Chapter 14

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God, I am a slut. 

"Don't say that. I think he wanted to, and that is from what I saw and what I can see on your neck right now," she said with a caring voice. "Then he wouldn't have left me here," my voice cracked when I said it. "He wanted to, trust me," she confirmed, but I couldn't hold my sadness in anymore, so I turned my head towards her, so we looked into each other's eyes, and then I yelled. "Then why did he leave me!" There were tears in my eyes. 

"He was right," I said while turning my face, so I was looking down on my duvet. "What do you mean?" She said with a scared and worried voice. "I am worthless and a slut." I said without looking at her. I could feel my tears running down my cheeks, but I didn't care if she saw me cry. Nat was quiet, almost too quiet, so I chose to look up and saw that she had left me and that the door was closed.

Great, now she is leaving me too.

Nat's POV

I stormed out of Y/N's room so I could find Steve and hurt him. This was the last straw. I walked over to his room, but he wasn't in there, so I chose to walked over to the living room to see if he was there. 

"Where Is he?!" I yelled when I came into the living room. "Who?" Tony asked. "Steve!" "In the kitchen, but why do you need him?" I didn't answer him. I stormed into the kitchen to confront him.

"Ohh... hey Nat," Steve said awkwardly. I looked at him with anger in my eyes. I could see he got scared because he walked back every time I moved closer. "This was the last straw, Steve. You are death." I was about to run over to him, but someone held me back. I turned around and saw that It was my Bucky. "Love, what did he do," he asked me. "What he did, why don't you go up and see how broken Y/N is on her bed!" I shouted at him. I felt bad for shouting at my boyfriend, but Steve had made me so mad, so I snapped.

"I didn't do anything!" Steve shouted at me. "That's the point!" I shouted back at him, which made him and Bucky change facial expressions. "You just left her in there when I came into the room and saw you guys." I took a break so I could take a deep breath.

"God, she thinks that you just wanted to fucking use her and to show her that she was worthless and a slut." My voice cracked at the last sentence. I felt so bad for her. She had been through so much, and now this. God, he is not getting away with this. I looked at both of them, and they look shocked. I thought that he also liked her as much that she liked him, but I was wrong. He never cared for her. 

How could I have been so stupid and let it get this far? 

"Steve, what does she mean?" Bucky asked him. I could see that he was a little mad at Steve but not as much as I was. "We only kissed. Nothing else happened." 

That was it. He is going to taste my right hand.

"So, you are calling her sitting naked on top of your lap, nothing?" I snapped at him once more. I wanted to hurt him right there and then, but Bucky was still holding me fast. I tried to get free from his grip, but he just tightened it. "Tell me that you did not just leave her in there just because Nat came in. Tell me she is wrong!" I heard Bucky yell at Steve. I have never heard him yelled at his best friend like that before. It felt weird to hear him yell like that. 

"Fine, I did. Are you happy now?" Steve asked us, but no, I wasn't. "But I did not use her," his voice cracked when he said it. I then saw tears forming in his eyes. I looked at Bucky, who now had a worried facial expression. I looked back at Steve and saw that he was sitting down on a chair with his hands in his hair. "You didn't?" I asked, confused. "God, I fucking love her!" He yelled at us. Both Bucky and I gasped at Steve's answer. 

I fucking knew it!

"Then why did you leave her and not just telling me to leave?" I asked with a caring voice, so he knew I understood that he was sorry about leaving her in there. "I didn't know how to say it. It took me everything I had to kiss her this morning. I had no power left in me to tell you to leave," he said with a sad voice. I began feeling awful for shouting at him. "Can you please go talk to her?" He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "I can't face her, not after what you told me. I destroyed her," he said with more sadness in his voice than before. 

I told Bucky that I wasn't going to hurt him, so he let go of me. I walked over and sat beside Steve. We looked each other in the eyes. "Please, I don't think Wanda and I can help her this time." I stopped talking, so I could take one more deep breath. "I am scared of what she is going to do. She has been through so much, please?" I begged him. He nodded.

We stood up from the chairs and hugged. He was about to leave the room when I told him I was sorry. "I forgive you and also you, Bucky. You were protecting her, so I get it. I would have done the same thing if Bucky did it to you." He said while giving us a small smile. It made me feel a little better that he forgave us, but I was still worried about Y/N. 

I forgave him because I could see how it broke him when I told him how he broke her. I could also see that he truly loved her when he told us. The only thing I hope for now is that everything will work out between them, and they can be happy together and that there will be no more fights and calling each other names. 

Bucky then began to walk over to me with his arms open. I opened my arms and hugged him. "Doll, she will be fine. Everything will be fine," he said while hugging me tighter. "Thank you, James," I said after he had kissed my forehead.


A/N - The authors note

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Omg, she called him James...

1139 words. 

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