Chapter 31

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TW: Mention of rape, fluff, and a little smut.

There was quiet. None of us had said anything after Wanda had asked me if I was raped. I didn't know what to do or say. "Did you get, you know?" I looked over at Clint and shocked my head no. I could see the relief in their faces, and I was a relief too. I actually didn't know why I didn't get pregnant since I couldn't take my birth control pills. They kept asking me if I was okay, and I didn't really know what to say cause I wasn't really okay. The only time I was okay was in bed with Steve.

We came to an agreement that I needed to go to therapy with Bruce. I really didn't want to, but I knew that I would need it, so I said yes. So my first session with him was going to start the next day.

I looked in my body mirror while I changed my shirt. I saw the scars they gave me. I didn't like them cause they were ugly. "You look beautiful," Steve said when he saw me in my room. I turned around and saw him standing in the doorway. There weren't that many scars, but there were some. Some of them were old, and some were new.

There should actually have been more scared that there was shown, but some of them had just disappeared. Like if they had never been there. "I don't like them," I say while taking my shirt on. Then, I walked over to Steve, and he hugged me. "Well, I like them." Then, we sat on my bed, and he kept saying how beautiful I was with them.

I began blushing by all the sweet stuff he told me. "I like it when you blush." I felt my cheeks turn redder than before. "Thank you," I said before standing up. I was about to go over to my wardrobe so that I could change into some shorts. "Baby, come back." I stopped walking when I heard his demanding voice. I turned once again around and walked back to him. he made me sit on his lap.

I felt his hand on my cheek, and I leaned into the touch. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "Princess, please tell me the truth." I felt a tear falling down my cheek. Steve took his hand and removed the tears that had fallen down on my cheek. "Please, always tell me what is wrong, okay." I could hear that he really cared about me. "I want to be in bed cause that is the place I feel safe."

He removed me from his lap and made me stand up. He then took and lifted me onto the bed, so I was lying on it. He laid himself beside me and put the duvet over us. I got closer to him, so my head was on top of his chest. "What about your training?" I asked cause I knew how much it meant to him. "If my princess isn't feeling safe, then I won't leave her," he said right before he kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and began falling asleep in his arms.

~~~~~~~~ A minor time skip presented by Stucky being a ship ~~~~~~~~

"she will be more powerful than any of the avengers and the doom of them." I looked around, but there was no one. I was alone. I tried to find Steve cause he said he wouldn't leave my side, but he wasn't there. So I was alone in my room. "Who are you?" I asked but didn't get an answer. I asked once again. "We are the one you will always come back to. Just remember," a male voice said.

The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't put a face or name to his voice. "What do you mean?" I asked, scared. "We gave you strength to defeat your enemies, and you just need to remember who they are." I saw a male person walking over to me, but he didn't have a face. "Leave me alone!" I yelled at him. He was now in front of me and holding his hand on my cheek. "They are your enemy," he said before kissing my forehead. "No!" I yelled. I then heard someone calling my name over and over again. "You will choose the right side soon," The male said before disappearing.

I opened my eyes and sat up in a hurry. My breathing was fast, and I was scared. "Hey, hey. It's okay. It was only a nightmare," I heard steve say. I then remembered the person who kept calling out my name in my dream, and it was Steve. "you are okay," he said while hugging me tightly. Then, I heard his heartbeat and began calming down. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked me. I shook my head no cause I had lost my voice. "We can talk about it when you are ready."

I felt so safe when he was with me, which meant that I'm scared when I'm in my bed alone. I took a deep breath, so I could see if I actually had lost my voice to the nightmare. "I-I think it was about the Red Hydra..." I told him. I felt his grip around me tighten. "A male voice told me that I would soon choose the right side..."

"What did he mean?"

"I don't know. You woke me up before I could ask him that." I looked at him, and I saw fear in his eyes. "Steve, I will always choose the team." I kissed him on his cheek. "In fact, I will always choose you." I saw his eyes soften and relax. "Oh, you would?" I bit my lip and nodded. I sat up and moved, so I was sitting on his lap while facing him.

I looked into his deep blue eyes and melted. I then felt his lips on mine, and I kissed him back. Our lips and tongues moved in sync like if it was just another Tuesday. His hand moved from my head to my waist, where he drove me closer to him. I could feel his dick harden under me, which made me moan. "Baby, you can't do that if you don't wanna face the consequences," he said after he had stopped kissing me. I moved my lips over to his ear and whispered, "What if I want to get punished, daddy?"

I removed my lips from his ear and saw that his eyes were darkened with lust. His grip had tightened around my waist, and that was when I knew that I was fucked.


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

We all know he is daddy... Hahaha.

1112 words.

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