Chapter 8

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Steve's POV

"Shit!" I said after I hit Y/N too hard in the face. I slowly saw Y/N land on the floor. I got as fast as I could down on my knees to see if she was okay. "Y/N, can you hear me?" I asked while trying to find out if she was conscious. 

I knew she was getting tired because her hits were getting sloppy for every second that passed while we trained, but that didn't stop me, and I kept pushing her to the limited. I know that I can be rough to her, and now I know I had gone too far because she had just woken up from some coma or what she was in.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. call Tony and Bruce and say that they need to meet me in the hospital wing and say it is an emergency." "Already done, sir." I took her body in my arms and rushed to the hospital wing, where I laid her on the bed. 

"Why did you... what have you done?!" I heard Tony shout at me. "We were training, and she was getting tired, and I ended up accidentally hitting her in the face, and now she isn't waking up," I said while sitting on a chair next to the bed. I could feel Tony's anger towards me. I stood up from the chair and walked away so Tony and Bruce could concentrate in peace. I chose to walk to my room, take a bath, and change into some more comfortable clothing. 

After I had changed into some sweatpants and a white t-shirt, I walked Into the living room where I saw some of the other Avengers. I sat down on the sofa and opened my book so that I could read. But I didn't get to read that long before I heard Nat shout my name. I look around, and everyone in the living room had their eyes on me. Yes, I was scared because she used my whole name. 

I saw the anger in her eyes when she came into the living room. "What is it, nat?" I answered, scared of what she was going to say. "What have you done to Y/N? because last I checked, she was fine, and now she is unconscious and lying in the hospital wing." I look around and saw everyone's mad and scared faces on me. "We were just training," I answered without any emotions in my voice.

"You really think I would believe that you two were just training. God, Steve, she is unconscious, and you are saying that it was training. I don't believe that!" I had had enough of her yelling at me, so I snapped. "Nat, we were fucking training, but Y/N as the confused little child she is, couldn't handle some training after laying in her bed for some days. As I have said before, she isn't good enough to be on this team. And you just can..." I got cut off by Nat slapping me in the face. 

"What the hell!" I shouted. Now I was pissed because it wasn't my fault that she couldn't take a hit in the face, proving that she isn't cut out for this job. She is a child, and I am glad that she isn't going on any mission with us from now on. "You don't get to talk about her like that. She is just as useful as the rest of us. And you don't know what she has been through, so stop talking about her like you know everything there is to know." That was the last I heard nat say before we both left in different directions. 

Before I left, I took my book and went straight to my room to calm my nerves and be in peace so I could read. I walked into my room and got F.R.I.D.A.Y. to lock it and not open it for anyone. After F.R.I.D.A.Y. had locked the door, I threw the book at the wall because Nat had made me furious. The book hid a shelf, and stuff fell to the floor. "Shit," I said while I walked over to gather the things up. 

"Steve, open the door right now" I can remember that voice everywhere. It was Bucky, and with that, I opened the door. "What do you want, bucky?" I tried not to sound pissed at him. "What happened between you and Y/N?" I sat on my bed with my hands going through my hair, and then I  explained what we were doing. "And then I hit her in the head, and trust me, I didn't mean to do it that hard or even hit her in the head."

"Why didn't you tell Nat that instead of what you said to her?"

"Because I lost my temper at her." I looked at Bucky, who was trying to hold back his laughter. "What?" I said, trying to figure out why he was laughing. "Sorry, but we all saw that you lost your temper." And with those words, I put my face in my hands while looking down. "Can I ask you a question?" I looked him in the eyes and nodded. 

"What do you have against agent Y/L/N? And don't say what you have said to others because I know you too well." I knew I couldn't keep it a secret from him too long because he always knows when I am lying to him. "If I have to be honest, then my problem with her is that she can piss me off like nobody else can and some other stuff I don't want to talk about now." Bucky looked at me like he didn't believe me, but also like he knew that I was telling the truth. 

"Sir Barnes, agent Romanoff Is requesting you in the hospital wing." we heard F.R.I.D.A.Y. say. "Say I am on my way to her now," said Bucky before he left me on the bed alone. When he left, I began feeling bad for what I had done to Y/N and what I had said to Nat. 


A/N - The authors note

God, I had so much fun writing this chapter. You won't believe how many times I laughed. :)

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1018 words. 

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