Chapter 43

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It was all about me. There was a list of all my powers. It was so fucked up. I looked further down and saw that this wasn't just an old fill; it was ongoing since my sickness was written there. I felt lied to and more betrayed than I had ever felt. But what scared me the most was that I wasn't their friend; I was their weapon again. They were going to use me against the Avengers, the people I betrayed because of Red Hydra. They had used the little girl to manipulate me into thinking things and doing stuff. 

I began to question myself if I even liked Alex. I looked further and what I saw next made me realize that I hadn't been in the right state of mind. The thing that Alex made me drink was not to protect me, but it was to kill the Avengers. They had sat bombs all around in the Avengers Tower, and I was the person who had the power to turn them off, but it had a price. It didn't say how many bombs there were, which scared me.

If I wanted to save them, then it meant that I had to die. I wanted to live a happy life, but they hadn't written down where they had put the bombs, so my life wasn't worth living if it meant to kill the people who took me away from Red Hydra. I just hoped that they would forgive me for betraying them. 

God, I even cheated on Steve. 

I was the worst person on earth. I looked at my powers again and saw that there was one that I didn't know about. I had teleportation. I could teleport everywhere I wanted if I concentrated enough. I put the computer to the side and began seeing the Tower in my head. I wanted to go there and apologize to them before it was too late. They needed to know the truth. I tried over and over again. I had to make this work.

I began feeling a cold wind, so I opened my eyes. I was standing in front of the Tower. I was happy. I opened the door and walked in. "Miss L/n, shall I tell Mr. Stark that you are here?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, and I must say that I had missed her a lot. "Please don't. But can you get them all to be in the living room without telling them that I ordered that?" I asked her. "Of course, miss L/n." I smiled.

"And please tell fury that I am here, and he needs to be here fast, and tell him to bring a gun," I said right before I walked up the stairs since I didn't want to get caught. 

I knew that they would all be in the living room, so I chose to sneak into Bucky's room before going to the living room to meet them. I took one of his blades and left in a hurry. I saw them all stiffen when they saw me walking into the living room. "Y/n?" Nat asked with a sad voice. I nodded. She was about to get up. 

"Please stay there. I need to tell you guys something fast." They all looked worried, and there was no blame there. "I wanted to tell you all that I am deeply sorry for what I did," I started out by saying. "I have only now found out that my mind had been manipulated with." I looked at Steve, and he didn't look at me. Why would he? I cheated on him. "The only thing I want is for you guys to know the truth. It's okay if you don't forgive me."

I looked at my hand, which was shaking. I then looked at the clock and saw that I didn't have much time left. "They wanted to use me as a weapon against you guys, but I found out and got away before they found out." I couldn't look them in the eyes. "I am not gonna let them harm you," I assured them. I kept looking at the time so that I wouldn't talk for too long.

I felt someone's arms around me, so I looked up. It was Nat. "I forgive you," she said, and I broke down in her arms. "I-I don't wanna die," I let out. "Why do you have to die?" She asked me. I looked around, and they had all the same questioning facial expressions. Finally, I removed my tears and took a deep breath. "I am connected to some bombs that they have set all around in the tower. If I live, you guys die. If I die, you guys live."

They all looked more worried and sad now. "We can remove them," Tony said, but I shook my head no. "I have nanotech in my body, and they are monitoring my puls." Tony came over to me and stood in front of me. He then took me into a hug. It was nice.  "I won't let them take my sister away from me again." I held him tighter cause I didn't want this moment to end, but it had to. 

"Get away from that girl." We all looked over to the elevator, and there he was. Fury. "You are not shooting her!" Tony and Nat yelled when Fury had his gun pointed at me. "Fury, if you don't shoot me, then I'm gonna kill myself," I said while taking the blade I took from Bucky out. "Fury, don't listen to her," they kept yelling, but I had already made my decision. "If you don't kill me, millions of people are going to die." They all looked shocked. 

Fury's gun was still pointing at me, but nothing more. I thought it would have been easier for him to shoot me, but I guess I overrated his hate for me. "Fury, I mean it if you do-" A loud bang cut me off. A burning pain filled my chest and lungs. I coughed, and blood came out. I chose to look down and saw my shirt was filled with blood. I collapsed on the floor and looked up at the ceiling. 

I felt someone holding my left arm, so I looked to my left and saw that it was Steve. "You are not gonna leave me like this. You are gonna fight this," he said. Then, tears began falling from my eyes. The tears were from the pain and also the fear of leaving them all behind. "I'm sorry. I never stopped loving you," I said. I wanted him to know that even though I left him and was with another guy, he was still the one I loved. "Please don't leave me, I beg you."

I wanted to fight; I really did. But if I did, then he and the rest would die, and that would kill me. We never got to be together for long, but he had made that amount of time worth living for. He helped me be happy when I was down. He was my sun when everything was cloudy. He was the reason why I needed to die, so he could be the sun for another person and make her feel special, just like he made me feel special. 

"I'm sorry."


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

Am I sorry? Yes.

1225 words.


But it's not the end...

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