Chapter 41

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Nat's pov

I walked into the meeting room where everyone was. "Why are we here?" No one answered me. I guessed they didn't know either. "We are here to talk about how you guys are communicating with Hydra," Fury said while walking into the room. "Steve gave us her location, but someone tipped them off, and they moved before we could get there." I didn't understand how Steve could do that to her. "How could you!" I said with an angry tone while slamming my hands down on the table. 

"Shut it, Romanoff, we all know you did it," Fury said. If I had done it, then I would have taken the blame, but I hadn't. "What proves do you have?" I asked since they needed to have some to blame it all on me. "She's like your sister; you will do anything for her," Steve said. The last time I heard him with such an angry tone was when he tried to hide his love for Y/n. 

"You don't have to be a fucking dick, just because she fucked someone else." I turned my head to my left and looked over at Wanda. I guess she could remember his angry tone too. "I don't fucking care about her." It was obvious that he was mad at himself for letting her leave. "Fucking bullshit," me and Wanda both said. 

"I did it." We all turn our heads towards Tony. "You did what!" Fury yelled at him. "I told them because you guys aren't sending my baby sister to the fucking raft." I understood why he did it. She was his family, and he wanted to protect her. "You didn't even know about her before she left," Steve said with a laugh in his voice. "And who's fault is that!" Tony shouted at Fury and Steve. 

After hearing them shouting at each other for a while, I had had enough. "Shut up!" I yelled, and they all looked at me. "She hasn't done any harm since she left us, so let her be happy," I said, and Tony nodded at me. "I give her one week, and then we will capture her. Dead or alive," fury said before leaving us alone. 

Did he fucking say that he was going to kill her?

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. "He is going to let them kill her," I said while sitting down in shock. "Over my dead body." We all looked shocked by what Fury had just said. "Don't you have anything to say?" I asked Steve, who had been awfully quiet. "What am I supose to say? That she fucking broke me, but that I will still kill Fury if he kills her?" He said with sadness in his voice. I was going to comfort him, but he left the room before I could go over to him. 

"What are we gonna do?" I asked them. "I don't know," Tony said. We sat for hours to come up with a plan to save her. "She would have come up with something by now," Wanda said with a sad voice. We all knew that she meant Y/n because she was good at that. "But it was always some crazy stuff." We all began laughing at the thought of all the stuff she wanted us to do. 

I missed her every day. I didn't show it to anyone except for Bucky, but for all the others, then I was cold. I only showed my feelings when I was going to sleep. I loved him; he took care of me when I was down. "Babe, let's go," Bucky whispered in my ear, and I nodded. The closer we got to his room, the closer I felt the pain in my chest. It was like losing a sister and a best friend at once. 

I laid myself on the bed and broke down. I felt Bucky's arms around me. I felt safe when he spooned me. "He can't kill her," I said with tears falling down my cheeks. "I won't let that happen." I turned around and laid my head on his chest. "It's my fault." He began stroking my back. It was soothing. "No, it isn't." I wanted to believe him, but it was hard. 

We ended up lying in bed and cuddling while we listened to what we each had to say. It was all I needed at that moment. "You know, you aren't sta scary when you are cuddling me," he said while laughing. "I have a knife on me." I looked at him, and he wasn't scared. Instead, he looked at me with love and only love. "I believe that." he kissed my temple. 

Bucky had always been there when I was sleeping since she left us. I guess he knew that I would stay up all night and blame myself. I didn't even know if he actually slept, which I felt bad for. I didn't want to be the reason for his lack of sleep, but I was grateful for what he did for me. "Thank you for always being here," I told him the truth.

"It's my pleasure to make you feel good, my queen." I could hear that his words came directly from his heart. "God, James. You had to make it sound dirty," I said, laughing. "Doll, you know what it does to me when you call me that." 

I knew that when I called him James, then it made him horny. I never understood why, but it was something only I could do. "I know, James." I looked at him, and he had a grin on his face. "One more time, and you can't walk tomorrow." His dominating side what a plus to all the many things I loved about him. "Is that a challenge, James?" I asked him. His eyes were now filled with love and lust. He shifted, so he was now lying on top of me. "Doll, you only have to say one sentence, and I will make you see stars."

I knew exactly what sentences he was talking about. "Please feel me, Sargent James Barnes," I said with an innocent voice. "Everything for you, my queen." He was the best boyfriend and the sweetest guy. 


A/N - The authors note

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I'm done with boys.

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