Chapter 34

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Steve's pov

Unfortunately, we didn't find any cameras or speakers. I walked into Y/n's room to ask her if she wanted to watch a movie or do something else. I couldn't see her. Then I saw that her bathroom door was closed. "Y/N?" I said while knocking on the door. The door opened, and there she stood with wet hair dripping down on her shoulders. She had a towel around her body, but she still looked great.

"Steve, my eyes are up here," she said while laughing. Her laugh was one of the best things to hear. I walked closer to her and captured her lips with mine. "I need to change," she said while taken a few steps back and closing the door. I sat on her bed with a big smile on my face while waiting for her. She came out with one of my shirts on, and you could clearly see that it was too big for her. "Please tell me you have shorts under that shirt."

She lifted the shirt and showed me the black shorts she had under. "You look sexy in my shirt," I said while making her sit on my lap. "So I wasn't sexy in a wet towel?" She asked me with an innocent voice. "Don't do that," I said with a warning voice. "I don't understand what you mean, Captain." She sounded so innocent that it could kill me. I would die for her. I tightened my grip around her waist to show her that she shouldn't play with fire.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked. She nodded really eagerly. I moved her away from my lap and to the side, so we could lay down and watch a movie. I didn't care what we were going to see. I just wanted to have her in my arms. Her head was on my chest, and my left arm was holding her tight. "Can we watch Tangled?" I nodded, and I could see that she was happy that I wanted to watch a Disney movie with her.

I could see that she began getting sleepy when we were halfway into the movie. So I began caressing her back while humming so that she could fall asleep. I didn't have to do it for that long. I kept doing it even though she was sound asleep. She began snoring a little, but it was so cute. "Who are you," I heard her mumble. She didn't sound or looked scared, so I didn't do anything about it.

"I choose you," I heard her mumble. It reminded me of when she told me that a person in her dream said that she would choose the right side at one point. I knew that she had chosen our side since she told me. She then began moving a lot and making small noises in her sleep. I tried calming her by caressing her back even more. "Baby, it's okay." I saw a tear falling down her cheek, so I removed it. After a little while where I tried to wake her up, she finally did.

"Shh, it's okay," I assured her. She held me tighter than before, and I moved her, so she was lying with her whole body on top of me. "I feel safe with you," she said with a small smile on her lips. I tightened my grip around her, so she could feel that I wasn't going to let her go anytime soon. "I will always protect you."

She kept moving on my body, and I could feel her legs pressing on my dick, and with her moving, it didn't help. I just hoped she wouldn't feel it. "Baby," I breathe out. She is going to be the death of me. But, she kept moving, which meant that the bulb in my pants kept growing. "Fuck," I breathe out once more. "I'm sleeping. Keep quiet." I loved her voice when she was half asleep.

"You're not gonna sleep for long if you keep moving like that," I whispered loud enough for her to hear. Her eyes shot open. She looked at me with an innocent look. "I'm not falling for that." I stroke some of her behind her ear. "Want some help with that?" she asked while moving her leg on my dick. "No," I said with a caring voice. She looked surprised by my answer.

"I just thought..." I interrupted her. "I don't care about sex. I care about you." She began blushing and smiling like a lovestruck teenager. "Can we get some food?" She asked with the sweetest voice. "Of course, baby girl,"  I kissed her temple and moved her to the side. "No," she said while holding tightly around my stomach. "We need to get up from the bed if you wanna get some food." I tried moving her arms away from me, but she kept placing them around my stomach.

I gave up, and we just laid in bed for a few minutes. "Can't we call for pizza or something?" She asked with her face in my chest. "How would you get it to the room?" I said while laughing. "Well, Tony would do anything for sex." I gave her a mad look. If he touches one hair on her body, then there is going to be a war. She began laughing. "That's not even funny." She kissed my cheek.

"A little." She sat on top of me. "No," I said while having my hands on her hips. She leaned down and whispered, "fuck me, Captain." She had a grin on her face. "No." I took her off of me and sat up. "No?" She sounded so confused, and it was so cute. "No." She folded her arms in front of her chest and gave me an angry look.

"I don't fuck you." I took and placed my hand on her cheek. "I make love to you." I kissed her lips, and she blushed. "I'm ready for food," she said while jumping out of bed. I laughed, and we left her room. She looked so happy, and that was all I wanted her to be. I didn't care about sex with her. I care about her being happy. If she is happy, then I'm so glad.


A/N - The authors note

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He's happy.

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