Chapter 32

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TW: Smut. Sorry for the long wait. It had just been hard for me to write this chapter. I hope you all will like this. It's my first time writing a sex chapter. 

He kissed me like he hadn't kissed me in forever, and I kissed him back. Then, we stopped kissing, so he could remove my shirt, and I could remove his. Our lips connected like two magnets. My hands moved up to his hair. His hand moved down to my waist and held tight around me. I got goosebumps every time his hands moved on my back. 

His hand wandered up to my bra and opened it. Then, he removed it in one fast move. Next, his lips were removed from my lips and placed on my neck. I felt him sucking on my skin, which meant he would leave some hickeys, but I didn't care. I moaned when he found my sweet spot, which made me even wetter than I was before. 

His lips traveled further down until he was kissing and sucking on my breasts. "Please, Steve," I said while breathing heavily. "Please, what?" He had his stupid grin on. "Please fuck me." And just like that, his eyes turned darker than they already were. He pushed me to the side, so I was lying on the bed, and he was lying on top of me. 

He slowly placed kisses down my body until he came to my shorts. Then, he removed them in one switch move. The kisses were now placed on my inner thigh and moved up to my panties. "Baby girl, you are soaking wet," he said while trading a finger over my panties. I felt him rip off my panties, so they were broken. "Hey, I loved those," I sat up and said. He pushed me down again. "I will buy you some new once, but for now, I need you to lay still. Okay?"

I nodded. "I need an answer," his voice was so getting more demanding. "Yes." "Yes, what?" I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Yes, daddy." "Good girl." I felt my pussy getting wetter just from that sentence. "Oh my, is all this for me?" He asked me while touching my slit with one of his fingers. "Yes, daddy."  I felt his finger drawing circles on my clit while one of his other fingers moved up and down on my slit. Then, he began sucking on my clit, and I started moaning. I was so glad that Tony had made all the rooms soundproof. Otherwise, this would be very awkward. 

The feeling of his mouth on my clit disappeared right before I heard the sound of his pants dropping on the floor. I looked at him, and he was standing naked in front of me. And damn, he was big. Like I had always thought he was big, but I never thought I would see it. But now, I get to see and feel it. God, I'm lucky. 

He crawled on top of me so that I could feel his dick on my clit. Then, he kissed me, and I deepened the kiss. My hands slipped around his neck and his hands on my waist. "You ready?" He asked me after he had stopped kissing me. "Yes." He removed his hand from my waist and placed it on his dick.

He slowly put his dick inside me so that it wouldn't hurt. I had to stretch a lot for his size to fit inside me. We waited for a little when he was entirely inside me so that I was truly stretch enough so that there would only come pleasure instead of pain. Then, he began thrusting into me, and it felt amazing. 

Our lips found each other again while he was thrusting into me. Moans slipped out of my mouth like a symphony, and the feeling of our bodies touching was terrific. "Fuck, Steve," I let out when he began going faster. "God, I love it when you say my name like that," he said after he had groaned. 

One of his hands moved down to my clit and began circling it, which made me moan even more than I did before. I could feel the knot in my stomach. "God, babe, do that again," he said.  My walls had begun closing together, and he had felt it on his dick. "Steve, I'm gonna..." "I know, baby, me too."

The knot in my stomach untangled, and I screamed out his name. He kept thrusting into me, which made my orgasm last longer. His thrusts began being sloppy until he came inside me. The feeling of him coming inside me felt so good. He pulled himself out of me and laid beside me. We were both out of breath. "That was..." "Amazing," I interrupted him. "Yeah." 

I still couldn't believe that I had just had sex with Captain America. It was all so unreal, but still so good. "Where are you going?" I asked him when he stood up from the bed. "To the toilet so that I can clean my girl." Being his girlfriend was the best thing ever. 

He had a towel in his hand when he came back. "open your legs, baby girl," he said with a demanding voice. I did as he said. He sat between my legs and cleaned me. When he brushed over my clit I gasped. "Oh, you already ready for round two?" He asked with a grin on his face. "W-What?" I knew I couldn't take a round number two because then I wouldn't be able to walk straight tomorrow. "I'm messing with you." I took one of the pillows there was beside me and threw it at him. 

He caught it and finished cleaning me up. Then, he put the towel on the floor and crawled over to me, so he was lying beside me. I got closer to him and put my head on his chest, so I was cuddling with him. Our bodies were lying naked against each other again, but without the sex. He made circles on my back which made me feel relax and sleepy. 

"Go to sleep, baby." I nodded and snuggled more into him. His body was so warm. I could hear that his heart was beating in a relaxing tempo which was all I needed before I fell asleep. 


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

Well, this was a little awkward to write. 

1033 words.

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