Chapter 25

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Steve's Pov

"We would never hurt you," I told her, but she didn't look like she believed us or rather me. I knew that Nat had just said that, but I wanted to say it too.

"So, you are saying that you didn't punch me in the face, so I blacked out?"

"Or how you mentally hurt me by calling me things?"

"Or tortured me with fucking electricity?"

Every word that came out of her mouth hurt me. It reminded me of how bad I had been treating her. I knew that the last part was all of us, but I should have stopped him from doing it. It wasn't right. 

"I can go on and on, but I don't wanna relive the fucking memories," she said without flicking an eye. I knew what she meant. Well, all of us knew. We just didn't want to admit it. I looked at the others, who were just as speechless as I. "We really just wanna help you."

"If you really wanna help me, then get me out of here and let me go home to my family." she almost shouted. "We are your family," Wanda told her, but she turned her back towards us and walked over to her bed, where she sat down. 

We left the floor and headed towards the living room to talk about what to do. 

"Tony, can you maybe check what this is?" 

"Of course, Nat." he took the thing from her hand and walked over to his lab, and we followed him, of course. We watch him asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to analyze the thing Nat gave Tony. We waited for what felt like an eternity but was probably only 30 minutes. "Sir, I analyzed the thing you gave me," F.R.I.D.A.Y. told him. "What is it?"

"It seems to be a chip to control minds with." We were all shocked by the information that we had just gotten. "Why would she have that chip when her mission was to kill us?". Wanda asked. And that was when it hit me. "Oh shit." "Language and what is it?" Tony asked me. "You guys remember her telling us that she couldn't kill Bucky?"

They all looked confused at first, but after a few seconds, they finally understood what she had meant with that. "She told me that they missed me," Nat told us. I didn't want to believe that our Y/n was gone, but I had almost lost hope. "I think her mission was to bring Bucky and me back to Hydra and the Red Room and kill the rest." "You are probably right," Tony informed her. 

"Sir, Fury is in the building," F.R.I.D.A.Y. told us. We all looked at Tony to see if he knew why Fury was here. Of course, we didn't really know why Fury would be here in the middle of the night, but we didn't question it.

We walked over to the meeting room. We were now just waiting for Fury to join us. "So, what is the status on Y/n?" Fury asked while walking through the door. None of us said anything because there wasn't really anything new to tell him. "We think we know what her full mission was," Nat told fury. He asked us what it was, so she explained. 

"So, she thinks that you guys operated in her brain?"

"Yes, sir," Nat said, but I could see on her facial expression that there was something she wasn't telling us. I knew that she was good at hiding emotions and lie, but this time she didn't hide it away. "Nat, what aren't you telling us?" I needed to know. 

We were now all looking at her until she finally spoke. "I had a feeling that she wasn't lying about the operation in her brain." We were all shocked because none of us had done that. "Not that any of us had, but that they had." There was quiet. 

We were all thinking about why they would operate on her brain when they just needed to brainwash her. And that was when it hit me. She wasn't brainwashed the same way as Bucky was because that would have shown on the first test we did on her. "guys, I might have an idea."

They all had a facial expression that said 'tell us now,' which I did. "I might think that they put that chip in her brain, and that was why they operated on her and how they manipulated with her memories, well some of them." They all looked at me like they had never heard me sound this smart. "So, what do you think we need to do, Rogers?" Tony asked me.

"Can you maybe use the chip we have to scan if there are others in the building?" "I wouldn't be a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist if I couldn't do a simple thing like that." I rolled my eyes at his comment. He asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to search the tower for more of them. 

"Sir, there seem to be one three chips in the tower. One in miss L/n's room, the one you found, and one on the cell floor," F.R.I.D.A.Y. said. I was overly happy that we had found the problem. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., fill her cell with anesthesia, and when she is unconscious, remove it so we can get her out of there," Tony ordered. 

After a minute, the gas was removed from the cell, and Y/n was unconscious. We took her to the medical wing and prepared her for surgery. Even though Tony and Bruce were science guys, they also knew how to operate on a brain. 

After five hours, they came out of the room with smiles on their faces. "You were right, Steve. It was a chip and a small one. It was too small to be seen on the brain scans," Bruce informed us. I was relieved.  We had now actually had operated in her brain, so that wasn't going to be a lie anymore. I asked them if they knew if she would remember what had happened or if those memories would be lost. They said that they didn't know which I wasn't happy with her. 

I walked into her medical room instead of going to bed as the others did. I saw her lying on the bed. She looked so peaceful and yet so fragile. I sat beside her bed and hold her hand, hoping that she would wake up from her surgery soon. 

It has been a while since she had gotten the surgery, and I was still sitting beside her and holding her hand. I didn't want her to wake up without me being by her side. 



A/N - The authors note

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My book is ranked number 2 under Steve. WTF, I am so overvelmed. Thank you all for reading this story.

1116 words. 

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