Chapter 3

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It was Steve

But he sounded so caring and sweet. I have never heard that voice before. He had always had this angry and hateful voice when he was talking to me or when I was in the room. I got down on my knees to gather the broken glass that was all over the floor. Steve also got down on his knees to help me gather the broken glass. I did not see that coming, especially since what happened earlier today. 

Not a single word was spoken when we were cleaning the mess I have made. There was so quiet that you could hear a needle fall to the ground. 

Why is he helping me? He hates me.

I broke the silence with a question, "can I ask you a question?" He looked at me like I have said something wrong, he nodded yes.

"Why do you hate me?" I looked at him with a sad look. I never wanted to do anything that could make him hate me. I only wanted to be his friend, nothing more. Like I do not expect a long answer, just a little reason for him being mad at me all the time. "You really wanna know?" I could hear in his voice that he was a little annoyed by my question, but I nodded yes. 

"I hate you because you only think about yourself and do nothing for the team," he paused. "You are worthless and a slut, and we could do so much better without you here. You are only a charity case". My heart stopped when all those words came out of his mouth, I am a little glad that he told me, but I'm really sad about what he said. I never thought it would hurt that bad, but it did. I tried not to cry. 

Was I really worthless?

We finished the cleaning fast. I walked as fast as I could to my room without saying a word to Steve. He didn't need to know that he hurt me more than he had ever done before. I laid in my bed next to Wanda and Nat. 

~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by me being sassy~~~~~~~~

I have thought a lot about what Steve told me in the middle of the night, and I have thought about it a lot now and come to and conclusion. I sat up from my bed. Nat and Wanda had walked to their own rooms to get changed. I texted Fury and Tony to meet me in the meeting room in 15 minutes.  

I sat waiting for Tony and Fury to come. I didn't want Steve at the meeting. I just hoped he would play along. "So why are we here," said Tony and Fury when they walked through the door. "Steve and I have talked about our behavior, and we had agreed" they looked shocked at me when I said that we had agreed. "So? what have you agreed on?" said Fury.

"We have agreed that I need more training and will therefore not go on any mission in a long time. It is a mutual choice, and I also need to be stronger" I tried to sound confident even though Steve and I never talked about this. Tony and Fury looked at each other and nodded. "Okay, you and Steve are no longer suspended, and he will go on missions, and you want," said Fury, and they walked out of the room. I was a little sad about not going on a mission for a very long time, but it was for the best".

Steves pov

I sat in the living room with my teammates except for Tony and Y/N, I didn't know what they were doing, and I couldn't care less". 

"Steve Rogers," I heard Fury said. "What is it, sir?" I asked him while he was coming into the living room with Tony behind him. "I'm glad that you and agent L/N finally found a solution to your problems. You are no longer suspended." I was confused. We never talked about it. "Yes, sir," I said while Fury walked over to the elevator. 

"Steve?" Tony said while looking at me. I nodded yes and looked him in the eyes. "Next time, try not to look so surprised when Y/N safe your ass," he said while walking away. What did he mean by saving my ass? What did she tell them? I looked around. They were all looking at me with a questioningly look on their faces. 

"Spit it out now!" Nat yield at me. I would lie if I said I wasn't a little scared of her right now. "Trust me. I have no idea what just happened. I'm just as shock as you guys are". But what had Y/N said to them since Tony said 'she saved my ass?' I need to know. 

Y/N pov

I walked out of the meeting room and headed out to the living room, where I saw all of them looking weird at Steve. When I walked into the living room, I walked past them all because I just wanted to be alone, so I chose to go to the training room. They all just stared at me as if I had said something wrong or did something they never thought I would do, like giving up being a superhero for a short time, but they don't know that part, I hope.

~~~~~~~~A little time skip because I can~~~~~~~~

I have been training for a little while before I heard someone walked into the room. I turned around and saw Steve standing in the room. "I will go so that you can train alone," I said without expecting an answer. "I came to ask you something." "Then what do you wanna know," I said, hoping it had nothing to do with what I said to Tony and Fury. 

"What did you say to Tony and Fury to make them change their mind?" That was the one question I hoped never would be answered, but I should have seen it coming. So I told him.

"Well... I just said that we had talked about our behavior, and we had agreed that I need more training and I will therefore not go on any mission in a long time. And that it was a mutual decision and that I also needed to be stronger". I hold a little break. "So they said okay to it, and now the suspension is over." I looked at him after I stopped talking. He looked shocked. 

"So you are not going on missions with us anymore?" He looked confused. "Not for a long time, but I thought that was what you wanted," I said before walking away. I didn't want to see how happy he is about me not being apart of the team for a long time. We could say that I was still suspended, and I just gave him a way out of it. 


A/N - The authors note

1167 words, god damn, that is a lot. I hope you guys like it.

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