Chapter 22

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I rushed over to her cell and opened it. I got down on my knees and placed her head on my lap. I couldn't stop feeling guilty for what we did, but now we know she is still in there. "I'm so sorry, Baby," I said to her unconscious body. I felt tears running down my cheeks. 

"Steve, I'm sorry, but..." I cut Tony off. "I know. We needed her back," I said while stroking her cheek with my hand. I removed the things from her hands so they weren't tied up any longer, and shortly after that, I removed the thing Tony placed on her neck. 

I didn't want to move her to the medical wing because I didn't know if she would wake up as herself or the one who wanna kill us and especially me. So I just kept sitting on the floor with her head on my lap until I knew she had woke up. I wasn't alone with her because I was still injured, so Tony said that Bucky and Nat needed to stay with me, so I had backup if something happened. 

I kept on stroking her hair until I saw her eyes open. She looked at me with a confused facial expression, which I didn't get why she had. She then got up on her feeds in a rush and headed to the corner of the cell, but she didn't look confused. No, this time, she was looking scared. "W-who are you guys?" She asked us. I felt my heart drop to the ground once more. "We're the Avengers," Nat told her while trying to move closer to Y/n. "No, stop. Don't hurt me!" She shouted at us with what looked like tears in her eyes. 

"Do you know who you are?" I asked her, hoping that there was a part of her that remembered her name. She shooked her head no. "Why can't I remember?" She asked us while slowly sitting down on the floor. I looked over at Nat and Bucky and nodded at them. Lucky for me, they knew what I meant, so they left me alone with her. "We don't know," I told her, which actually wasn't a lie. I tried moving closer, but she kept shouting that I should stop. She was scared, and I understood why. "I'm Steve, by the way." I had a big smile on my face to show her that I wasn't going to hurt her. Well, not again. 

She tried to form words, but she never said anything after I told her my name. "Who am I?" She asked me. "You are Y/n, and Avenger and my friend." I didn't want to say that she was my girlfriend because she didn't even know who she was, and if I said that I was her boyfriend, I just thought she would feel bad for not remembering us being together, but we were only together for one day, and it was the best day.  

"What is an Avenger?" I began laughing at her question, and I regretted doing it. "Sorry, it is just not normal hearing a person asks that question, but do you still wanna know?" She nodded, so. I began explaining everything to her about how we defeated Loki in New York and won against Ultron. She looked impressed but also worried about us when I told her that it is a dangerous job. "So, everyone has superpowers?" "No, not everyone." I began to explain how we all got where we are now, but I let something out because I didn't want her to know the personal stuff about each other that everyone should share with her when they get to the right moment. 

"Why didn't you jump out of the plane instead of crashing with it?"

"I don't know," I told her, which made her laugh a little. If I have had to be honest, I actually didn't think about jumping out of the training before someone asked me. "So, was I like your prisoner or something because this looks a little like a cell." I wanted to tell her,  yes, but I couldn't get myself to it because then she would begin wandering what she did, and then I had to tell her that we were together and I don't want to do that. "What, no, you were our friend. Do you wanna go up and meet them?" I asked her, hoping that she would say yes. 

She hummed while nodding yes. "Great, then let's go," I said while jumping up on my feed. I held my hand out for her to take it, which she did. It made me really happy that she felt safe enough around me to let me hold her hand. 

When we came to the others, I felt her holding my hand tighter as if she was scared or nervous. I really liked it because it reminded me of the day that she disappeared. "You don't have to tell us steve, Nat, and Bucky have already spared you that part," Tony said without thinking twice. There was quiet. None of us had said anything after what Tony said. "So, Y/n, can we maybe do some testing to see what happened to you?" Bruce asked, very polite. She looked up at me for permission. I nodded yes. "Okay, but what are you looking for?"

What were we looking for? God, that was an excellent question because I didn't want her to know that she, in some way, had been brainwashed, and we kind of tortured her until she lost her memory, which of course, was an accident. I wanted to see how they were going to get away with that. "Well, we don't know, but we need a brain scanning to see what happened." "So, is it you two that are going to do it, or is there going to come a professional to do it, so I don't die?" She said while pointing at Tony and Bruce. I liked how she still was herself even though she didn't remember. 

"What, those two, there is no way that I am going to let them touch my equipment. It is to advance for them." We all laughed.

"Thank you, Shuri. You are a lifesaver," I told her. "Yeah, yeah. Enough about that. I have a girl to check on." When Shuri tried to take her away from me, I felt her grip getting tighter, so I asked if she would like me to go with her, which from what I got from it, made her happy. 


A/N - The authors note

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