Chapter 13

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I woke up by someone stroking my hair. It felt good, like really good. I felt like I, for once, was waking up to a perfect day. 

Shit. Steve is still here. Wait, he is still here.

I began smiling at the thought that Steve had stayed and was still lying in my bed. I didn't want to open my eyes because if I did, he would probably leave me. I moved closer to him, and that was something I shouldn't have done. "Good morning, Y/N," he said with a deep morning voice. I could hear the smirk in his voice. It was weird because he didn't stop stroking my hair with his hand. "Good morning," I said back. "Did you had fun last night?" He asked with laughter in his deep morning voice, and just like that, all my memories from last night came back.

"Oh... god," I said while I buried my face in his chest of embarrassment. "So, you remember." "Yeah," I said with my face buried in his chest. "God, he is so comfy," I accidentally said out loud. 

Fuck, my life.

He took his other hand and placed it under my chin, and moved my head so I was looking at him. I began blushing. We looked into each other eyes, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't already lost in them. "Steve...?" "Yeah?" He said without looking away from me. "When I said last night that you could look when I change... Uhm... Did you?" He began laughing, which made me a little nervous. 

"No, of course not. Would you had been glad if I did?" My face turned redder than before. I was so embarrassed. 

Why did I ask?!

"What?!... I-I... hmm..." My stuttering got cut off by Steve. "Doll, I was joking." He gave me a big smile which made me get more relaxed. "You have called me doll two times now," I stated. I liked it when he called me it. "Sorry." "Don't say sorry... I like it..." I said right after he stopped speaking. He then sat up in my bed, so he was no longer lying down. I chose to sit up with him.

Fuck, I ruined the good moment. What is wrong with me?

He moved closer to me, which made me a little nervous. He took and placed his hand on my chin once again. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean. What he did next I would never in a trillion years have seen come. I then felt his soft, warm lips on mine. I liked it. I began kissing him back. 

What would Nat think of me?

The kiss was slow and sweet, just like in the fairytales, but it changed fast to a passionate kiss when things began heating up. 

He moved his hands, so they were holding on to my waist. He then moved me, so I was sitting on his lap without breaking the kiss. I moved my hands, so one of them was playing with his hair, and the other was resting on his shoulder. 

Please don't be a dream.

He removed his hands from my waist to my ass, which made me moan in the passionate kiss. When I moaned, I opened my mouth, and he got the perfect opportunity to sneak his tongue in there, which he did. Our tongues began dancing a beautiful dance together. 

I placed my hands on the hem of his shirt before I pulled away from the kiss. I looked him in his eyes and then down on his shirt for permission. He nodded, and I pulled it off. Our lips found together again like magnets. I felt his hands move to the hem of my t-shirt. I could feel he wasn't sure if I was okay with it, so I pulled away from the kiss. "I want this," I said, and just as I said it, I could see his eyes darken with lust. He pulled my t-shirt off and pulled me back into a more passionate kiss than before. I was in heaven.

I found my hands once more on his head, where I played with his hair. His hands kept roaming my body. God, how good his hands felt on my body. I began feeling his member getting hard under me. "Steve..." I moaned. His hands had found their place on the back of my bra, where he opened it in one movement. I then took my arms down so he could remove the bra from my arms. 

I felt his lips removed themself from mine. I looked at Steve, who was looking up and down my body. "God, you are beautiful," he said with a heavy breath. Instead of putting his lips back on mine, he began sucking on my neck, and then he moved down to my collarbone. I could feel that there would be marks on my body, but I didn't care. I wanted him. "Steve..." I moaned once more before everything went south. 

"N/N, have you seen... Ohh, fuck..." We heard coming behind us, and as fast as I could, I took my duvet and put it over our body, and I got off him, so I was sitting beside him. The duvet was over my breast and steve's hips. I could see he was trying to hide his hard member, and I was hiding my breast under the duvet so no one could see them hang loose.

Thank you for being a cock blocker, Nat.

"Hey... Nat," I said awkwardly. I felt like I wanted to die. She turned around so she wasn't looking at us. "I think I should go," I heard Steve said. I got a little sad that he would rather leave than stay with me, but what had I expected. He was probably just horny. He got out of the bed and took his close on in a rush, and left me alone with Nat.

God, why am I so stupid.

I put my head in my hands of embarrassment and stupidity. I heard the door close, and then I felt Nat's hands on my back. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I thought you were alone," I could hear in her voice that she was really sorry. "It is okay. I guess he was glad you came in and disturbed us," I said with sadness in my voice.



A/N - The authors note

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Well, that escalated quickly

1074 words. 

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