Chapter 15

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I had taken my t-shirt back on after Nat left me alone. I was lying in my bed in a fetal position and crying my eyes out. I heard the door open, but I didn't care. "What have I done" I heard someone whisper. I opened my eyes to see who it was, but I couldn't. My eyes were so filled with tears that my vision was blurred. 

I felt the person take me away from my fetal position and make me sit up, with my feet over the edge of the bed and the person between my legs. I tried to remove the tears from my eyes so I could see who it was. And what I saw surprised me. It was the one person I thought wouldn't want to come in here again. I tried to say something, but I got interrupted by him.

"I am so fucking sorry. I am an idiot. I shouldn't have left you," He said with a sad voice that I had never heard him talked with before. 

Wait, was he sad?

"But you did." I looked down at my hands because it was too hard for me to look him in the eyes. "I know, and I can't change that, but what I really hope for is your forgiveness." I looked up at him and saw that he was sitting on his knees, and he had tears forming in his eyes. "...And not just for leaving you alone with Nat, but also for the things I had called you and how I have been treating you. You are an amazing person, and you can make everyone feel better just by smiling at them." He stopped to wipe away some of my tears instead of his own.

"And that is why..." He stopped and took a deep breath. "...I-I love you, Y/N," He stuttered. I was speechless. 

He actually likes me, no more than that he loves me. 

"You love me?" I said questionably. "Yes, big time." I wiped away one of his tears that were running down his cheek. "I love you too," I said with a smile on my face. "...And I forgive you," I told him, and that was the last thing I said before his lips met mine once again. 

God, I have missed the taste of his soft lips. 

We pulled away from each other to get some air. I had my arms on his shoulder while his hands were on my cheeks. "...I'm so sorry," He breathes out. "It's okay..." I was going to say something more, but he stopped me. "No, it is not. I was mean to you and called you stuff that wasn't true, and I made you feel like shit, and I shouldn't be forgiven for that..." I put my hand in front of his mouth so he couldn't say another word. 

I looked him in the eyes. "But I always forgave you even though Nat told me not to." I could see that his beautiful ocean blue eyes were once again felt with tears, so I chose to kiss his forehead for comfort. "I don't deserve you," he told me with sadness and happiness in his voice. "Yes, you do. We deserve each other‚" I said to him with a smile on my face. 

He then took me in for a hug where I felt safe and happy. After a while, he pulled me away so he could look at me. "Y/N, would... you like...hmm... to..." I cut him off by kissing him. "So is that a yes?" He asked me into the kiss. "Yes, you dummy," I said with a heavy breath. I could feel his smile in the kiss. We kept on kissing until.  

"Sir Rogers and Agent Y/L/N, Mister Stark want me to inform you guys that tonight there will be a party to congratulate you two," we heard F.R.I.D.A.Y. say. We stopped kissing immediately and began to question how he knew. "How did he know?" I asked Steve. "I don't know, baby girl." I felt like I was going to melt when he called me that. 

He stood up and walked over to my wardrobe, where he found me some clothing I could have on. "Here, take this on," he said while giving me some white shorts and a baby blue t-shirt. I stood up from the bed and saw Steve's eyes wandering up and down my body. "God, you are beautiful," he said while taking a step closer to me. 

"Thank you, handsome," I said while giving him a little wink. I walked past Steve and into my bathroom, where I changed to the clothes he chose. "Baby, I have already seen your naked body, so why do you change in the bathroom?" I could hear the smirk in his voice, but when he called me baby, I felt like I couldn't stand on my feet. Like if they were turning into mush. 

I then walked out of the bathroom with the outfit on. I then slowly walked over to Steve, where I put my hands on his chest. "But you have only seen the top of me naked, not the bottom," I said while giving him a little wink. He then smirked at me with made me blush a little. "I think we need to have a talk with Tony about privacy" I laughed and nodded. I really didn't want to have sex and then have Tony looking at it. Ew, no thanks. 

He kissed me on the lips and took my hand before we left out of my room. I was not sad anymore. Everything with Steve was solved. I couldn't be happier than I was right now. We walked hand in hand into the living room. I felt slightly awkward because Steve and I have never done this before. I felt like everyone was looking at us, which they were. 

"Tony, you are going to remove the cameras and microphones in Y/N's room, and if there are any in mine, then you are also going to remove them. Understood?" Steve ordered. I liked it. Tony nodded. "Shall I make you some food?" I nodded. He kissed my forehead before he left for the kitchen, which made me blush. 

I turned my head, so I was facing all of my teammates. "So, did you all see us in my room?" I asked them nervously. They all nodded. I began feeling a little awkward because they had seen me lying in a fetal position. Before I knew it, Nat and Wanda came running towards me and gave me a big hug. I needed that. " I'm sorry for yelling at you, Nat." "No, it is me who is sorry. I should have knock before walking into your room." 

I was about to say that it was all okay and that I knew she thought I was alone, but unfortunately, I got interrupted. "Wait, you walked in on them doing it?"


A/N - The authors note

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