Chapter 39

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Y/n's pov

The date with Alex when great. It was like a fairy tale coming to life. He was as sweet as prince charming. "Thank you for making my life better," I told Alex while cuddling with him in his bed. "I was going to say the same thing." I kissed him on the cheek. "You missed," he said, which made me laugh. I kissed him on the lips. 

I began feeling a little dizzy even though I was lying down. "Are you okay, my love?" He sounded so concerned about me. "Yeah, just a little exhausted." I didn't want to worry him, so I just blamed the sex we had just had. "I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?" He asked me. I shook my head no. "If I ever do in any way. Tell me," he demanded. 

I knew he would never hurt me as others had done. "I will, even though that will never happen." He gave me a big smile. I liked his smile; it was so charming, like him. I got out of bed and rushed to the toilet. I opened the bathroom and began to throw up. I sat all the way down and put my head in my hands. I felt someone touch me, so I looked away from my hands. "Don't lie to me," Alex said to me while caressing my cheek. I nodded. 

"My head hurts, I'm dizzy, and I have the feeling like I need to throw up," I admitted to him. "Come, let me take you to the doctor." He helped me up, and we walked out of his room. We finally came to the medical area after walking for a bit. "Lay here," he said while pointing at a bed. He helped me over to the bed, and I began feeling worse when I was lying down. "Where is everyone?" I asked Alex. He looked at me with a confused facial expression. "They are here," he said, but I couldn't see them. I began feeling tired, so I closed my eyes and let the tiredness take over. 

Where is Steve?

~~~~~~~~ A few hours later ~~~~~~~~

I opened my eyes and was met with a sharp, bright light from the sun. I shut my eyes close again since it was too bright. Then, I tried to open my eyes again, and this time the bright light was gone. I looked to the side and saw that Alex sat beside me. "Hey, baby girl," he said before kissing my hand. "Hey.  What happened?" I asked him since I had no idea. 

"The thing that was going to keep you safe almost killed you, but we got it all under control." I sat up and kissed him. I looked around and saw one of the cameras move, so it was pointing towards us. "Is the camera supposed to only look at us?" I asked him. 

He looked upon the camera, and I could see that his facial expression had changed. "No, I think it is you enemies who have hacked it." I held his hand tightly. "I don't want them to take me." I knew they would come after me since I could be a danger to them. "How about we give them a little show?" He whispered in my ear. I began blushing at the thought. 

"Let's do it," I said with a confident voice. He crashed his lips on mine, and our lips moved in sync once again. We deepened the kiss. His lips left mine, and he began kissing down my jaw and moved to my neck. He began sucking on different places on my neck until he found my sweet spot and made me moan. "Alex," I moaned out. I could feel the smile he got on my neck. 

He removed himself from me and looked at the camera; It wasn't pointing at us anymore, which was what we wanted. "They are gone," he said. I leaned closer to him, so my lips were at his ear. "I want you." His lips crashed on mine, and we began from where we stopped. 

Steve's pov

I had gotten a text from Bucky saying that I needed to come down to the lab, so that was what I did. "What is it?" I asked them all. "We might have found the place where Y/n is." I couldn't believe my own ears. "Are you sure?" Tony nodded. 

"Sir, you are in," F.R.I.D.A.Y. said. "I got her to hack into their cameras so we could see and hear what was going on." We all nodded and began trying to find her. After some time, we finally found her. She was in what looked like a medical room. "Did they hurt her?" I asked them, but no one answered since they didn't know either. She didn't look hurt or sad, so why was she in a medical room?

We then saw that she looked directly into the camera, which made the guy turn towards it. He began whispering something to her, and she agreed to it. 

He kissed her. He kissed my girlfriend, and she let him. I turned it off when I heard her moan his name and not mine. She cheated on me with our enemy. She had lied to me. The image of her and that guy broke me more than I ever thought it would. "Steve," Bucky said, but I stopped him. "Tell Fury that I don't care what they do to her anymore," I said with a cold voice. I knew that it was hardly what I said, but for all I cared, she could rot up in the raft. 

I walked out of the room and towards the training room to get some of this anger off. She didn't just betray me, but all of us. I had given her all my love, and then she chose to throw it all away for some Hydra scumbag. She disgusted me. 

I began punching into the punching bags to get my temper out. The hard part was that I didn't hate her; I was hurt that she could just forget about that fast. I thought that we had something special, but I guess I was wrong. She would always be the one I love even though she doesn't love me anymore. 


A/N - The authors note

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But like, did she cheat?

1054 words.

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