Chapter 21

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Steve's POV

I walked out of the medical wing and headed down to the floor where we had our cells. 

When I came to the floor where we had the cells, I walked over to Y/N's cell to see her and try talking with her. "Y/N, what happened to you?" I asked her. She looked up from the floor and turned her head towards me. "Stop calling me fucking Y/N. That is not my name!" She yelled. She had never yelled at me like that. 

Why does she say that it isn't her name?

"But it is." I could see the anger on her face when I told her that. She then stood up from the bed and walked over to the glass where I was standing. "You are wrong!" She yelled while hamming her fist on the glass. "Please try to remember. You are my girl. Try to remember that," I told her, but she looked at me with disgust. "I would never be with someone who treated me like shit." I began feeling bad again for all of the things I had called her. 

"You forgave me, remember?" I tried to make her remember everything, but it was without luck. "Why would I ever forgive someone who took me away from my family!" She yelled at me. I didn't understand what she meant because we were her family. That was until I remembered.

Oh, god. She means The Red Hydra.

I rushed as fast as I could up to the floor where the others would be. When I came into the elevator, I told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to take me to the living room and make everyone be there too. 

When I came into the living room, I saw all of the Avengers waiting for me. "What are we doing here, Steve?" Tony asked, slightly annoyed with being there. "So, we all have got to the conclusion that she is brainwashed..." I started by saying. They all nodded. "So, I have just been down there, and I tried to talk to her. The only thing I got out of it was that she said that we took her from her family..." They all looked confused with what I just said. I would have done the same if it was one of them who was telling me. Well, I was also confused when Y/n told me that, so I get why they are confused. "Wait, does she think we are the bad guys here?" Wanda asked. I nodded. 

"We need to get her back," I said, and they all nodded. We began talking about what happened to her and how we could get her to remember us. I didn't really care for her to remember how much I loved her. That part wasn't important right now, but the thing that was, was for her to remember that we are her family. "Can't we send her to Wakanda as we did with James over there?" Tony asked. I had thought about it, but Bucky was gone a long time before we got him back, and I don't want to be away from her any longer, and we don't even know what they did to her.

"Tony, we can't just send her away. No offenses, Bucky. But we don't even know what happened to her. They could have brainwashed her in another way than they did with Bucky," I told them. I looked around and saw that they were all nodding. "It is okay, punk," he said with a smile on his face while holding tight around Nat's waist. "Okay, then let us all go down and talk with her together," Tony said while standing up. We all looked around before we followed Tony down to the cells. 

When we came to her cell, we saw her sitting on her bed staring at us with hate. I stood beside Tony and talked with him. "She says that her name isn't hers," I whispered to him before he could say anything to her. He nodded. "So, who do we have here?" He asked her, which made her facial expression switch from being a hateful one to a smirk. "No, one you will remember, Darling," she said while looking him dead in the eyes. I could see that Tony wasn't happy about that answer. "Steve here told me you call yourself black mamba. So can we know why?" I was confused over why he asked about that name. It wasn't that important. 

She told him no, which made him frustrated. "Come on, Shorty, we want you back." "Shut the fuck up, old man, don't think I wouldn't have killed you if I could," She said, harshed. I began questioning what she meant by killing him if she could because she was close to killing me, so what was the problem with him. "What do you mean?" I asked confused, by her choice of word. "As if I would ever tell you guys my orders," She said while pointing at us, which made us all look at each other like we had a form of an idea of what her mission was. 

"I guess your mission was to kill us, either that or you really just hate me," I said, which made everyone look at me with a little sadness in their eyes, but they weren't alone. "Actually, that was just a gift I wanted and got to do if I have to be honest. Throwing that knife at you was pure pleasure." I couldn't stop feeling more hurt about the words she said now than those she said a while ago. "I am just sad that I didn't get to finish my gift." I felt like my heart fell to the ground by her words. 

The next thing I knew was that Tony opened the door to her cell. "Tony, what are you going to do?" I asked while watching him put something on her neck after tiring her hands together. "Just gonna have a talk with her, where if she answers wrong, she will get a little shock." I thought it was wrong what he had planned, but we didn't have any choice, so I let it happened. 

For every flippant answer she gave him, he made the shock longer. Some shocks were worse than others, and I couldn't look at it when it happened, while some were gentle. "Last question, who are you?" I didn't know why he asked her that when we already knew who she was. "The death of the avengers, Darling," she answered with a smirk on her lips. The smirks on her lips slowly turned into a confused look when she saw all of us look away. 

I couldn't look at her when I knew what tony was going to do. I slowly heard the sound of her falling to the ground in pain. It broke me that I had no power to stop it. Well, I had the power, but I didn't have the strength now because of the step wounds. Her scream got higher and sounded more painful to hear until I heard something in her scream, which made me turn around. I saw tears in her eyes which made me think second of what we were doing. I was going to make Tony stop it until all of us now stood facing her by her choice of word. "...Steve, I need your..." That was the only thing she said before collapsing on the floor. 


A/N - The authors note

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I just want to say thank you to all of you who are reading my story. It means a lot to me.

1248 words. 

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