Chapter 10

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After Nat left, I tried to sleep, but I wasn't tired, so I just laid down on the bed and looked at my phone. I then began hearing Nat yelling at someone, and I knew it was Steve that she was mad at, so I guessed that she was yelling at him. I was actually glad that she did it because I didn't have the courage to do it.

The yelling stopped, and I was glad about that. I was glad because that meant that maybe everything was fine and no one got hurt. The next I heard was a knocking on the door. I looked up from my phone to see who it was. I hoped it was Nat, but I wasn't that lucky. It was Steve. "Can I come in?" He asked me. I didn't know what to do or say, so I chose to nod. 

He walked over to the bed I was lying in and sat beside it on the chair Nat sat in before. He kept switching between looking at the floor and looking at me. I felt weird because we had never been alone in a room without one of us screaming at each other. The silence kept going on until he finally opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry," he said with the caring voice I heard the night I dropped the glass on the floor. I would lie if I said that I hadn't missed it. I loved hearing his voice. It was music to my ears. He looked down while waiting on my answer. "It is okay. I should have said that I was getting tired." His head flew up when I told him that it was okay. I could see he was surprised by my answer.

"No, it is not." I never thought of Steve as one who would ever apologize to me, but he actually did. I began to sit up because I was tired of lying down. Once again, he switched between looking at me and the floor. I felt awkward because none of us said anything. After some time, I got bored of sitting in this hospital bed, so I chose to stand up. 

"I think I will go to my room now," I said right before I stood on the floor, which made Steve stand up quickly. When I tried to stand up, I could feel that I was a little light-headed. Everything began twirling around, which made it hard for me to stand up. I was about to fall when Steve caught me. It felt like I was in a fairy tale when I looked into his ocean blue eyes. "Here, let me at least help you to your room." I nodded. I was glad that he cared about me right now and that we weren't fighting, but I couldn't stop thinking that he was forced to do it.

We walked past everyone in the living room, and they looked weird at us. I do understand them because it is unusual for them to see Steve being nice to me. It was also a little weird for me, but I like it, and maybe more than I probably should. After a little while, we finally came to my room. We walked over to my bed, and we sat on it, next to each other. 

We had been sitting down without talking to each other for a while until he opened his mouth again. "You should probably lay down." I looked at him, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at the floor, but what had I expected. 

He was probably only nice to me because they had told him to or threatened him. 

"Yeah," I said while moving, so my feet were lying on the bed, but I was still sitting up in the bed. 

"I will leave you now," he said while I was putting the blanket over me. I didn't say a word. I only nodded because I didn't know what to answer. He stood up from the bed and walked over to the door, but when his hand was touching the doorknob, I stopped him. "Thank you, and I'm sorry." I didn't know if it was my imagination or if it actually happened, but he smiled at me. Like he gave me a real smile. "For what?" He asked.

He removed his hand from the doorknob and walked back to my bed. "For helping me get to my room, and I am sorry for how I am," I said so he knew that I was truly sorry. I really didn't want to be enemies anymore. I wanted to be friends, and every friendship starts with being honest. I think. He then sat down on the bed but closer to me than he did before. "You don't have to be sorry..." He answered me. He stopped when he looked into my eyes. 

"I have to be honest with you..." We kept looking into each other eyes. I felt a little weird because we had never look at each other for this long without being in an argument. "Okay..." I answered him back. "You are not the worst person to be in a room with..." I smiled at his sentence. I never thought that he would compliment me. 

"Then who is?" I asked, curious about who he thought was worse than me. "Hydra..." I laughed at his answer, which made him smile. "What?" I answered while I laughed. I pushed to his shoulder, so he knew that I actually thought it was funny and that I didn't make a false laugh. I wanted to know why he was smiling at me like that. "I never noticed how cute your laugh is," he said. My face then began turning a bright red color, like I was probably more red than Red Skull, which is a lot. We kept looking at each other without breaking eye contact, but unfortunately, that ended fast when someone burst into my room.

"N/N, are you in... oh..." Steve moved away from me, and our eye contact broke. "Yes, I am Nat," I said. "I should leave," he said and stood up again from the bed and walked out of the door past Nat. 

Why didn't he stay?

Nat closed the door and walked over to my bed with a smirk on her face. She then sat down. "So, what happened in here" She winked. I then put my face in my hands out of embarrassment. "Nothing..." She didn't believe me. "He kinda gave me two compliments" I removed my hands from my face and saw Nat in shock. "Wait, scroll back, explain how and with details!" She said, excited and overwhelmed. 

I then began explaining what happened in the hospital bed to him, and I just staring at each other. "...But I really don't know what just happened," I said as the last thing. "Well, I already know that you like him, but I also think that he likes you" I began laughing at her answer. "He likes me, good joke. Remember, he hates me."


A/N - The authors note

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1187 words. 

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