Chapter 23

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"So, you are telling me nothing is wrong with her?" I asked Shuri when we stood away from the medical wing. "The scans don't lie." I wanted to believe her, but I couldn't. Something happened to her, and we need to find out what it was. "I can run a few more tests, but it will probably show the same thing." I thanked her, and we walked back to where Y/N was lying. 

I ended up sitting beside Y/N while Shuri ran the same test as last time. It took hours to do the tests again, but it was worth it because we needed to know how she got brainwashed and how she lost her memory. "I'm sorry, guys, but nothing. I need more time and some other kind of equipment to find out what you are looking for," she said before leaving us alone in the room. I wasn't disappointed with the result we got. I had just hoped that we could get her back soon, but I guess I was wrong.

"Steve?" I looked her in the eyes and saw that she had a worried look on her face. "Yeah?" "Is there something wrong?" I looked down at the floor because how would I tell her that we don't know what we had done to her? God, I'm the worst person in the world.  "No, nothing. Everything is good," I said, trying to convince her and myself. "I know that I can't remember you or any of the others, but you can tell me if I have done something to make you sad," she said. I could hear in her voice that she really thought she had done something wrong, which she hadn't. 

I looked her in the eyes and saw that she was more worried now than she was before. "God, no. You have done nothing wrong," I told her, which made her smile, and her worried look disappeared. Her smiles were something I had missed the most, but knowing that she didn't know how her smile affected me, was slowly killing me. "You said that I lived here. Can I maybe go and lay down in my bed? I'm quite tired." "Of course you can, come with me," I told her when I stood up from the chair.  

We walked out of the room and headed to her room, which none of us had touched since she disappeared. Well, I had been in there when I woke up in the middle of the night because of nightmares. But I never touched any of the things there was in there. My nightmares were always about her, and she died in front of me in every single one of them. "This is your room." I could see that she was surprised by the size of the room, and I get why. 

"This is so big. Why?" She asked me. Once again, I didn't know how to answer her question because how should I have known why Tony would make the bedrooms so big. "I actually don't know. It was Tony who designed the tower," I told her. 

I walked out of her room, leaving her alone so that she could sleep. I sat down in the living room where the others were. I looked around and saw that Shuri wasn't there. "Where is Shuri?" I asked them because it wasn't long ago since I saw her. "She is on her way back to Wakanda to get some more equipment." I thank Tony for the answer. I tried reading in my book, but I kept thinking about what had happened to Y/n since she thought we were the enemy. 

"Okay, Steve, spit it out. What are you thinking about? Because you are sucking a lot, and it drives me crazy," Tony said, slightly annoyed. I didn't actually think about anything because every time I thought I had found out what was wrong with her, I remembered that it probably wasn't that. "I think it is weird that Shuri didn't find anything when she scanned Y/n's head," I told them while putting my book beside me. 

"Don't think about it too much, Shuri will come back soon and make some more tests, and if nothing shows up, then you can worry your old brain." I rolled my eyes at Tony's last comment. Why does he keep making jokes about my age? It is really getting old. "Thanks, and I will just ignore the last part." Everyone began laughing. I didn't think it was that funny, but apparently, it was. 

We began doing our own thing again until it had been hours since we last spoke to each other. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost six pm. I then looked around and saw that Wanda and Vision were gone, and I thought they were probably out in the kitchen making dinner. Just as I had thought that I turned my head towards the elevator when I heard a ding coming from it. The door opened, and out came Shuri with a lot of equipment. I could recognize some of it because she used it on Bucky, but the rest was new to me, and it was probably because Y/n's brainwash was different.

"Broken white boy and Steve, come and help me set this up." I looked over at Bucky while laughing. It had been a long time since I had heard her call him that. 

We walked behind Shuri, and I couldn't stop laughing at his nickname. "Shut up, Steve, or do you want me to begin." I quickly stopped laughing at his nickname because I didn't want him to call me anything. "Can one of you get me the broken girl?" I told Shuri that I would, so I left them alone in the medical wing. 

I knocked on Y/n's room, but she didn't answer, so I chose to walk in. when I walked in, I saw that she was sleeping and figured that that was why she didn't answer me. I walked over to her, and I squatted down. "Y/n, it is time for you to wake up, Shuri is back, and we need to do some more testing," I told her while stroking her face with my hand. "5 minutes more, please," she said with her eyes closed. I began laughing. I had never seen her like this before, and it made me fall for her even more. 

"Sorry, but we really need to do this." 

"Fine," she said with a tired voice. She sat up and moved her legs so they were hanging out of the bed. 


A/N - The authors note

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I had a hard time writing this chapter because I lost my inspiration.

1105 words. 

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