Chapter 24

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Nat's POV

It has been two weeks since Y/n lost her memory. After the last test, we found out that she had gotten a bad concussion, but there was no sign of her being brainwashed, which weirded me out. I missed the old Y/n every day, and I could see the others did too, but the person who had the hardest time was Steve. He could literally not hold her or kiss her, and if it had been Bucky and me, then I would have been feeling just like Steve did, but it was still nice to be around her.

We didn't really try to get her memories back because it could make the situation worse. We did still make daily tests to see if something new would show up on the scans, but they were all the same. Like literally the same. Normally there would have been a little change, but here there was nothing. It was like we saw the same thing on the screen as the first day we got the results back. 

We even checked if there was something wrong with the computer or machine, but nope everything was as it should be. Shuri was also very worried because she had never seen that happen. So we walked her through what happened repeatedly and told her what the voltage was when we tortured her, which made her make a weird face. 

She told us that normally that much voltage we used wouldn't have given her memory loss but that it could be herself blocking her memory. I asked her if she was sure if something like that could ever happen, and she told me if a person had been through a lot of trauma, then yes. It made me wonder what she had been through that could make her block her own memory. 

I knew about her old trauma, but not the new.

Shuri said that therapy could help, but it would take some time. So, we made Y/n go to therapy with Banner. It didn't really seem to work, but we did it anyway.

I woke up in the middle of the night and began feeling thirsty, so I chose to go downstairs to get myself something to drink. When I walked out of my room, I saw that Y/n's door was slightly open, so I walked over to it and saw that no one was in there. I didn't think about it that much, so I walked to the kitchen. 

I took some water and sat at the dining table while drinking it. I began feeling a little odd like I wasn't alone, so I looked around and saw that I was completely alone. I drank the last of the water, and I stood up from my chair and walked over to the sink. "Hey Y/n," I said without looking back. "How did you know I was behind you?" She asked me. I turned around and saw that she looked a little nervous. "I knew you were the only one who was up, so I guess." I lied. Well, yes, I knew she was up, but that wasn't the only reason I knew it was her.

I knew it was her because of her footsteps, she was my best friend, so of course, I knew how her footsteps sounded like. I then I'm an assassin. "What are you doing up?" I asked while leaning against the sink. I could see that she began being more nervous than before, and that made me get an odd feeling in my stomach, but once again, I shook it off. "I-um... I was thirsty." She told me while looking down at the floor. 

Was she scared of me?

"But you were out of your room before me," I told her. "I couldn't find the kitchen," she said while laughing awkwardly. I couldn't stop feeling that something was off because she had been with us for two weeks now, so she must have known where it was. 

She had been standing in the same position the whole time we had talked. Her hand was behind her bag and standing straight. 

Was she hiding something? 

"Okay," I said while turning my bag to her, so I was facing the sink again. I turned the water on so I could wash the glass in my hand. I took the glass in my hand and was about to put it in the sink when I turned around fast. 

Just as I turned around, I saw Y/n standing with a metal tube in her hand, and I grabbed it fast.

She looked at me with a shocked facial expression. I put the glass down and grabbed her arm with my now free hand. I tried taking the tube out of her hand, but she was stronger than I remembered. A lot stronger. I was about to call for backup when she kicked me in my stomach, and I fell to the ground. "This is between you and me, Чёрная вдова." It was now my turn to be shocked because when the hell did she learn to speak Russian, and why did she say Black Widow in that language. 

I got up from the ground and began fighting her back, but it was different from the training we used to do. She was stronger, and I felt a little weak fighting her, which I had never felt before. "Why are you doing this?" I asked her while we were still fighting. "They miss you," she said before she tried hitting me with the tube. I didn't think about her answer that much. I grab her hand and twist it so she lands on the floor. I turned her around, so she was lying with her face facing the floor. I sat on top of her so that I could hold her down and ask her some questions. 

Before I asked her some questions, I told F.R.I.DA.Y. to get the team down here so that I could get back up. "What did you mean by that?" I wanted to know. "They lost their top agent, so what do you think." She answered cheekily. 

Did she mean the red room?

I saw something in her pocket, so I took it. It was a small and kind of round thing. If my eyes were correct, then it looked like some kind of a chip.

I was about to give her a question about the chip-looking thing when the others came storming into the room. Bucky pulls me away from her while Steve and Tony take her away. "Doll, what happened?" Bucky asked me while hugging me tightly. "James, I don't know, but I wanna ask her two more questions question, so can we please go after them?" He nodded. I turned to the water off, and we all left to go after Steve and Tony.

"Great, so you are all just gonna electrocute me again," she said with a sarcastic voice. "No, but you are gonna answer truthfully on some questions," I told her while walking closer to the cell. 

"Did you fake the concussion?" Just as I asked her that question, she began smirking. "Of course, darling."

"How? And answer honestly," I told her. "When Shuri, Bucky, and Steve left the room after she had gotten the new equipment. I used my awesomeness and manipulated her equipment. They really shouldn't have left me alone in the room with the equipment while waiting for the answers." I wanted to beat that smirk on her face, but I knew that Y/n was still in there. "What is this?" I asked her while holding the chip-looking thing in my hand. She looked confused, and her hands rushed to her back pockets. "Where did you get that from?"

"From your back pocket. Now, what is it?" She didn't answer with made me a little irritated. "Now it is my turn Nat," Tony told me. I nodded. 

I walked back to Bucky while tony walked closer to the cell. "Why do you wanna kill us?" "It was my mission. Can you be more clueless," she said while walking over to the bed and sitting on it. "Why did you say to Steve that we took you from your family?" When Tony asked her that question, her facial expression changed to a confused one. "Because you did." 

"We would never take you from your family or hurt you," I told her with a caring voice. "Of course you would. You operated on my fucking brain!" She yelled at us. I was shocked by what she told us.

We didn't operate on her brain.

"We never did that," Nat said with a hurt voice. 

"God, you guys are such bad liars." 

I began questioning what she said, not because I thought she was lying, but because I thought there would be more to it. 


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

Well, that just happened.

1481 words. 

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