Chapter 27

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I didn't know how to tell him.

How could I tell him that I didn't feel like myself when I woke up in that hospital bed. He was so happy to see me. I didn't want to destroy his happiness.

"Steve, there is nothing wrong. I'm just tired." I could see that he didn't believe my lie, but I wanted him to. "Please, tell me what's going on in that smart brain of yours." I couldn't stop giggling when he said that. 

"It's okay, baby. I am here." I didn't know I was crying until his hands removed themself from my wrists. My giggling had switch to crying in a matter of seconds. Then, he removed himself from me, so he was sitting beside me. He then took me into a big hug and told me that everything would be okay and that I was safe. After some time, we ended up separating ourselves from the hug so he could remove the tears that were falling down my cheeks. 

"I don't feel like myself," I mumbled. I didn't know if he heard me or not, but it looked like he did from his facial expression. "I will call Shuri so that she can check you, okay?" I nodded. He kissed my temple and went over to find some clothes he could wear. I looked at him taking his shirt on. he looked so sexy doing it. I took my hands up to my mouth in a hurry to check if I was drooling. I wasn't, but it was close.  

I stood up from the bed and walked over to him. "I think I will go to my room and find myself some other clothes," I told him before hugging him. "See you in the kitchen in a minute?" He asked me. "See you in a minute," I assured him before leaving toward the door. I walked towards my room, which was almost beside Steve's room. 

I loved how Steve wanted to know how I was and that he could see that there was something wrong. But I didn't know how I was going to tell him what happened when I was gone.

When I first got taken by the Red Hydra, I kept wishing that he would come to save me, but that changed when they talked about cutting my brain open. That was where I gave up. I had been fighting for so many years to forget about that place and what they did to me, and for what course? I ended up there again. They had to wait three weeks before cutting my brain open, but that was long enough for me to almost end my life. 

I didn't do it because I knew that one day, no matter how long it would take, they would find me, or I would find them. And I indeed did find them, just not how I wanted to. 

I opened my wardrobe and took out a white t-shirt with the text 'Beauty comes from within, not the other way around.' I then took some black high waist jeans that looked great on my body. I changed quickly because I didn't want Steve to wait for me. I opened the door and got a chock. It was Nat. "Hey..." I said, knowing that this is the first real talk we will have after a long time. 

Instead of her usual nagging as she does and I like, she just hugged me. Well, it was a fast hug, and then she hit my arm. "Ow." "That was from trying to brainwash me," she said with a laugh in her voice. "Well, I couldn't exactly kill you," I said while laughing back. 

We walked together down to the kitchen. It was nice talking to her again like we used to. When we talked, I felt like I hadn't been away. But that is what Nat does. She gets her family back to where it should be and not what it was. 

I could see Steve making some food, and from what it looked like, then it was my favorite. "You know he has been training non-stop since you got taken away from us," she informed me before we were close enough for Steve to hear us. 

I separated from Nat. She walked over to the table, where I walked over to Steve. "My favorite? You didn't have to." He gave it to me and kissed my temple. 

How I love this man. 

We sat at the table to eat and talk about everything that happened in the months I was gone. I kept trying to lecture Steve that sleep was important and that training that much with no sleep was unhealthy, but of course, he needed to remind me that I would stay up to god know how to finish a series or a book. "Hey!! If the book is good, then I will," I said while hitting him on the shoulder.

It was great talking to them. It almost felt like the old days, except Steve was a part of it now, which was only the best thing ever. 

"Rogers, I will inform you that Shuri has arrived," F.R.I.D.A.Y. told us. We said bye to Nat and walked toward the medical wing where Shuri was standing, ready to greet us. "Steve, Didn't I tell you to get me if any operation was needed on this broken girl," she said, hitting Steve's shoulder. I laughed. "I gave you an apology on the phone."

"Yeah, but that one sucked." I couldn't stop laughing. It was all just so great. "I'm glad you could come," I told her, trying to keep my laugher back. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," She said while hugging me. I had forgotten how good of a hugger she was. We walked into the room, and I laid myself on the bed while holding Steve's hand in mine. 

I looked over at Shuri and saw a smirk on her face. "Steve, I know how a pussy you are right now, but can you be a man with balls and remove your hand from hers." That was the Shuri I remembered. Always saying what's on her brain. Yes, she had a filter, but she chose to say the most of it. He removed his hand fast, which made me laugh even harder. 

She did all kinds of testing, but the only ones I knew what was about were the head scan and the body scan, all the other things she did. I had no idea what it was for. 

"Well, Y/n, you are perfectly normal, and I promise you I have checked everything three times this time." I smiled at her, but I still didn't feel like myself.  She left the room for me and Steve to talk, but I really wasn't up for talking. "You don't have to tell me anything. I already know."

I looked at him with a shocked face. "Steve, I still..." "I know, baby, I know. I could see it in your eyes," he cut me off. I hugged him. It wasn't a short hug. No, it was a long and needed hug from both sides. 


A/N - The authors note

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Shuri is just a vibe. hahaha.

1200 words. 

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