Chapter 5

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I woke up with a heading, but I can't remember why and what happened yesterday. I looked at my phone to see what the time was.

Ohh fuck, the clock is almost five pm. That means I have slept almost 24 hours.

I can't remember what happened after Nat walked out to make me some food. But I remember that I walked over to my bed and sat on it, but after that, everything went black. 

What the fuck had happened to me last night? Was I drugged?

I stood up and changed my clothes. I took some black skinny jeans and a blue hoodie on. I felt comfy. I walked out of my room and closed my door. I always closed it because I didn't want anyone snooping around in my room. When I came down to the living room, everyone was staring at me. All this attention on me felt weird. 

"Hey, guys..." I said shyly. "OMG, Y/N, you are awake. How are you feeling?" Nat ran over to me and hugged me, so I almost couldn't breathe. "Nat...need...air..." She stopped hugging me, and I could finally breathe. "Sorry about that," she looked thrilled to see me. Now I really wanted to know what happened to me yesterday. "Nat, What happened yesterday?"

She took me to another room and told me I had one of those panic attacks again, and she also said she didn't know what had triggered them to come back. "...And if Steve hadn't seen you, then..." 

"Steve found me..." Shit, that was supposed to be secret. "Yeah, he actually had this anxious look on his face when he told me." "Did you tell them what happened?" I really didn't want them to see me this weak, and I wasn't ready to tell them my story. "of course not, I just said you hid your head and passed out. but..." 

Ohh, no, what does she mean by but? there are not supposed to be a but

"I don't think that Steve believed me because he saw you in your room..." Well, I don't really care that he saw me in my room because he doesn't care about me. So I do not worry about what he thinks, as long as he keeps his mouth shut. 

"Do you think he will keep his mouth shut..?" She looked at me with her serious face. "Yes, I actually think he will." We walked back to the others. There was an awkward silence when we came in. You could once again hear a needle fall to the ground. That is how silent there is. But it stopped soon by Tony's voice. 

"So... are we just gonna ignore the fact that she had a panic attack yesterday and that you tried covering it up?" I could kill him right here and now. I looked at Nat. She was pissed at Tony. We all just looked at him. "I...di-did-didn't...have a..." Nat cut me off.

"Tony, you just don't know when you should shut up!" Tony looked scared when Nat began walking over to him. They began to shout at each other. It made my head hurt, but I shook it off me. I was on my way over to stop them when I began feeling dizzy, and then everything around me began spinning. And just like that, everything went black.

Nat's pov 

"Nat..!" I looked over at Wanda while I asked her what she wanted before I killed Tony. "Y/N is just standing still and mumbling some words and shaking a little..." 

Shit not again

I ran over to her and laid her down on the floor so she wouldn't fall and get hurt. "What is going on? Tell us now." Can Tony just shut up for five minutes? "If you don't shut up right now, Tony, then this will get much worse." I could feel that everyone was worried about Y/N. I can't stop feeling guilty for what happened. I knew I should have had my eyes on her more today. It is typical for her to fall back one or two days after. "shhh...I'm right here, Y/N. No one is ever gonna lay a hand on you again. I will protect you no matter what. Shhh"

I took her in my arms and took her to her room, where I laid her in the bed. I Care a lot about her. She has become family to me. We were like sisters, right from when I saved her. I remember the day I found her as if it were yesterday.

Flashback - S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Hey, how are you doing?" She looked at me with a scared look in her eyes. She didn't answer me. I reached out my hand to comfort her, but she wouldn't let me touch her. I don't know why she wouldn't let me touch her. I then looked at her body to see if there was a reason, and then I saw it. 

She has bruises all over her body. Who would ever do something like that to a girl like her?
"I know you don't trust me right now, but I promise you I'm only here to protect you. When you are ready, you can talk. I will not pressure you." I smiled at her and walked away. 

~~~~~~~~A little flashback time skip~~~~~~~~

I walked daily into her room to see how she is because that was my order from Fury, but it didn't feel like an order because I would do it voluntarily. Every time I walk into her room, I see her stare into thin air with a dead look in her eyes. I hate to see her like this. She shouldn't have been through something that traumatic. No one should. 

When I came into her room, I saw her looking into thin air and with the same dead look in her eyes that she has had for a while now. "I come in peace," I said while putting her food on her table. She still hadn't said a word to me. I understand her. If it has been me, I wouldn't either. I walk out of the room so she could eat alone, but then I hurt something and turned around.

"Can I really trust you...?"

"Of course you can." I'm glad that she finally talked to me. "Will you tell me what happened to you, or do you need more time?" I asked her. I took it slow because she has finally talked to me. "..." "It's okay, you don't have to tell me anything."

"...Can you promise me not to tell anyone and keep it between us... I don't want anyone to know." I could see that it was a hard subject for her to talk about, so of course, I would keep her secret. "I promise, but Fury needs to know. He will keep it a secret, and if he doesn't, you get to kick his ass." As I finished my sentence, I could hear her laugh, and she smiled. That made me really happy. I haven't heard or seen her laugh or even smile while she has been here. She opened her mouth and began talking.

"So... It all started when I was..."


A/N - The authors note

Sorry but not sorry :) It is not that good, so I'm sorry.

1203 words, god damn, that is a lot. I really hope you guys like it.

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