Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes and saw that I was lying on a bed in the hospital wing. I looked around and saw Nat sitting in the chair next to the bed.

God, what happened to me?

"Nat?" I whispered. "Not now, Y/N... wait, Y/N?" She looked at me like she had seen a ghost. "Who else?" I said, laughing. She hugged the life out of me. It was nice. "Nat, I can't breathe." She stopped hugging me and said sorry. 

"Nat, what happened?" Nat looked at me like I should have known. "Well, you were training with Steve, and then he hit you in the head." And then it all came back. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. get Bucky into the hospital wing fast." F.R.I.D.A.Y. then said that it was already done, but why should Bucky come down here? 

"Why do Bucky need to come down here?" I asked, confused. Everyone in the tower knows that Nat and Bucky are a thing, but what had it to do with me. "Well, he wanted to know when you woke up," she said while her smile got bigger. 

After a little while, Bucky came into the room. It took him a little time to realize that I was conscious again. "How are you feeling after the hit?" He looked a little mad, like if he had just come from a bad conversation, and then I looked at nat, who also had the same look on her face. "I'm fine, just a little sore in my head, but why do you guys look so mad? Did I do something wrong?" I asked because I was confused.

"No, you haven't. The person who did something wrong was Steve," said nat, and that was when I finally realize that they probably thought that he did it on purpose when it was my fault. "Guys, please don't be mad at Steve. It was my fault and only mine. I got tired and forgot to tell Steve about it." I told them nicely, knowing that he should have seen that I was getting tired.  

"No, Y/N, you are not going to retake the blame. He should have remembered that you had just woken up and could easily be tired fast. Why do you always take the blame?..." she paused. I couldn't look her in the eyes. It would be too hard for me. She would never understand, or would she? "...It's like you got a crush on him!" she said really loud, and that was when I looked her in the eyes. 

When I looked her in the eyes, it was like she knew my secret because just like that, her face turned towards Bucky.

"Bucky, please wait for me in the living room, okay?" He didn't ask any questions. He just walked out of the room. "Can you tell me now?" I looked down again of embarrassment. Did she already know and just wanted me to confirmed it? But I chose to nod. "...I do" was the only sentence I could get myself to say. 

It took Nat a few seconds before she understood what I meant. "Oh, honey" was the only thing she said before hugging me. I began crying. She stopped hugging me and looked me in the eyes. "For how long?"She asked while removing the tears from my eyes. I told her that it had been too long for me to remember when it started and that I knew that he would never like me that way.  

She then began telling me that it could change at any time and that I wouldn't see when it changed. Except I would. I took a deep breath and told her about the night I broke a glass in the middle of the night. Her facial expression began to change from a loving and caring look to a hateful and killing look. 

She stood up, and before she could get away, I took and held my hand as tight as I could around her wrist. "Don't do anything dumb, okay?" She nodded and said that I needed to get some more rest. I nodded, and with that, she walked out of the room, and I laid down to get some more sleep. 

Tony's POV

I saw Steve come into the living room with a worried face, but I shook it off. After a little while, we were sitting and talking until we saw Nat walking with a killing look in her eyes, which scared me. I saw that she was headed towards Steve, and that was when it hit me. She had just come from Y/N's room, so something must have happened in there. So I stood up as fast as I could and got in between them. 

"Okay, this stops right now!" I yelled, which made Nat take a step back. "Now, can one of you grow up and tell me what the hell happened here!?" I looked at Nat when I yelled the question. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth. 

"He is fucking bulling Y/N, and I can't have him go away with that" I looked around and saw that the others were just as confused as I was. I asked nat what she meant, and she began explaining what Y/N had told her. "... And he called her a fucking slut!" She shouted at him. We were all speechless. I could see that she was furies. 

I turned my head towards Steve, and I gave him a disappointed look. "I thought you two had sorted everything out," I said, annoyed. "That was a long time ago," He said. Even though it happened some time ago, that doesn't mean that it is okay.  

"Okay, Bucky, you take Natasha into her own room so she can cool off a bit, and Steve, you go over and apologize to Y/n," I ordered. I could see that they weren't happy with my decision, but they had to. I had had enough of all this childish stuff. They are adults and should act like it. 

"Ohh, and Nat, I am going ask you something in private when you are in your room," I said.

After some stubbornness, they finally chose to listen to me and walked to where they should be. Bucky took Natasha's hand, and they left, and then I let Steve go and apologize to Y/N.


A/N - The authors note

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