Chapter 33

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I woke up to the feeling of Steve's missing body heat. I opened my eyes in a hurry and saw that he was gone. I began panicking a little. I looked under the duvet to see if it had all been a dream. But no, I was fully naked. I walked over to my wardrobe in a hurry to find some clothing. I took it on in a hurry so that I wouldn't be naked anymore.

I opened the door and was met by Steve standing in front of me. I walked backward, and he walked into my room with some food in his hands. "When did you wake up?" He asked me while putting the food on the table. "Just now," I said with a small voice. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone. I was just getting us some breakfast." I smiled at him. "Were you worried?" I shocked my head no.

He hugged me tightly and said, "I'm sorry that you got worried. I will never leave you." I hugged him back and let out a few sobs. "Shh, baby. I'm here." I felt so safe when he was around. "I'm sorry." "Why are you sorry?" he asked me. "For overreacting." I knew that it was stupid of me that I overreacted like that, but I still had some PTSD from that place. "You weren't overreacting, trust me." I kissed my temple, and I smiled.

"Sit on the bed so that we can eat," he said, and I nodded. I walked back to my bed and sat on it. He took the trail with food and walked over to the bed. "Can I eat the food by myself, or do you need to feed me?" I asked with a bratty voice. "If you keep that attitude, then yes."

We sat on the bed and ate the food, and it tasted terrific. We talked and laughed. Okay, we guffed around, but it was fun. I looked at my phone and saw that I had many missed texts from Wanda and Nat. "Stevie, I need to go. The girls need me." We stood up and walked over to the door. "Se you later, and never call me Stevie again."

"I think I will," I said while smirking at him. "Not if you don't wanna feel the consequences." I felt butterflies in my stomach. We kissed, and we left my room to go our separate ways. I walked into Nat's room because it was there that they wanted to meet. "Tell us everything," they said at the same time. "We did it," I said quickly. They hugged me right.

"Was he big?" "Nat!" I yelled while laughing. "Yeah, was he big?" I slowly nodded. They gave each other a high five like if they already knew. I guess I should have known too. Because when he got the serum, then everything got bigger, so of course, his dick had gotten bigger too. We began talking about our boys. Wanda sounded really happy when she spoke about Vision. I then heard a voice whispering, so I turned my head toward the door, but no one was there. "Did you guys hear that?" they shook their heads no, and Nat began talking about Bucky. 

I then heard the voice again, but it sounded like a little girl. She sounded familiar. "Help me," the voice said. I shook my head and tried concentrating on what Nat was saying. "Please." I stood up and walked out of Nat's room to try and find where the voice came from. I walked outside. The voice sounded like it came from the forest, so I walked that way. 

I was standing in the middle of the forest when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I got a shock and turned around. It was Steve and all the others who were standing behind me. I looked around. "When did I get here?" I asked Steve, and he looked concerned about me. "You don't remember?" I shook my head no. "What is the last thing you remember?" Steve asked me. 

I told them that the last thing I remembered was talking with the girls. They all looked concerned now. "What is it?" They had begun to scare me. "You asked us if we heard something in Nat's room, and we said no, and then you just walked out of there," Wanda informed me. We began walking back, and I couldn't stop thinking about what they said. 

What did I hear?

"Is everything okay?" Steve asked me while taking his hand in mine. "I just tried thinking about what I could have heard." He kissed my hand, and I blushed. I could hear that Tony was talking with Shuri, so but I didn't know why. "Are they gonna lock me up again?" I asked Steve with a small voice so only he could hear it. He stopped up and made me stop while the others walked further. "Not if it is up to me," he said before kissing my temple. I smiled slightly. 

We began walking again. I was glad that he would never let me get locked up again, but if they needed to, then I would understand. They all began looking for hidden cameras and speakers, but I didn't. Instead, I walked up to my bathroom since I needed to pee. 

I washed my hands while looking in my mirror. 

They are scared of you.

I tried shaking the thought out of my head, but it was hard. 

Let go.

"Shut up," I said quietly.

Let them go.

I tried hitting my head with my palm, but it didn't help. The thoughts just kept coming. 


"No," I said a little louder than before. I didn't understand why they didn't go away since it was my brain. I tried closing my eyes and count to ten, so I would get calmer and get the thoughts away. But it didn't help—nothing helped. I even tried putting cold water in my face so I could get a fresh mind. It was like I wasn't in control over my own thoughts, but at the same time, I was.

"Choose me," I heard a little girl's voice said. The voice sounded like I had heard it before. It was like I knew her. 


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

I'm sorry for the long wait. I have just not been feeling happy lately. 

1050 words.

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