Chapter 26

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Y/n's Pov

I tried opening my eyes, but the light was too strong. Finally, I forced my eyes open but ended up blinking a lot until my eyes had adjusted to the light. I could feel something holding my hand tight, so I looked, and to my shock, it was Steve.

"S-Steve," I let out. He looked confused around until his eyes finally landed on me. "Do-do you remember?" I could hear the sadness in his voice. I almost began crying because of that. I felt so bad for what I had done to them, all the worrying I had put them through. "Yes..." His eyes widen with my answer. I didn't know if he was happy or sad about it, but I hoped he was happy. "What's the time?" I asked since I couldn't see a clock in the room. He took his phone up from his pocket and looked at it. "It's almost ten am," he told me. 

I was confused by why I was lying in a medical bed again. I didn't know why, but I needed to know. "Why am I here?" I asked Steve, who ended up looking away from me. "You had a mind-controlling chip in your brain, so Bruce and Tony operated on your brain to get it out." I was glad that he said that it came out, but I wasn't glad about who removed it. "They did what!" I might have yelled it. 

Not long after, the rest of the team came storming into the room where I was lying. The first one I saw was Tony and then Bruce. I gave them both an angry facial expression. "You operated on my brain," I said to them with an angry tone in my voice. "We needed to get the chip out." "Tony, you could have called Shuri," I said with a normal tone or rather an annoyed tone. 

"It was in the middle of the night. What had you expect us to do, wait?" I knew that Tony meant well, but I didn't trust their Ph.D. that much. "Yeah." I could see that Bruce wanted to say something but didn't. "Okay, enough of all the blaming. It's good to be back," I told them. They all came over and gave me a big hug and told me that it was great to have me back. 

They all left again, except Steve stayed with me. I hadn't really spoken to him since the party. Well, normal me hadn't spoken to him, but Red Hydra me had. So I didn't really know where we stood since the day I disappeared. We ended up sitting and looking at each other in complete silence without a word spoken. "Steve..." I didn't get to finish my sentence before his lips crashed to mine. After a long and passionate kiss, we both needed air, so we, of course, removed our lips from one another. 

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't find you." I saw the hurt in his eyes, which made me feel even worse. I leaned my head against him, so our foreheads touched each other. "It's okay. I know you tried. It took S.H.E.I.L.D. three years to find the base I was in, they just thought it was a normal hydra base," I could see a little smile forming on his lips after I told him that. 

My head began to hurt, so I asked if I could sleep in his room because I didn't want to sleep in mine. He told me that I could, so we began walking towards his room. When we came to his room, I opened the door, and everything looked the same, except that the wall was painted a new color. I liked it. The reason why I liked it so much was that it was my favorite color. I walked over to the bed and laid in it, waiting for Steve to join me. I knew how his room looked before because of the time I nearly killed him.

It didn't take much convincing to get him in the bed with me. I could see in his eyes that he was tired, so that was maybe why he did it. He laid on his back with his right arm around my waist while my head rested on his chest. My left hand was around his stomach, and his left hand was caressing my arm so that I would sleep better. 

"Thank you," I said before falling asleep.

~~~~~~~~ After sleeping for a while ~~~~~~~~

I felt Steve's hand going up and down my arm just as he did when I fell asleep. "Hey, beautiful," he said before kissing my temple. "It's too early," I murmured out. I felt his chest go up and down when he laughed. "Babe, it is almost one pm." "I don't care," I said while getting closer to him even though I couldn't get any closer. I knew that we couldn't stay like this forever, but I just wanted it to stay like this for a little while longer. 

"Babe, we need to get up." I didn't move. "No," I said with a firm voice. I had just gotten back to normal, so I wanted to stay like this for as long as possible. He took his hand under my chin and moved my head. I opened my eyes and saw that I was staring into his sapphire blue eyes. "Please?" I asked him. I could see in his eyes that he was a little shocked by my reaction. "Five minutes more, okay?" I nodded and closed my eyes again while listening to his heartbeat. 

We didn't really lay in the bed for five minutes. It was more like 20 minutes. "Can we go up now?" He asked with a sweet and caring voice. I nodded. I really didn't want to, but I had to. I removed myself from his arms and sat up in the bed. I felt the bed moving and a pair of arms around my stomach. "Wanna tell me what's wrong?" He asked me while kissing my neck. I turned around and looked him in his eyes. I moved my hand to his cheek. "I'm fine," I assured him.

I had turned around and was about to stand up on the floor when Steve stopped me. He moved to the side and pushed me down on the bed. He then moved, so he was sitting on top of me. "Steve, move. You said we needed to get up, so move," I tried telling him, but he didn't move. His hands were holding on to each of my wrists and holding them down over my head. If anyone walked into the room at that point, they would think something completely different from what was going on.

"I am not moving until you tell me what is wrong with you." I rolled my eyes at him, but when I looked him in the eyes again. His beautiful ocean blue eyes were darkened to a much darker blue than before. "One, you do not roll your eyes at me if you don't wanna feel the consequences." I didn't know that my breathing was getting heavier until he began talking again.

"Two, please tell me what is wrong." I could tell that he was concerned about me, but how could I tell him.


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

I heard from a friend of a friend that that dick was a 10 out of 10.

1229 words. 

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