Chapter 50

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I woke up in the arms of the guy I love and care for, something I haven't done in a very long time. I have missed this, but I have missed him most of all. "How was your sleep?" I opened my eyes and saw that we were lying the same way as when I fell asleep. "Best one in a very long time." I snuggled closer to him even though that wasn't possible.

"Did you sleep?"

"No, I was scared that you would disappear." I looked him in the eyes and saw love coming from them again. "I won't leave again." My hand found his cheek and began caressing it. I moved my body further up, so I looked at his eyes better. He tried to make me stay the way we were lying, but I wanted to be closer to his face.

"I love your eyes." His arms were still around me, holding me tightly into his body. "I love you." I was shocked when he said those eight letters. He still loved me after all I had done toward him. "Y-You still love me?" I asked him with a stuttering voice. "I always have," he said while placing a kiss on my temple. "I love you too."

I saw water forming in his eyes, so I removed it with my hand. "Don't cry." He gripped my face with his hand and placed his lips on mine. I felt firework starting. I had missed the taste of his lips. He moved his body, so he was lying on top of me. Great, I'm once again at the bottom.

The feeling of his lips on mine disappeared when he started placing soft wet kisses on my neck. "Steve," I moaned out when he found my weak spot. His hands landed on my hips and held them in place while giving me lots of love bites. "There," He said while his lips were hovering over my neck. 

"Now, everyone will know that you are mine." I couldn't help but laugh. "Possessive much," I said. He looked me in my eyes while stroking back some of my hair. "You don't like it?" He asked me with a smirk on his face. Oh, he knew I loved it. "I love it." His lips found once again my swollen lips.

"Cut it off and get down and watch a movie with us!" I heard my brother while knocking on the door. "I still can't believe he is your brother." I began laughing.

"I heard that, Rogers!" Steve rolled his eyes before kissing me again. "Come, my love." Yes, please make me come, not the time, brain. He moved away from me and walked over to the wardrobe, where he found something new to were. That body! I got up from the bed and walked over to the door to wait for him.

I took his hand in mine, and we walked together out of his room.

"Do you think he will give you the talk?" I asked Steve. He looked at me weirdly as if he didn't know what I was talking about. "The 'if you hurt her, I will hurt you' talk." I saw Steve getting a little nervous when I mentioned it.

"God, he probably will," he said while having a hand on my cheek. "You wanna kiss me?" I asked him, and he nodded.


"Then kiss me, Captain." I saw his eyes turn dark blue right before his lips connected with mine. My back was pressed against the wall in the elevator.

"Steven Grant Rogers, move your hands away from my sister." I opened my eyes and saw that the elevator door was open, and the whole team was all looking at us. Shit, my brother used Steve's full name. This is gonna be fun. I looked at Steve, who stroked some of my hair behind my ear. "We will finish this later," he whispered in my ear.

God, and now I was blushing. Thanks for nothing! I slowly nodded before he moved away from me. I took his hand in mine and walked out of the elevator. We sat together on the couch until my brother sat between us. Okay, but what the fuck is his problem.

"Tony, I'm telling you this once, go sit over there," I said while pointing at the empty place on the other side of the table. "Yes, Tony, sit with me." I looked away from Tony and saw Pepper standing in front of us. He smiled at her and walked over to the other couch.

I moved closer to Steve, who held me tight. "No funny business, you two." I couldn't help but laugh. Tony was being so protective even though he hadn't been my brother for that long. "Bite me," Steve said. Well, this will be fun. "You really wanna fight me." My brother raised his voice. "Tony!" I yelled, and he stopped looking at Steve.

"Come on. He started-" I cut him off. "We both know that's a lie." My brother stopped looking at us and looked at the tv instead. Thank god. "My savior," Steve said before placing his lips in mine. How I love this boy. "Easy boy, there are kids in the room," I said while pointing at my brother.

Thor insisted that we should see tangled, so that was what we began to see. I didn't understand why he wanted to see that movie, but we did. The movie was good, trust me, it was just weird that he wanted to watch it. "Wait! I need my pop tarts!" Thor sprang up from his seat and ran to the kitchen. He began yelling. Why? We didn't know. "Everything will be okay; my pop tarts will be here any second." I facepalmed myself when he mentioned them. He was addicted to them.

We heard the elevator open and saw a blonde girl walking out of the elevator. She had a big box in her hand. "Are you the pop tarts lady?" Thor asked. "Yes, but I would rather have that you call me Angel," she said while giving the box to Thor. "How much?" He asked her, but she shocked her head no. "These are on me." How nice of her. "Why?" We were all waiting for her answer. Before she answered his question, she looked at her watch. "I'm sorry, I would love to chat with all of you, but unfortunately, I have a story to finish." she swirled her hands in the air and disappeared into thin air. How mystical.

"Do you think she will come back with more pop tarts?" Can't that boy think of anything else than pop tarts? "Sit down so we can watch the movie," I said with a firm voice. For a second, he looked scared of me.

He sat down and watched the movie.


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

There will be one last chapter. I hope you guys will love it. :)

Happy new year, everyone

1145 words.

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