Chapter 7

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I went down to the training room, where I saw Steve waiting for me. "You are late, like always," He said, except for the last part that he was mumbling. I guess he was hoping that I didn't hear that, but I did. God, why does he have to be such an ass towards me? "Yeah, sorry, but it isn't my fault. I have literally just woken up, so please put that attitude away." And with that, we began training.

~~~~~~~~Just a little time skip because Nat said I should~~~~~~~~

God, I'm tired. We have literally been training for an hour. I think he can see that I'm getting tired because my defending skills are getting worse, and with worse, I mean sloppy. "Get your ass up and fight back," he stated. I stood up and swung my arm out to hit him, but he dodges my hit, and unfortunately, I was too tired to see his fist coming towards my face before he hits me. It was also the last thing I remember before everything went black. 


I sat in a chair where I couldn't move because I was strapped to it. My arm is sore, and I don't remember why. After a while, they had begun unstrapping me, but I still couldn't move my body. A man lifted me from the chair. The man was known as Stucker. When we came to my room, he laid me on my bed. He was about to go out of my room, but before he got the chance, I got to say something.

"Why can't I... move my... body...?" And with those words, he gave me one look and then walked out of the room. 

Yes, I am scared. They had been testing on me and training me since I can remember. I learned what the place I am in is called pretty quickly. The only reason I know the name is that I once heard two guards talk about it. They said it was a new project called 'The Red Hydra.' Just the thought of that name made my body shiver. 

 They are sometimes nice to me, and that makes me feel good. Well, they are trying to teach me defends and a lot of different martial arts. I am getting good at some martial arts, but there are still some I struggle with.

Even though they can be nice, they can also be very evil. If I mess up by coming late to practice or just doing something wrong, they will torture me. Sometimes I try to think of a good place when they cut my skin open or electrocute me. 

Is it wrong that I'm happy when they put me under anesthesia so I can't feel or remember the pain they are putting me through? 

~~~~~~~~A  flashback time skip because who cares~~~~~~~~

"Tie her tight, now!" I heard. I didn't see what was happening because everything was happening so fast that my brain couldn't follow what they were doing. After five minutes, I was strapped to a table, and once again, I couldn't move or scream for help. I couldn't scream for help because they always put something on my mouth, so no one would ever be able to hear me. 

I close my eyes so I wouldn't see what they did to me, only feel it. "Give me the laser," I heard someone say, and it made me feel more scared than I have ever felt before because what are they going to use it for? The next thing I know is that my skin is burning. After 20 minutes of them cutting and electrocuting me, they began cutting my legs off and putting them back on again without putting me on anesthesia. And right after they started, I lost consciousness. 

I wake up in my room with a sore body, sorer than it has ever been before. I chose to sit up even though it is hard. Beside my bed, there is a little table, and on the table, there was some food with a note on it. I took the note first and read it. It wasn't a caring note because there only stood 'you have missed six days of training.' 

I looked at my body, and I was surprised. And yes, it was a good surprise because I had thought that there would have been a lot of new scars, but there were only the old ones. I got the old ones when I first came. I was really stubborn at first until they began torturing me. And after that, I tried to always be on time and do as they said. But sometimes, it is hard to go against everything your mind and body tell you.

I guess they found a way of hurting me without leaving any marks. Well, lucky me, I guess. I really don't know if I'm the lucky one here because they are still torturing me. 

I sometimes wonder what my past life was like because I don't remember it. But I know that I have or had a family out there, and I really want to know what happened to them. 

After thinking a lot, I chose to lay down again because it was too painful to sit up. And right after I laid down on my back, my eyes closed, and I drifted to sleep. 

~~~~~~~~A five hours flashback time skip because we needed one~~~~~~~~

I opened my eyes and saw that I was lying on the table again. I looked around to see what was happening, but without luck, because they had strapped my head down. I began feeling a needle in my arm. I could feel some liquid being injected into my veins. My body began shaking, and I got a burning feeling inside my chest, like if there was a fire inside of me. 

My body soon stopped shaking, but the feeling of my body burning was still there. I could feel them take the needle out, but as soon as they took it out, a lot of other needles began poking into my skin, and the feeling of liquid being injected into my veins was there again.

Flashback stopped

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. call Tony and Bruce and say that they need to meet me in the hospital wing and that it is an emergency." "Already done, sir."


A/N - The authors note

This is the chapter I have been waiting to write. I hope you guys like it :)

Please vote on my chapters :)

1063 words. 

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