Chapter 2

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We have just gotten home from a shopping tour, and we had a lot of fun. We started shopping as the first thing, and then we took something to eat and talked about missions and the other Avengers, but we didn't talk about Steve because they knew I always feel bad about myself every time he comes into the conversation. After our talk, we got back to our shopping, and we bought a lot of clothes. I didn't tell them about my suspension because I don't want them to be mad at Tony, Fury, or Steve. But I would be happy if they beat Steve's ass. 

We walked inside with all our bags of clothes, and we looked hot in it. We had a lot of fun when we were out, but it all stopped when we walked into the living room.

"This is all your fault. I told you that you were no good for this team. Are you happy now?" he said while he pushed me, so I landed on the ground. "Steve, take it easy. What is going on?" Wanda said, confused. She wasn't alone. All the Avengers just look at us. I was not confused. I know what he was talking about. It is about the suspension we have gotten from Fury and Tony. "She got us suspended from future missions," he said while he was trying to push me back down after I got up, but Wanda and Nat got in his way. 

"Get out of my way, now!"

"No, Steve! Wanda and I are not letting you hurt her, just because of some dumb suspension".

"Y/N go to hell," he said while walking away from us. I don't know what just happen and why he got so mad at me. I wasn't alone. It was his fault too. "Y/N, why did you and Steve get suspended?" Nat asked me, and everyone was just waiting for me to answer. I told them what had happened and that Steve and I couldn't go on another mission until we got along and didn't fight anymore. I saw their faces while I was telling them about it. Some of them looked choked. Others were looking mad. I told them that it was a direct order from Fury and Tony. 

"Guys, I'm really sorry for all the times I could have got us killed or in a bad position because of how Steve and I have fought on the missions. I hope you guys can forgive me?" I was really sorry about how I had been on the missions. I really just hope that they can forgive me because I don't want to lose my best friends and my friends I have gotten here. I walked away, so they got time to think about it because I don't want to rush them.

~~~~~~~~A little time skip because Steve is dancing ballet~~~~~~~~

I have been lying in my room for what felt like hours. I look at the clock. Oh god, it was already six pm. But I wasn't hungry, so I just kept lying down.

"Miss L/N, the food is ready."

"Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y., but can you say I'm not coming because I'm not hungry," F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked me if I was sure, and I said yes, I wasn't feeling for eating right now. I know I should go down and eat, and I just didn't want to face all of them right now. I know that they will forgive me, or I really hope they will, especially Nat and Wanda.


"Just come in." Both Wanda and Nat came in and sat on my bed. They had food with them because they knew I was hungry and I just wanted to eat alone. I said thank you to them for coming with my food, so I didn't have to go down later to find something to eat. "You're welcome, and you know that we don't blame you for what happens on the missions. It is also Steve's fault". I know that Nat is right, but I just can't stop thinking about how Steve is right. Maybe I should just quit, then Steve could get out fighting bad guys again.

"Y/N L/N, you dare quit and leave us here alone."

"Did you just go into my mind?" I was a little impressed that she did that. I know she can do those things, but that she had the courage to do that again since what happened last time. The last time was pretty funny. She was practicing her mind-reading powers on me and dug a little too deep, so I maybe have attacked her, and she ended up with a broken arm, and I got a broken hand, but it was worth it. I couldn't stop laughing when I thought about it.

We talked for hours and ended up having a movie night. After a little while, we all fell asleep. It was a good movie, though. But we were tired and exhausted, so we ended up sleeping instead of seeing half of the movie. I woke up in the middle of the night. The girls were still sleeping. Nat looked so peaceful, and Wanda also looked peaceful, but that was normal. I could feel that I was really thirsty, so I chose to go down and get something to drink.

When I came into the kitchen, I walked straight over to get myself a glass of water. I opened the refrigerator and poured myself a glass of ice-cold water. The only light there was in the room was from the refrigerator because I didn't want to turn on the light. I closed the refrigerator, but when I did, I got a shock and dropped the glass on the floor, so there were water and glass all over the floor.

I couldn't see who it was. It was too dark. "I'm sorry, it was my fault I should have turned the light on," I said while feeling really guilty about walking into the person. "It's okay. You thought you were alone, so did I" the voice sounds really familiar but not quite. The voice was caring and sweet. I had no idea who the person was until.


A/N - The authors note

1037 words, god damn, that is a lot. I hope you guys like it.

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