Chapter 12

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God, I hope I am dreaming and that I never wake up.

We were once again looking into each other's eyes without saying a word. It was nice. "I actually mean it, Steve. I don't hate you," I said without breaking our eye contact. "Why?" He asked. I asked the bartender to give me a double whisky. He put it on the table, and I took it fast in my hand. "For me to answer that question, I need to be drunker," I said, laughing, but not at him. I laughed at my answer. 

"Not to destroy this perfect movement, but why are you kinda nice to me?" I asked, not thinking of my choice of words. The smirk he had on his face got bigger, which made me more nervous than before. "Perfect movement, huh?" I then took the tequila and some shot glasses and poured myself some shots. I took four fast before he stopped me. He had a worried facial expression but also a smug on his lips. 

I didn't know what to answer, so I drank the rest of my whisky, and god, how I regretted doing that. It burned like hellfire. It didn't help, so I chose to take some more shots, but before I could get the tequila, someone else did, and that someone was Steve. "I'm sorry," he said with the tequila in his hand. I looked at him with a questionable look. 

Why was he saying sorry?

"Why?" I asked. He put the alcohol down on the bar table before answering me. "For making you drink all that." I was surprised, and without thinking and probably also because of the alcohol, I hadn't thought the next thing I said through. "It's okay. It was a perfect movement, and I wrecked it." I said before leaving him at the bar.  

The party went great. I drank a lot of alcohol to get looser and try to forget about the awkward conversation I had with Steve. I danced with the girls a lot because apparently all the boys that had asked me to dance got scared away fast again and I don't know why. It was also one of three reasons I had for drinking that much alcohol. I wanted to forget the part where all the boys get scared away from me. I couldn't stop feeling that it was my fault. 

I walked over to the bar for the third, perhaps the twentieth time, but who counts. Not me. "A double whisky," I demanded, really drunk. He gave it to me and said that I should take it easy with the alcohol and think about going to bed so that I would feel that bad the next day, but I didn't care. For all I knew, he could go and suck my dick. "I think you should listen to him, Y/N." I turned slowly around so I wouldn't get dizzy. "Why do you care. You hate me." I said, knowing that tomorrow I would regret what I said. 

I then turned my back at Steve to walk back to my girls, but I didn't get far before Steve held his hand tight around my wrist and turned me around, so I faced him once more. "Steve, let go of my wrist." "Okay," he said before holding his hands tight on my waist. I froze. I never thought that I would ever feel Steve's hands on my waist. God, how good it felt. "If you don't go voluntarily to bed, then I will carry you to it," he whispered in my ear, which gave me goosebumps. "Bite me," I answered. A smirk formed on his lips. "Ohh, I would love to do that, doll, but you are not in the right state now." I froze at his answer.

Before I could say anything back or move, he took the drink out of my hand, and lifted me off the ground, and placed me on his shoulder. 

"Put me down," I yelled drunk and loud while I hit his back with my hands. I looked around and saw Nat and Wanda laughing at me. 

When we came to the elevator, he chose to put me down. Finally, but he kept his hands on my waist. Tighter than before. I didn't see how close we were to each other before I could feel his breath on my lips. I could feel the gap between us getting smaller, but I didn't care. I put my hands on his chest, but right as I touch it, the elevator stopped, and we came out of our trance. He then lifted me back upon his shoulder, but this time I didn't care. This time I liked it.

When we came to my room, he chose to put me down on my bed, so I was sitting on it. He then got down on his knees to remove my shoes. He then walked over to my wardrobe and found one of my large t-shirts. He walked over to me and put it on me before taking my dress off. "It is okay. You can look. I-I have nothing to hide." I said, very drunk, which made him laugh a little. 

After he had gotten me out of my dress and shoes, he helped me lay down on my bed so I could go to sleep. When he had tugged me in, he was about to leave, but I moved my arm so I hold tight around his wrist. He turned around and looked at me. "I know you hate me and despise me, but can you please stay with me?" I asked, knowing he would say no, but what he did next surprised the hell out of me. He nodded. He then took his shoes and pants off and got into my bed and under my duvet. He pulled me close so I could have my head on his chest. I ended up falling asleep on his chest with his arm around me. I felt safe. 

~~~~~~~~ Time skip to the morning because I feel the awkwardness ~~~~~~~~

I woke up by the sun shining into my face through the window. I then felt something warm and soft under my head while feeling something heavy on my waist. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Steve's chest, my head was lying on, and his arm was around my waist. 

Fuck. Did we do it? No, he would never. 

I looked under the duvet to see if I still had clothes on. Lucky for me, I had. I saw that Steve had taken his pants off but not his shirt. I actually didn't care, so I closed my eyes again because I didn't want this moment to go away anytime soon. 


A/N - The authors note

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Well, that was something. hahaha. :)

1131 words. 

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