Chapter 16

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"Almost," I answered Clint's question. "What do you mean almost. Either she did or didn't," he said while looking at Nat and me. I was about to answer him, but Nat beat me to it. "They were making out... naked," She added at the end. I first thought that a person's face couldn't get any redder than Red skull, but I was wrong. Like if there were no light outside, you could see how red my face was. I pushed playfully to nat's arm, so she knew that I was embarrassed even though my face gave it away. 

"Tony, you better delete those tapes, or I will send Nat after you," I heard Steve say when he came out of the kitchen with my food in his hands. We had pretty much made a sex tape without sex in it. I could see that Tony got scared, which made me feel good because I really didn't want videos of Steve and me almost having sex. 

Steve finally handed me the food. "How did you know?" I asked Steve. 

"How I knew that my girlfriend loves to eat müsli with almond milk? You eat it almost every day. How wouldn't I notice?" He smirked at me, which made me feel like my legs were turning into mush again. I thanked him with a kiss on his lips. I never noticed that he had kept his eyes on me that much. "Thank you," I said to him with a big smile on my face. 

"So, what time is the party?" I asked Tony. "It is at 8 pm, so don't be late," he stated. The only thing I could think about was that I didn't have any clothes to have on for tonight. I looked over at Nat and Wanda, who had a big smirk on their faces. It scared me. "Guys, we are sorry, but we need to leave now, and we will come back later," Nat said while taking the food out of my hands and placing it on the table. She and Wanda then took both my arms and began walking over to the elevator with me. 

I looked back and saw Steve laughing while the others looked confused. Nat gave me a smirk when we came into the elevator. "What?" I asked, confused. "You are going to have sex tonight." If I had been drinking some water, I would have been choking. "What, Wanda, no!" I said very loud, which made them laugh. "Yes, you will, and we are going to find you some sexy clothes for tonight and other nights," Nat said while giving me a wink. I began feeling a little uncomfortable in the elevator. 

When we were in the car, we began singing songs to different pop songs. 

~~~~~~~~ Just a little timeskip~~~~~~~~

"No, I am not getting that dress," I stated. We had been in a dress store for what felt like an eternity, and I just wanted to find myself a dress and then go home. "Y/N we are choosing, and this is the dress you will wear. You will look so good. Trust us." I really didn't want to wear that dress. It was too high-class. "No, it is too expensive and too stylish" I tried convincing them, but it didn't work, so they bought it anyway. Well, not with their money but with Starks golden credit card. He had given all of us one. 

When we had been in a few more stores, we finally chose to get home. When we got in the car, we turned the volume up and jammed to "talking Body by Tove Lo" and some other good songs. I had a great time with them, but I always do that, so that wasn't something new. 

After driving for a while, we finally came to the tower. I literally couldn't wait to get all my bags up to my room. If I had to be honest, it wasn't me who chose over half of my clothes. That was all Nat and Wanda who found and bought it for me. Like they said that I couldn't see the clothes before we were inside the tower. 

"Girls, I really didn't need that dress. I could have chosen a less fancy one" I could see Nat giving me a judging look through the mirror and Wanda's judging face when she looked at me. "No, this party is for you, so you need to look fancy," Nat said. We walked out of the elevator and into the living room. 

"Boys, we are home!" Wanda yelled. I wanted to hide the bags before they saw them, but they were too fast. "Did you buy the store!" "Take it easy, Tony. Y/N just needed a dress and some undergarments for tonight," Nat said with a smirk on her face which made me blush and get embarrassed. "For the record, I didn't choose any of the clothes they are talking about," I stated, so they knew that I didn't buy it, but they did for me. 

I looked over at Steve and saw that he had a big smile on his lips.

What I would give to know what he was thinking.

"Steve, control your thoughts!" Wanda said very loud, which made Steve blush. "Wait, what was he thinking about?!" Clint asked, curious. Wanda turned her head towards me and smirked. "That is not my secret to spill," she said while given Steve and me a wink. And just like that, everyone began asking what he was thinking about, but Steve didn't answer the questions. Thank god for that. 

After a while, they gave up, but I was still thinking about what he thought about. Wanda, Nat, and I began walking up to our rooms to get ready for the party. 

The first thing I did was taking a bath after being with those girls all day. When I came out of the shower, I found the dress that Nat and Wanda bought for me. I thought it was pretty, but the dress was just a little too much.

 I thought it was pretty, but the dress was just a little too much

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I looked in my body mirror, and I thought I looked good. "Why do you have to look so good," I heard someone say behind me. I turned around and saw Steve standing at my door. I smiled. "I wanted to surprise you with the dress," I said playfully. "Darling, you did." I rolled my eyes at his answer. "At the party," I told him while laughing. I saw his eyes darken when he closed the door and walked closer to me. "We can have our own party in here." I felt my heart skip a beat the closer he came. 


A/N - The authors note

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Steve, Steve, Steve. Hahaha.

1136 words. 

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