Chapter 35

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Y/n's pov

I sat at the dining table, waiting for my food. Steve had insisted on making me food even though I told him I could make it myself. I couldn't stop looking at his booty when I got the change. It was thicker than mine, which was a bummer. But it made him so sexy. Sometimes I just wanted to slap it.

Maybe I should...

He was the best. If I haven't said it before, then I'm saying it now. I stood up from my chair and walked over to him. I stood behind him and looked at his round booty. I slapped it. He turned around, and I had a grin on my face. "What was that for?" he asked while hugging me. "I just like your ass," I said while laughing.

"I like yours too," he said while Squeezing it. "The food," I said while removing his hands from my ass. Before he could get a hold of me again, I ran over and sat on my chair. "You are lucky that I'm not running after you," he said with a big smile on his face. He turned around and finished the food.

"Here you go, princess." He placed a plate with food in front of me. "Thank you." There was eggs, bacon, bread with chocolate on it and some fruit. It all looked terrific. A slight moan escaped out of my mouth when I began eating the eggs. "If you gonna start doing that, then we are moving to the bedroom," Steve said with darkened eyes. I began eating again.

After some time, we were both finished eating the food. "It tasted incredible. Thank you," I said while walking over with my plate so that it could come in the dishwasher. "Not as incredible as you, my love," he whispered in my ear. I began blushing like a crazy person. I love him with all my heart. "Can we go up and take a nap?" I asked him. "Only if I can use your breasts as a pillow." I nodded.

We walked into his room and laid down on the back. I didn't think that he wanted to use my breasts as a pillow, but he did, and it was cute. Soon after, I heard that his breathing was heavier, and that was when I knew he was sound asleep. I carefully removed myself from him without waking him. Then, I listed out of his room and walked into mine.

When I had locked my door, I walked into the bathroom and locked that door too. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes. "Are you here?" I asked. "Yes," the little girl's voice said. "Help me, please," she said, just like last time. "I will, but they won't let me." I wanted to help the little girl who kept talking to me.

"Find me, please." I could hear in her voice that she was scared. "I will. I promise," I assured her with all my heart. "But you need to tell me where you are." I couldn't find a girl. I didn't know who she was or where she was. "I can't; they are listening." I was confused. Who were they, and how were they listening? "Please tell me where I need to look so I can help you," I begged her.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.," she said. I began asking her what she meant, but I didn't get an answer. I unlocked my door and walked back into my bedroom. I sat on my bed with my face in my hands.

What did she mean about S.H.I.E.L.D.?

I shocked my head and walked back into her with my boyfriend. I laid down, so my head was on his chest. He's a big boy; he could take it. I wanted to find her so that she could be safe. I just needed to know who had her. And now I had a lead.

~~~~~~~~ Some time after ~~~~~~~~

I woke up to the feeling of Steve playing with my hair. I hugged him tightly. "How was your sleep, my angel?" I blushed by the name he called me. "Good, what about you?" He kissed the top of my head. "Perfect." He kept playing with my hair, and I thought it was cute. "How long did we sleep?" I asked him since I had no idea what time it was. "We slept the day away." I didn't care about that. I only cared about him being next to me. I couldn't stop thinking about what the girl had told me. 

Did S.H.I.E.L.D. have something to do with it? 

"What are you thinking of?" I looked at Steve, and I didn't know what to say.  "You." He kissed my temple. I needed to find a way to get into S.H.E.I.L.D.s headquarters without them questioning it. "Are you hungry?" He asked me. I nodded. I wasn't really hungry, but it would give me some time to think about how I could get into S.H.E.I.L.D. He kissed my forehead and left the room. 

I began thinking about excuses to go to the headquarters and snoop around without it being suspicious. 

I could say that I was trying to find Fury's office, but I have been there so many times, so that wouldn't work. 

Well, I could also hack the place and sneak in without anyone noticing me, but that would be pretty damn hard, just like steve's dick. But they would probably know that they were getting hacked before I would be close to finishing hacking them. 

After a little while, I had come up with a plan, it wasn't perfect, but it was what I had to go with. Unfortunately, I also didn't have enough time to think of a different strategy since Steve came into the room with food. "Here you go, princess." He gave me my food while kissing my forehead. "Thank you." I moaned a little when I tasted the hot pancakes. "Do I really need to warn you again?" I laughed. 

I moaned again, but this time, it was on purpose. "Hey," I said when he took my plate away from me. "I did warn you." I couldn't stop laughing. "I don't recall that, Captain," I said in a seducing voice. He smashed our lips together, and we began kissing passionately. 


A/N - The authors note

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I'm sorry for the wait, but I'm feeling happier. Ohh, and I met a boy...

1054 words. 

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