Chapter 45

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Nat's pov

I woke up and saw that it was still dark outside. It was only three am when I looked at the time. I chose to get out of Bucky's arms and walked down the medical wring so that I could see her. We were all pretty shocked when Fury shot her. Vision and Thor took him away, so he wouldn't do more damage than he had already done.

I walked into her room, and I hated seeing her like this. She didn't deserve this. She had her whole life in front of her, and Red Hydra took it away from her. I took her hand in mine and sat on the chair beside her. "Hey Y/n, I know it's late, but I can't sleep." I knew she couldn't answer me, but it was nice to talk to her. It felt like she still was there to listen to what I had to say.

"Tony is really broken, but it is not your fault. You did what you had to do to save New York City and us." It was all our fault. We shouldn't have let her go. "I really didn't know that he was your brother. You need to believe me," I begged her, and I don't beg anyone. "You know, if Bucky knew I was awake, then he would have made me go back to sleep."

"Don't tell Bucky, but he's an ass sometimes." I heard the door open. My James was now standing in the room and looking at me. "And she is bad at sneaking out of bed," he said before walking over to me and kissing me on my cheek. "You knew?" I asked, and he nodded. I should have known that. "I'm sorry for sneaking out," I told him, but I only saw love in his eyes. "I don't care about that. What I care about is you being happy," he said before sitting beside me.

I talked for a few minutes more to Y/n before Bucky said that we needed to get back to bed. "I will come later," I said before letting go of her hand. "Come here, doll." I hit him playfully on the arm before holding his hand in mine.

"You know I hate waking up without you," he said on our way back to his room. We came to his room and walked over to the bed where we laid down. "Do you think she will wake up?" I asked him since he hadn't really talked much since it happened. "We are talking about Y/n. She is stronger than we know," he assured me, which made me smile a little. He kissed my temple, and we went to bed.

~~~~~~~~ Time to go ~~~~~~~~

I woke up without the warmth from James' body. I opened my eyes and saw that he wasn't beside me or in the room. The door opened when I was about to get out of bed. It was my James. "Stay," he ordered. He knew that he couldn't order me around, but it was still sweet when he tried. I did as he said since I could see that he had food with him.

"I made you food." he placed the food in front of me, and it looked delicious. I kissed his cheek. "Thank you." I drank some of the orange juice. "Anything for you." I looked on the plate and saw that there were peanut butter bites. I loved those, and they tasted like heaven. "Is there something you like?" I could hear the smirk in his voice, so I hit him in the stomach. "Ouch." I laughed. "The laugh I love," he said while stroking my cheek.

I took a bite of it, and a little moan slipped out of my lips. "Not now," James whispered in my ear. I could feel his breath on my skin. "Why?" I turned my head towards him. He looked handsome as ever. "We can do it when I say so." It was sweet that he tried to control me when we both knew that I had more control over him than he had over me. I moved the food to the side.

I moved, so I was sitting on his lap. "Why not?" I whispered in his ear before licking it. "I know you want to feel how tight I am around your big throbbing cock." I felt him grow under me, which made me smirk. His hands began going from my waist to my ass. "Baby, I don't think it's a good time," he said. I started moving forward and back again so I could feel him grow even more. "No." He pushed me off of him. "Fine." I got out of bed and began taking some clothes on.

He got up from the bed and stood in front of the door. "Why are you mad?" He asked me, but I didn't answer him. "Tell me." Why couldn't he just let me have fun and forget everything for one day? "Why don't you wanna fuck me!" I yelled at him. He was shocked by what I said. "Doll, I do wanna fuck you," he said with a smirk on his lips. "Then why can't we do it now?" I asked him. Couldn't he see that I wanted the world to disappear? "Because we need to be there for our friend, and you can't be there if you can't walk." God, how I hated that stupid smirk.

"I didn't think about that." He pulled me closer and kissed me on my lips. "What about a quick one?" I asked him. "Baby, you know it won't be quick." God, how I hated when he was right. "Let us get back to bed, okay?" He said while caressing my cheek. "Do you think Steve is gonna forgive her?" I asked him. He was his best friend so he must know that. "He doesn't wanna talk about her no matter how much I am going to try." He didn't really answer my question, which was weird. "James, will he forgive her?" I asked him with a serious tone. But yet again, he didn't answer it.

"Tell me now." I was getting a little irritated. Why couldn't he just tell me? "I don't know. Okay. He doesn't want to talk about her, so he isn't telling me shit." I felt sorry for snapping at him. "I'm sorry," I said before hugging him. "It's okay." He kissed my temple, and I smiled.

My James.


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

Nat is really caring in this one.

1085 words.

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