Chapter 36

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I had snuck into S.H.E.I.L.D.'s headquarters. Okay, they let me in. I guess it wasn't that hard to get in there. I just showed my id, and they basically bowed in front of me like if I was their queen. So I went into the room where all the fills were and began searching for any new kids. I then remembered that the little girl had never given me her name. "Please be here," I didn't say it too loud since I was scared someone would hear me.

"Help me," I heard the little girl's voice again. "Where do I need to look?" I asked since I had no idea where to begin. "In the computer." I looked around and saw a computer in the corner. I walked over to it. She began guiding me where I needed to go. Everything she said was right where it was. It was a little weird, but I didn't care.

I got into a folder where it said top secret, but I didn't know the code. "I need a code," I said, hoping that it wasn't too loud. She didn't answer. I began thinking about what the code could be. I remembered that Hydra had taught me to hack pretty damn well. Like, I literally hacked Tony.

I began hacking it, which went faster than I had thought. There were a lot of fills in it with a lot of names. I then saw a name I didn't know I would see there. It was my name. I clicked on it. It had everything about me; it was everything I didn't know about myself. I scroll down and saw two names where it said parents' name. I don't remember my family, but if this was true, then it meant that I had a brother. I printed it out and took it with me so I could read it in the tower.

I walked straight to my room and began reading about well myself. It was a little weird since I didn't know any of this, and when I had asked Fury or Nat, they said they knew nothing about me.

Had they been lying to me?

When I came to the end of the last page, I realized that it was all true. It was all true because, at the end of the page, Fury had written that no one and especially me, couldn't know. He and Nat had been lying to me. I felt betrayed. I trusted her. She was the first one I trusted. I took the pages in my hand and walked straight to the living room, hoping that everyone was there. And lucky for me, they were. But a person I didn't think would be there was Fury.

"Miss L/n, just the person I needed to talk to," Fury said. "Will you please tell all of us why you were snooping around at the headquarters?" I didn't know what to say. I looked at the pages in my hand and then at the team. "You lied to me," I mumbled. "What?" Nat asked me. "You said I could trust you. You said you didn't know anything about me. You lied." I had tears falling down my cheeks. "You know my parents' name." I looked over at Fury. "You knew I had a brother who is alive."

"This was classified, and now I know why." I laid the pages on the table for them to see. "I'm a fucking Stark." Fury didn't say anything. "How long have you known?" That was all he had to say. "A few minutes." I looked over at Tony, who was in shock. "My real fucking name is Y/n Stark. But you guys changed it to L/n and placed me in a foster home." Tony stood up from his seat and walked over to me. He stood in front of me and looked at me. "She's my sister?" He asked, and Fury nodded. I then felt Tony hugging me. I hugged him back.

"Why did you take her from me, and why don't I remember her?" Tony asked while holding me tightly. "After your parents died, we thought it was because Hydra was after her, so we took and made everyone who knew her forget about her. And that's why you ended in a foster home," Fury admitted. I really had a family. "But, Hydra had killed the people who were supposed to protect you, so we gave you to Hydra. We only found out a few months after when we couldn't find you."

I was kidnapped.

I was overwhelmed with all this new information. "How did you even know about the folder?" Fury asked me. "I was just trying to find something about Clint." Lie. "Is it that voice again?" Steve asked me. I didn't understand how, but he always knew when I was lying. "What voice?" Fury asked. He sounded a little angry. The team began explaining what happened two days ago. "She also has dreams about a guy telling her to choose a side," Steve said.

"What do you mean by choosing aside?"

"It says that Hydra is the right side to choose," I said very loud. I stopped hugging Tony, or rather my brother. I stepped away so that I could see them all. "You need to come with me. Now," Fury order. He walked closer to me, and I walked further away from him. "No." I looked at my hands and saw that they had a green color. They all began walking towards me when I used the training I had gotten from Hydra.

They stood all completely still. "Let us go," Fury ordered. "I can't. I promised to save her." I admitted to them. "I chose her." I looked at Steve. I ran off, hoping they wouldn't find me again. When I came out of the tower, I saw a few people standing in front of me. They weren't S.H.E.I.L.D.

A little girl was standing with them. "Y/n," she said, and I remembered that voice. That was the voice who had asked me to help her. She walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged her back. "We can keep you safe," she said. "Don't listen to her." I turned around and saw Fury and the others behind me. "You need to choose," a man said. It was the voice from my dreams.

"Y/n choose us. Choose me," Steve said. I could hear the pain in his voice. "I'm sorry," I said. I walked over to the people I guessed were Hydra. "They had only told me the truth," I said right before we disappeared.

I chose Hydra since they had given me so much. I knew that they were the bad guys, but they had told me the truth. I was home. They were my home. Yeah, they had tortured me, but they had given me powers, which was pretty cool. So I chose them. They were my new and old family and had always been.


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

Is this the ending? Nah, I'm just messing with you guys. <3

1174 words.

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