered.

"I don't hate me either," He said with a smile on his face while he was trying to get a beer.

Wow, just wow.

I then began laughing at his answer.

What the fuck Y/N, he had made you laugh two times today. What is happening?!


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

I hope you like it.

1102 words.

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