Chapter 38

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Steve's pov

"Steve, you need to understand that she isn't coming back," Nat spoke. I didn't care about what she said. I knew Y/n; she wouldn't have done this. She wouldn't have left us. She wouldn't leave me like this. She told me that she would be on my side, so what changed. "You don't know her," I almost shouted at them. "She made her choice," Tony said. They all nodded. 

They had given up on her, but I won't. She is my girlfriend, and I am going to get her back. Whatever it takes. How could they all give up on her? They were her teammates and family. "How do you know it was her choice?!" I shouted back at him. "People make stupid decisions when they are overwhelmed with stuff!" None of them said anything. "I expected more from you, Romanoff," I said right before I left the room. 

I took my drawing book and sat on my bed. I hadn't drawn anything since she left us. She was my muse. I looked at the drawings I had of her. She looked just at perfect here, but better in person. A tear fell from my eye and onto the picture of her. 

For the last three weeks, I had been looking for signs that they had manipulated her, but there was nothing. There had been no Hydra attacks since she joined them, which was very weird. My door opened, and in came Bucky. "Can we talk?" He asked me, and I nodded. He was my oldest friend, literally. 

He walked over to me and sat beside me. "Steve, you need to understand; she chose them with her own free will." I wanted to hit him in the face, but I couldn't. "She's my girlfriend," I told him. "I know, but she isn't with us anymore."

"You make it sound like she is dead." He couldn't just talk about her like that. "In Fury's eyes, she kinda is," he added without looking me in the eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "He thinks that she is too powerful to be in the hands of the Red Hydra." He took a break to breathe. "He told us yesterday that he is sending agents to get her back so she can come in the raft." I couldn't believe my ears. 

"She isn't our enemy," I said with an angry tone. "We know, but Fury doesn't care. He told us that if she isn't coming with the agents willingly, then they have permission to shoot her but not kill her." I looked down at the picture I had drawn of her. She was smiling while reading a book. "What did you guys say?" I wanted to know if they were one of the agents to get her back. "We aren't allowed on this." I nodded. 

He began to explain that Nat and Tony were the reason why we weren't allowed to get her back. Apparently, they had yelled at Fury and threatened him. I couldn't stop laughing a little at that thought. "We all know she isn't our enemy," he said with a slight smile on his lip. But, even if he told me that she wasn't our enemy, some parts of me still feel like they will end up thinking she is. I knew that if it ever were me against her, then I would let her win. I would never allow her to feel pain again. 

"Do you think I was the reason she left?" I asked him. A part of me couldn't stop blaming myself for her leaving us. I would have understood if it was since I had done so many things towards her that I regretted. "She felt betrayed by a lot of us, but not you," he assured me. Her joining the enemy's side was the worst feeling I had ever felt, and she had stabbed me before. 

See, you would think that the girl you love the most stabs you, would make you trust her less. But no, I trusted her with all my heart, and I still do. "When did you last sleep?" he asked me with a concerned voice. "I don't remember." He took my drawing book out of my hand and placed it at my desk. "Sleep, and we will talk about it tomorrow." He was acting like a mom.

I did as he said since I didn't feel like arguing with him, mostly because I knew he would win. So I got under my duvet and closed my eyes. 

Bucky's pov

I left his room and headed towards my own. I knew Nat would be there since he only slept if I was beside her. She didn't want to sleep because she felt guilty for breaking her promise to Y/n. She had had a lot of nightmares about the Red room since Y/n left with them.  "Why didn't he tell me?" She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. She had never liked to show weakness, but for me, she did. "Because he didn't want you to lie to a girl who had been trusting you with her life." I sat beside her, and she hugged me. 

"I fucked up," she said. I made her lie down under the duvet with me. I began stroking her back while her head was lying on my chest. "You didn't," I assured her. I never thought that I needed to take care of two people instead of one. Not long after I began stroking her back, I heard her breathing even out, which meant that she had fallen asleep. She always looked so peaceful and happy in her sleep, which was one of the reasons I never wanted to wake her. The other reason was that she would kill me if I ever did wake her from her sleep. 

I kissed her temple and said, "Sweet dreams, my queen." This was everything I had ever wanted. I closed my eye and began to fall asleep, knowing that my queen was sleeping before me. I needed her to fall asleep before me because I knew that she would walk out of bed and stay up all night thinking about what she had done wrong. 


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

I might have ADHD. 

1042 words.

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