Chapter 49

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My brother, Tony, gave me an okay to go around the tower. Okay, Shuri gave him an okay for me to go around in the tower. I was glad that I could go around and talk with the others instead of lying in bed all day long.

"Hey Y/n," Wanda called my name while taping the place beside her in the dining room. So I walked over there and sat beside her. "Hi." I didn't say much. I still felt guilty for what I did even though they had all told me that it wasn't my fault. But that's the thing I gave in to the manipulation, so it was my fault. I wasn't strong enough to keep them out of my head. I wasn't strong enough to hold a child out of my head. A fucking child.

I was weak and still am. How could they ever trust me again? "Wanda?" I asked her, and she looked at me with caring eyes. How sweet of her. "Is the offer still there?" I asked her.

Wanda had told me that she would love to help me train my powers and help me keep other people out of my mind. "Yeah, sure. When do you wanna start?" She asked me with joy in her voice. But was she really that happy to help me with my powers?

"Thank you." She pulled me closer and hugged me. I hugged her back. I felt at home when I hugged her. "Can we start tomorrow?" I asked her since I wanted to relax today. She nodded before continuing to eat her food again. I looked at the table and saw that there was a lot of food there, but I wasn't famished, so I just sat still and listened to them talk.

I looked around and saw that everyone was here except the one person I wanted to see. Did he not want to see me? "Go talk to him?" I looked at Wanda, who had a smirk on her face. "But he doesn't want-" She cut me off. "He is scared of losing you. Go get him." She sounded so cheering. I got up from my chair, walked out of there, and headed towards his bedroom, hoping that he would still want me.

I knocked on his door, but he didn't answer me. Then, I remembered how Bucky told me that he wouldn't even talk with him, which was weird since they were best friends. I opened the door and was shocked. His room was a mess. Did I do this? "Steve," I said, but it came only out as a whisper. He didn't answer me, so I closed the door and walked over to his bed.

"Hi," I said to him with a soothing voice while getting on my knees in front of him. He didn't answer me. Instead, he looked at me, but it was as if I was invisible. "I have missed you." I placed my hand on his cheek and stroked it. "It's real this time." I saw his eyes widen. His hand reached out and touched my face. He stroked my cheek. "Y-You're really here?" He asked me, and I could hear that he was about to cry. "I'm here."

I stood up and got up on his bed, so I was lying beside him. He turned around, so he was facing me. "W-Were you really there?" He asked me while his hand was on my cheek. I placed my hands on his. "I was there." I had never seen him like this, which broke me a little. We just lay there without any of us saying anything. I had forgotten how much I loved seeing his eyes, his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"I'm sorry for leaving you," I finally told him. He deserved for me to apologize to him. "Did you really want to leave me?" He asked me. He didn't look me in the eyes when he asked me, so I knew it was hard for him to ask.

"No. Deep inside, I always missed you and knew it was a mistake for leaving you."

He pulled me closer, so my head was in his chest. I've missed this smell. I've missed him. "Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me? I understand if you never can or if you need time." I wanted to know, so I would know if there would be any hope for getting him back to me.

"I will always forgive you," just as he said those words, I broke down. But, it wasn't sad tears that rolled out of my eyes. No, it was tears of joy. "W-What about what I did with him?" I knew that I hurt him with what I had done with Alex. I cheated on him with the enemy. I'm the worst. "I forgive you, N/n." I could only hear love in his voice which made it so hard for me not to cry.

"I will always forgive you." I felt him place a kiss on the top of my head. "Thank you," I mumble into his chest. "Do I smell good?" He asked me, and I nodded. I could feel him laugh, which made me happier. I made him laugh. "I'm glad you are back. Please don't ever leave me again."

"I promise you with all my heart." He tightened his grip around me. "Thank you," he whispered. I loved his beautiful voice. I felt my eyes getting heavier when I was lying in his eyes. "Sleep, my angel," I heard him say before giving into the darkness.

I love you, Steve.

Steve's pov

She was lying in my arms again.

My girl was back in my arms.

I got her back.

I got my world back.

I couldn't be happier than I was right now. I had missed her for so long. I even tried to hate her, but I never could because I had hurt her too. So for her to hurt me was only fair. But she came back something I never thought she would.

I thought I was dreaming when I saw her waking up in the medical room and when she came into my room. But, it was too much after the dream I had. "I love you, my sweet angel," I said before kissing her temple. I can't express how much she means to me, but I hope to show her every day until she dies.

"I will love you either way."

My life had never felt more complete than it did now. We could finally be happy and together. Nothing bad could happen now. I got my happy ending. She is my happy ending.

My world and future.

For better and worse.

In sickness and health.

I promise to be here for you until I can't.

Everything will be okay when you are here with me.


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

I have never felt more single than I did while writing this chapter.

It'll be okay - Shawn Mendes

1152 words.

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